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Lilho's Journal

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03/13/2004 06:53 #25914

cell phone should be illegal for drunks
oh dear, once again, i have made the drunken phone call. the one that involves a former lover or such, and angry talk, and blaming, and all that shit. do i even care? apparently i do when i am drunk. at least, I didn't fall asleep during the call. and as least i am the cuter one with way sexier, glossy lips. even more cause to have way glosssier lips when i see this one in the future.
tonight was fun, full of liquor and talk and nice boys who want to please me. not in a dirt way. but, in a way that they give me nice backrubs and stuff like that. i am done with kissing and all that stuff. it is bull, i am done. boys are toys, and i wantto have fun. but only if you have big lips, ohterwise, it feels like kissing a chin, or the end of a nose.
i apologize to hodown, who happens to be the older sis. but really jess, when you have the dsl, you have to have a boy with big lips. am i wrong? i don't have a boy, but if i did, and of the ones i have kinda, none of the lips are good enough. i shall continue in my search.

p.s. my cousin is in jail, how fun.

03/11/2004 11:51 #25913

im just a girl that cant say no
oh dear....

last night was one to remember. i went to mixers to meet rachel, and geoffrey. so, we was a chillin. tina was there too, of course. desi left for a while, and we got to play bartender. that was definitely a good time. playing bartender is way better than playing house! one of the purposes of this little gathering was so i could meet this "hottie" eric. well, me had to go to the movies or something like that...blah, blah ,blah.

we ended up at rachel's, and i answered geoffrey's phone when what's his face called. apparently he told mr. g(short for geoffrey) that he was "going to attack me like a wild animal", or something along those lines. uh, that's weird, i just met the dude. then we end up in desi's room, and he's all wanting to get busy in her bed. sorry fellows, i ain't easy like that. i just don't know. i kissed this boy, who i barely know. i don't wanna kiss boys who i barely know. i don't even know about boys anymore, i seem to not be feelin it lately. and the one i am kinda into, seems to be too shy.

lesson learned, mixers was fun. being pseudo bartender is great. geoffrey is so goddamn cute, why isn't he straight? rachel is fun. i officially have some new peeps to hang out with.

oh, and rachel said i can stay her place for three weeks, when desi will be outa town, how cool is that?

03/10/2004 14:44 #25912

somebody reads my journal, and emails me
ok, knowing that someone reads my journal makes me happy. it makes it even more fun, when people email you. it is fun. the same kind of fun that used to have while passing notes in class when the teacher's head was turned...oh to be young again. well, even younger than i am.
i want everyone to know that rachel is cool. she emailed me today, and we are gonna hang out. she has a boy for me to meet. my life has no excitement, so these are the things i look forward to.
i think that there needs to be a st. patty's day celebration, i want to meet more of the people of this site, who are you all? anyways, i plan on going to the parade, and drinking some fine beverages. whoever else thinks that would be fun should contact me. i am irish, even though i really just look kinda spanish.
and to all those that think you can boil down a banana peel and get high, you can't. on of my links is to an urban legands website, its pretty good for reading funny stuff when you want to waste time.
my newest music love is metric, so everyone download some of their stuff, i am lovin it. the sounds are pretty cool too!
the sun is out today, and that makes me happy. yay for sun! i think i am gonna go take some pics!

03/09/2004 15:40 #25911

doesnt anybody stay in one place anymore
oh boy. paul is a lucky one. he gets to go to ny and visit the greatest sister ever. she will cook for him, give him special treats, and if he is sad or homesick, she will cheer him up with a cup full of whipped cream. i want to go, however, this ho has obligations this weekend. i must consol a heartbroken one coming from toronto, house one who waits to go home to long island, and entertain the aunty, and spend special quality family times.

i have come to the conclusion that extanded family can just get annoying, especially when you see at least five a month and they stay at your house, and possibly in your room. there is something about people sleeping in my bed that i just don't like. i guess i never really learned how to share.

i do love my granny, and she is not doing so well. her heart is pumping like is used to, and she doesn't know. i need to be a better grandaughter.

i just read emily's journal, and what she said about what you wrtie having to do with who you are. i don't know how accurate of a reflection my journal can be of me. i think it is hard to say when you cannot see someone or hear their voice, but the journal thing is fun, does anyone ever read this?

03/07/2004 20:19 #25910

dirty martini, dirty bastard
people i miss:

  • jessica kim ho, i miss that girl like crazy. most of the time i just womder how much fun my life would be with her in it. she could be possibly the greatest person of my life that i never see or talk to anymore. jess, i shall visit soon ,or loose my mind trying.

  • friends away at school, such as jpo, nikki, amy, julie(even though she has forgotten me), i miss you all, and i miss rusty and spending crazy times with him and maria

  • i miss some realtives, the ones who aren't crazy, that only leaves a few

  • i miss those crazy elmwood folk, matt, paul, terry and the like that i seem to not see as much lately

  • i miss the boy that i love, who is great, who i have never met

why i don't write ever:
i fear i have nothing to say that would hold your interest, or anything that really matters in the big scheme of things. apparently, my life lacks substance. i need to just see my sister and get this horrible period over with

p.s. a shout out to all the dirty bastards of the world, i would like to order a dirty martini and throw it in your face. have a nice day!

if i didn't make this clear, i will go to great lengths to get to ny to see that crazy grand puba, maybe even become a stripper, as i was told this morning, it is where the money is. go figure. fuck college, just call me "candy ann ho".