thank-goodness -its -thursday. rough week. feeling kinda pukey, really kinda pukey. heart pounding. heart and tummy, you stop it.
i miss you chamille :(
yea, im ready for a new userpic. one showcasing the new do.
p.s. anyone need their hair done? color, cut? i could do an excellent job... i am ze artist.
Lilho's Journal
My Podcast Link
12/02/2004 13:25 #26074
tgit12/01/2004 04:00 #26073
hey southernyankee, [size=m]"dance, too much booty in the pants!"[/size] I've been singing this song in my head all day, and it make me thin of you. miss you.
id like to know about a sleeping aid as well, help. :(
id like to know about a sleeping aid as well, help. :(
11/29/2004 06:04 #26072
4:54,and still no sign of sleep. haven't really slept in a long time, but i just can't .
i want to wake up and feel ok. understand what is going. have something about this all make sense. have my memory erased and feel ok. take back everything these last 8 months and regain my sense of self.
the least i deserve is the truth, not some petty excuse or accusation. but im not going to search anymore for something that wants to remain untold.
i shall just remain so sad until it slowly fades; think about going home; and make myself a priority.
its just so strange that the person i knew so well, turns out to be, no one at all... and somehow it can only make me sad. no anger, just tears, because im trying to fall out of love.
i want to wake up and feel ok. understand what is going. have something about this all make sense. have my memory erased and feel ok. take back everything these last 8 months and regain my sense of self.
the least i deserve is the truth, not some petty excuse or accusation. but im not going to search anymore for something that wants to remain untold.
i shall just remain so sad until it slowly fades; think about going home; and make myself a priority.
its just so strange that the person i knew so well, turns out to be, no one at all... and somehow it can only make me sad. no anger, just tears, because im trying to fall out of love.
11/28/2004 16:18 #26071
well,happy breakup day. i hope everyone else feels just as shitty as i do now! :)
11/27/2004 21:30 #26070
all that stuffi read a headline in the news today. apparently, people were waiting at target at 345 am, to get the early bird specials yesterday. what is wrong with people?
stuuf or sleep? I'll take sleep anyday. i bet they don't need any of that anyways. this nation's obsession with possessions has gotten totally out of control. we are too busy and or lazy to ignore pointless material possessions and pay attention to what really matters; human interaction.
peupty pooty pants :(

down with the mall.
stuuf or sleep? I'll take sleep anyday. i bet they don't need any of that anyways. this nation's obsession with possessions has gotten totally out of control. we are too busy and or lazy to ignore pointless material possessions and pay attention to what really matters; human interaction.
peupty pooty pants :(

down with the mall.