1. don't ever ever grocery shop or cook, only eat when you absolutely have to. go to friends houses and raid their fridge.
2. live with five other people in a rooming house, in the ghetto.
3. don't ever empty the garbage in the kitchen, ever. just let the trash over flow and the the floor become and endless garbage can.(so not my fault, i don't even go in that room, scary, very scary.)
4. power outage evertime you try to dry your hair. then sit in the dark and wonder what to do.
5. windows w/o sotrm windows. cuddle under many blankies to stay warm.
6. keep all of your belonging in your room in fear that someone will use your toothpaste, tp, body wash, shampoo, razor.
i didn't think my new user pic looked so angry, i guess maybe it is, you'll have to deal for a while
spent two hours listening to xmas music with matt and terry. don't really like the holiday, the music is great though.
(e:matthew) is the dj. matt, you move me with your music.
i want to live in the bay area too!