did you know that eating meat may be a contributing factor leading to male impetence...interesting.
today's subject will be meat...it is obvious that the meat industry is fucked up, and beef is just out of the question. however, is lamb ok? it tastes good, that is for sure. i guess the answer is obvious.
i think it would less painful to have a vagina chopped off than a penis. paul pointed out that it "would have to cored out". what a pleasant thought! he even listed some items you might bw able to find in your home to do this, a rusty cut up can, or even an apple corer. did i spell "corer" right? is it even a word? anmyway, that was probably the most interesting conversation i have had today.
president bush should be impeached...
this girl i work with had a shirt on that said "pussy killer", i want one.
Lilho's Journal
My Podcast Link
01/20/2004 01:04 #25890
lamb is for lovers...well not really01/19/2004 03:25 #25889
i need a new topic...this whole journal thang is really fun, and interesting, however, i feel that i need to be given a topic. otherwise, i will just write nonsense about my life that really doesn't matter. so, to all those reading, i would like a new path of discussion...feel free to start the discussion...
on to the tedious stuff. what i need to say, is that karma exists. it is ever prestn in your life, so treat others as you would like to be treated. give people space, who need space. don't be disrespectful. don't hesistate to say what you feel. don't ever take advantage of someone. and most of all, get to know people you don't agree with, if you only hang out with people you agree with, you will never learn anything.
p.s. i love you big sis!
on to the tedious stuff. what i need to say, is that karma exists. it is ever prestn in your life, so treat others as you would like to be treated. give people space, who need space. don't be disrespectful. don't hesistate to say what you feel. don't ever take advantage of someone. and most of all, get to know people you don't agree with, if you only hang out with people you agree with, you will never learn anything.
p.s. i love you big sis!
01/16/2004 17:38 #25888
throw away your televisionpoint blank, t.v is bad
if you need to know more, check out the kill your t.v. webiste...

if you disagree, you are just dumb
some exceptions might be good movies, but please don't bother watching them with people you get along with, human interaction is much more fun than staring at the color tube..
if you need to know more, check out the kill your t.v. webiste...

if you disagree, you are just dumb
some exceptions might be good movies, but please don't bother watching them with people you get along with, human interaction is much more fun than staring at the color tube..
01/08/2004 19:30 #25887
pano'sAt pano's, with the creator and master of the domain, paul, and tk, who didn't create anything. Fun times, feed the tummy.
01/16/2004 02:04 #25886
baby it's cold outside...here's my question:
does cold weather make you an angry person?
my personal answer is yes. at least when it is warm and sunny outside, you can be happy and wake up to the pleasant warming rays of sun, the occasional soft blowing breeze, and the thought of long days hiking in the forest and swimming in the creek. however, this is not the case about 75% of the time in buffalo. i would say, i am happy here and not angry, the remaining 15% of time; leaving 10% space for bad mooods and anger geared towards shitty people i come in contact with day to day. now, taking in to account, the bitterness of this entry, and the anger towards snow, and all things cold-minus cold drinks(such as beer, mixed drinks, martinis and such), do you agree with me?
list of things that have made me angry in the past three weeks:
wearing so much clothing all the time
the whole government in general
people in the fam-i will not name names
snow again
cats-cuddling is not cool(when you are allergic to cats)
dogs-biting is not cool(and it left a mark)
winsheild wiper fluid
dumb people(or people that act dumb)
doing wash
-all i believe to be bothering me partially because of the arctic conditions
the following things are always annoying:
the fam
-but these are all made more problematic by the more than negative temps
on the good side:
i love my friends
i love my hair
i love life, even though most people are evil, mostly those who are religious
and i love this place, and its plethora of computers
and foooood, is always good to love
note to self: write something substantial in this journal next time...
p.s. check out the new link, even though you have probably been there previously, the end of the world cartoon is infinitely funny
does cold weather make you an angry person?
my personal answer is yes. at least when it is warm and sunny outside, you can be happy and wake up to the pleasant warming rays of sun, the occasional soft blowing breeze, and the thought of long days hiking in the forest and swimming in the creek. however, this is not the case about 75% of the time in buffalo. i would say, i am happy here and not angry, the remaining 15% of time; leaving 10% space for bad mooods and anger geared towards shitty people i come in contact with day to day. now, taking in to account, the bitterness of this entry, and the anger towards snow, and all things cold-minus cold drinks(such as beer, mixed drinks, martinis and such), do you agree with me?
list of things that have made me angry in the past three weeks:
wearing so much clothing all the time
the whole government in general
people in the fam-i will not name names
snow again
cats-cuddling is not cool(when you are allergic to cats)
dogs-biting is not cool(and it left a mark)
winsheild wiper fluid
dumb people(or people that act dumb)
doing wash
-all i believe to be bothering me partially because of the arctic conditions
the following things are always annoying:
the fam
-but these are all made more problematic by the more than negative temps
on the good side:
i love my friends
i love my hair
i love life, even though most people are evil, mostly those who are religious
and i love this place, and its plethora of computers
and foooood, is always good to love
- i love my sister, and i think she is mad at me, so maybe if she reads this she will love me too*
note to self: write something substantial in this journal next time...
p.s. check out the new link, even though you have probably been there previously, the end of the world cartoon is infinitely funny