- jessica kim ho, i miss that girl like crazy. most of the time i just womder how much fun my life would be with her in it. she could be possibly the greatest person of my life that i never see or talk to anymore. jess, i shall visit soon ,or loose my mind trying.
- friends away at school, such as jpo, nikki, amy, julie(even though she has forgotten me), i miss you all, and i miss rusty and spending crazy times with him and maria
- i miss some realtives, the ones who aren't crazy, that only leaves a few
- i miss those crazy elmwood folk, matt, paul, terry and the like that i seem to not see as much lately
- i miss the boy that i love, who is great, who i have never met
why i don't write ever:
i fear i have nothing to say that would hold your interest, or anything that really matters in the big scheme of things. apparently, my life lacks substance. i need to just see my sister and get this horrible period over with
p.s. a shout out to all the dirty bastards of the world, i would like to order a dirty martini and throw it in your face. have a nice day!
if i didn't make this clear, i will go to great lengths to get to ny to see that crazy grand puba, maybe even become a stripper, as i was told this morning, it is where the money is. go figure. fuck college, just call me "candy ann ho".