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01/08/2004 12:38 #25883

sweet home buffalo
after a very long and strange day, caused by what i believed to be the observation of a full moon last night, i have arrived home in one piece. to make a long story short, the snow storm in seattle turned into an ice-slush storm after a nghtfull of rain. Due to the steepness of my aunt and uncle's driveway, i could't manage to walk upwith my luggage, withou falling on my face, so my aunt decided she would try and bring the car down. note to self: NEVER, EVER TRY TO DRIVE A CAR DOWN A STEEP SLIPPERY DRIVEWAY, THIS WILL LEAD TO THE BRAES LETTING OUT. so, after nearly falling over the hill, my aunt made it down with the car. the we proceded to make the journey back up, which actually went quite well until we hit the final most steep part of the driveway, and we the car slid out and started on nother past dow and over the hill. with no brakes, ad visions of blood and glass, i gripped for der life, and the brakes again started to work. so, i hastly climbed out the driver's side and waited at the top of the way for the friendly neighbor's to assist in putting chains on the tires. we got the car up only to hear that many of the roads on the island were closed. it was only 9:30, but cannot tell you how badly i already needed a drink. we made it to the airport in plenty of time, me having about 25 mintues to literally run to my gate. i was so happy to on that plane and out of the treacherous situations of seattle. at lunc time, the flight attendant offered me some wine, first i declined, but then proceded to drink four glasses and get a little tipsy, i was good times. first class can do a lot for a person. anywho, i am home and it feels great. i love the flatness of he land, the bitter cold, and knowing that no matter how icy it is i will never tumble down a hill to my death, just tryng to get out my driveway. the only other bad thing, my f'in luggage didn't come, well one bag did, but where the hell is the other one? fucking-a. i did fnd a dollar in the parking lot though, and that was fun. it as also fun to go to pano's and see at least en people i know, half of which i don't want to know and pretended i didn't see. becky, my new bf, has purchased a knitting bok for lefties, which brings me joy and hope for a future full of beautiful scarves. if you wanna get in on the action, let me know. anyway, it's good to be back, one suitcase and all.

01/06/2004 15:39 #25882

Snow Day
i am stuck here in seattle for one more day due to the massive amounts of snow-about three inches. it's kinda cool actually because i can spend some more time with my cool family and stuff. we are gonna make pumpkin bread, and i am gonna eat some...yummy!

01/05/2004 17:32 #25881

today, i went back to the asian market, and finished the gift shopping. i was looking at these little tea cups, and then i knocked the whole shelf of them over, and every time i tried to set them back up, they fell again. i am glad no one saw me, i felt like a huge ass, well, i am. anywho, none of them broke. wouldn't it be fun to have a job in which all you do i buy fun things for people? especially little asian gifts, they are the best. i think the most exciting thing about going home will be the gift giving, i got so much stuff! and cool cute stuff too. i actually didn't really get anything for myself. well, one shirt, for 6 dolars, and my aunt(who is just the coolest raddest ever) bought me some stuff. i think that i could see myself living here maybe, and i have been invited...we will see. i would be sad to leave my friends, but u fear that i might start to hate my mom if i live with her much longer. did u ever think of just running away to a tropical island and drinking out of coconuts? i think i want to learn how to kit and play the guitar, unfortuntely, the world has set out to make it more difficult for lefties, why? anywho, i guess there i this huge storm in the midwest, and hopefully it will not create travel issues...grrrrr. later online journal that i find myself actually enjoying...

01/04/2004 22:07 #25880

bad news
i am gonna get a major ass whooping when i get back...i failed two classes...the other two, i got d's. man, i suck. but truthfully, i really don't care. i guess i am in a really huge state of not-caring. that is no good. perhaps i will just work and save and then go away for the summer... to italy to learn to blow glass...or to middle earth... i could lways live here, in the emerald city...or i could blow my brains out...hmmmmmm. we are making yummy curried noodles with peppers tonight, that is all i care about right now.

01/03/2004 14:17 #25879

emerald city
so, everyday i have been here in seattle it has snowed, what tha fudge? perhaps i bring the curse of snow with me, hmmmm. i wish there was an asain market in blo, it is so much fun to shop for asain treats! i think the theme of my trip has been domestication, so far i have baked cookies, learned to make homemade pasta and sushi. all i need is a dowry and i am ready to go. who wants to get hitched? it is snowing right now, and that is not cool. i really realy miss my friends, and the fun times...paul, i promise to cook some good old fried chicken as soon as i get home, that would be tues night! i will be ready for some animal flesh, i have been a vegetarian for almost a week now, yay for me! i thoink i have eaten more veggies than i did in the last two months. all is good...i hope my brother stops smoking a couple days before my mom gets back. i'm sure it has been a constant bake fest.