this is more like it! can you hear the music? i can and it sounds good n nice.
i ate the worst chinese food of my life. i took some bites and then moved on to the beers...always satifsying.
i hope all the elmwooders are having a stoned soul picnic, and thinking about how pretty the site looks!
Lilho's Journal
My Podcast Link
03/14/2004 01:20 #25916
stoned soul picnic03/14/2004 00:52 #25915
friends dont let friends get drunkWow. i just read my last journal entry, which, by the way; I have no memory of. It is quite funny, and really stupid. Oh the joy of getting plastered.
There are too kinds of drunk. The first involves consuming yummy(special) beverages with yummy(special) people. The second involves getting plastered with boys who are trying to get some play, or ignorant people who can't even cook a piece or chicken. The latter or the two groups of people should be avoided at all costs when drinking.
This is all you need to know have a happy(special) the next time you enjoy a cocktail.
My house is officially for sale. Goodbye Buffalo, you were good to me, I think.
ST. PATRICK'S DAY IS SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There are too kinds of drunk. The first involves consuming yummy(special) beverages with yummy(special) people. The second involves getting plastered with boys who are trying to get some play, or ignorant people who can't even cook a piece or chicken. The latter or the two groups of people should be avoided at all costs when drinking.
This is all you need to know have a happy(special) the next time you enjoy a cocktail.
My house is officially for sale. Goodbye Buffalo, you were good to me, I think.
ST. PATRICK'S DAY IS SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!
03/13/2004 06:53 #25914
cell phone should be illegal for drunksoh dear, once again, i have made the drunken phone call. the one that involves a former lover or such, and angry talk, and blaming, and all that shit. do i even care? apparently i do when i am drunk. at least, I didn't fall asleep during the call. and as least i am the cuter one with way sexier, glossy lips. even more cause to have way glosssier lips when i see this one in the future.
tonight was fun, full of liquor and talk and nice boys who want to please me. not in a dirt way. but, in a way that they give me nice backrubs and stuff like that. i am done with kissing and all that stuff. it is bull, i am done. boys are toys, and i wantto have fun. but only if you have big lips, ohterwise, it feels like kissing a chin, or the end of a nose.
i apologize to hodown, who happens to be the older sis. but really jess, when you have the dsl, you have to have a boy with big lips. am i wrong? i don't have a boy, but if i did, and of the ones i have kinda, none of the lips are good enough. i shall continue in my search.
p.s. my cousin is in jail, how fun.
tonight was fun, full of liquor and talk and nice boys who want to please me. not in a dirt way. but, in a way that they give me nice backrubs and stuff like that. i am done with kissing and all that stuff. it is bull, i am done. boys are toys, and i wantto have fun. but only if you have big lips, ohterwise, it feels like kissing a chin, or the end of a nose.
i apologize to hodown, who happens to be the older sis. but really jess, when you have the dsl, you have to have a boy with big lips. am i wrong? i don't have a boy, but if i did, and of the ones i have kinda, none of the lips are good enough. i shall continue in my search.
p.s. my cousin is in jail, how fun.
03/11/2004 11:51 #25913
im just a girl that cant say nooh dear....
last night was one to remember. i went to mixers to meet rachel, and geoffrey. so, we was a chillin. tina was there too, of course. desi left for a while, and we got to play bartender. that was definitely a good time. playing bartender is way better than playing house! one of the purposes of this little gathering was so i could meet this "hottie" eric. well, me had to go to the movies or something like that...blah, blah ,blah.
we ended up at rachel's, and i answered geoffrey's phone when what's his face called. apparently he told mr. g(short for geoffrey) that he was "going to attack me like a wild animal", or something along those lines. uh, that's weird, i just met the dude. then we end up in desi's room, and he's all wanting to get busy in her bed. sorry fellows, i ain't easy like that. i just don't know. i kissed this boy, who i barely know. i don't wanna kiss boys who i barely know. i don't even know about boys anymore, i seem to not be feelin it lately. and the one i am kinda into, seems to be too shy.
lesson learned, mixers was fun. being pseudo bartender is great. geoffrey is so goddamn cute, why isn't he straight? rachel is fun. i officially have some new peeps to hang out with.
oh, and rachel said i can stay her place for three weeks, when desi will be outa town, how cool is that?
last night was one to remember. i went to mixers to meet rachel, and geoffrey. so, we was a chillin. tina was there too, of course. desi left for a while, and we got to play bartender. that was definitely a good time. playing bartender is way better than playing house! one of the purposes of this little gathering was so i could meet this "hottie" eric. well, me had to go to the movies or something like that...blah, blah ,blah.
we ended up at rachel's, and i answered geoffrey's phone when what's his face called. apparently he told mr. g(short for geoffrey) that he was "going to attack me like a wild animal", or something along those lines. uh, that's weird, i just met the dude. then we end up in desi's room, and he's all wanting to get busy in her bed. sorry fellows, i ain't easy like that. i just don't know. i kissed this boy, who i barely know. i don't wanna kiss boys who i barely know. i don't even know about boys anymore, i seem to not be feelin it lately. and the one i am kinda into, seems to be too shy.
lesson learned, mixers was fun. being pseudo bartender is great. geoffrey is so goddamn cute, why isn't he straight? rachel is fun. i officially have some new peeps to hang out with.
oh, and rachel said i can stay her place for three weeks, when desi will be outa town, how cool is that?
03/10/2004 14:44 #25912
somebody reads my journal, and emails meok, knowing that someone reads my journal makes me happy. it makes it even more fun, when people email you. it is fun. the same kind of fun that used to have while passing notes in class when the teacher's head was turned...oh to be young again. well, even younger than i am.
i want everyone to know that rachel is cool. she emailed me today, and we are gonna hang out. she has a boy for me to meet. my life has no excitement, so these are the things i look forward to.
i think that there needs to be a st. patty's day celebration, i want to meet more of the people of this site, who are you all? anyways, i plan on going to the parade, and drinking some fine beverages. whoever else thinks that would be fun should contact me. i am irish, even though i really just look kinda spanish.
and to all those that think you can boil down a banana peel and get high, you can't. on of my links is to an urban legands website, its pretty good for reading funny stuff when you want to waste time.
my newest music love is metric, so everyone download some of their stuff, i am lovin it. the sounds are pretty cool too!
the sun is out today, and that makes me happy. yay for sun! i think i am gonna go take some pics!
i want everyone to know that rachel is cool. she emailed me today, and we are gonna hang out. she has a boy for me to meet. my life has no excitement, so these are the things i look forward to.
i think that there needs to be a st. patty's day celebration, i want to meet more of the people of this site, who are you all? anyways, i plan on going to the parade, and drinking some fine beverages. whoever else thinks that would be fun should contact me. i am irish, even though i really just look kinda spanish.
and to all those that think you can boil down a banana peel and get high, you can't. on of my links is to an urban legands website, its pretty good for reading funny stuff when you want to waste time.
my newest music love is metric, so everyone download some of their stuff, i am lovin it. the sounds are pretty cool too!
the sun is out today, and that makes me happy. yay for sun! i think i am gonna go take some pics!