last week:
- drank a lot of vodka and for me!
- still didn't get school stuff done, now i am soooo behind
- finally met the dreadlocked polock(a dream come true)
- ate a lot of yummy food
- realized that the constant ringing in my ear needs to stop, does anyone have this? if you do, we should talk
- plaster=fun. i made these cool little fishie guys, which i didn't nk would turn out, but apparently, plaste i not that hard to do, in fact it is kinda fun
- made the decision to live in the dorms next sem!
- made the decision to really start doing well in school
- decided that i miss my sister way too much, and i shall visit ASAP
this week:
- not sure how i feel about boys, or dating, or even bothering wit them at all
- kinda sad, about lots of things
- really happy that i have an awesome friend here, really happy
- excited about camping
- badgers,badgers,badgers, mushrooooooms, snake!
- being sick and having your head feel like it is going to explode is no fun
- new haircuts are cool
i guess i have nothing of interest to say, well except for oe very important thing. treats others as you would like to be treated. i sounds very cliche but it will come back around to you. be honest, kind, and generous when you can, you will feel better about you, and other people will be better too. *i didn't rhyme on purpose*
p.s. getting valentine's day cards in the mail, with cd's is so fucking rad.