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02/09/2004 14:57 #25905

nothing new...
i thought i should update, but i really have nothing new to say. i have been very good at doing nothing these past few weeks; years.
i do need help with something though... i have an interesting new art project, and i thought the site would be a great tool to use. the project deals with the idea of time, and how ideas and thoughts are percieved over time. i hae to correspond wit at least tne people via many forms of communication. the site is perfect for this. first, i must come up with a theme, but when i do, be expecting email from me!
i have been antisocial. sometimes, i think i just need to not be around people, they are distracting. however, i shall return to visit my boys this evening, they are always good for me.
you should should listen to the music on the radio, elmwood radio that is, i kinda like it. have a good day all.

02/05/2004 01:35 #25904

baby with two heads
i just saw this, and i think you should see it too...

02/07/2004 16:45 #25903

i'm not feeling alright today...
ugh. i don't want to move to arizona, but the more i think about it, the less of a choice i have. i have no money, in fact i have negative money, and lots of it. if my mom goes, i have nobody here. this really sucks to think that in about five months, my life here will be non-existent. it seems right now, that there is nothing that i can do. i will worry about it when it comes.
my rich aunt and uncle came today. i drove my aunt and my cousin to the mall, where my aunt proceeded to drop a couple hundred on ugly clothes for my cousin, which i am positive she doesn't even need. and by the way, why does it take 15 minutes to pick out a tee shirt when they are all the same? well, minus the fact that each one has a different idiotic saying on it. the mall should be burned, who wants to help?
my cousin doesn't need clothes. i need 330 to pay my fucking car insurance. i need 100 to pay ub for tuition. i need 250 for books and art supplies.
not only do i drive them, and then find all the right sizes, but i carried in my cousin's bags. what the fuck" they might as well put a stamp on my ass that says "servant".
i am really sick of being used. being taken advantage of. i won't name names, but, you should feel bad, because i am having a shitty life right now.
and my neck still kinda hurts from sleeping on it the wrong way.
list of things and people i hate right now:
brothers specifically, all others are hated by default
my car
my neck
i will stop now.

02/04/2004 21:21 #25902

we gon watch finding nemo times...during all the madness. my granny comes home tonight, i shall be happy to see her. i bought her some flowers, yay for granny. yay for maria, and yay for nemo. oh, and yay for eigthies.

01/26/2004 23:53 #25895

aren't the colors pretty?
I was read some stuff for a class i am taking, and it is pretty interesting. so, i have decided to share with you.
just a little trivia about color...

colors and their meanings:

red= blood, martydom, sin, war, anger, fire, the sun sexuality, evil, fertility, masculinity, festivity

yellow= treachery, cowardice, light, truth, warning, cheerfulness, spirituality, the sun, gold, radiance, earth

blue= heaven, the celestial shpere, water, baptism, space, coolness, eternity, faith, serenity, wisdom, feminine

green= spring, ressurection, envy, holiness, charity, regeneration

black(which is actually not a color)= death, evil, darkness, vod witchcraft, sadness, mourning, time, rebirth

white(not a color either)= light, air, purity, marriage, death, redemption, innocence, surrender

I think that color is possibly the greatest thing ever, at least for me. it is sad however, that i live in such a bland place.