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03/17/2004 18:32 #25921

i could teach you, but id have to charge
ever cleaned an oven? well, i did today. and let me say, it is not for the faint of heart. theres some nasty shizzle in there.

this weather is no fun, my car got stuck in my driveway, and i had to push it out. yikes!

i would like to let you all know that paul never, ever stops working on the site. ever! he is so dedicated, and such a good boy. i wish he would join the real world sometime though.

03/16/2004 21:19 #25920

my new home

03/16/2004 21:14 #25919

oh snowy day2!
wow. the snow is like an evil everpresent froce that comes and gos as it pleases, just for the puprose of irritating the resdients of poor dreary buffalo. thankfully, i will soon, never have to see, hear(even though it can't be heard), or feel again, unless i want to.

now, on to bigger and better things. trisha, this ones for you! my food weaknesses involve any kind of gross meat. i shall define the term "gross" for you. "gross" meat is any kind of meat that you aren't really sure what it contains. for example, hot dogs, salami, pepperoni; these all make my mouth water. i am a self-pronounced carnivore. yum.

i want to celebrate this st. patty's day like none other. if any of you elmwood-strippers have something good planned, let the lilho know!

on a more serious note, you are in my thoughts mr. flacidness. i love you!

03/16/2004 01:16 #25918

matt took this new pic
my user pic changed. matt used his fancy new camera to take it. i want a fancy new digital camera, that doesn't look like a digital camera.

i hung out with jess tonight, and she is real swell. she is also the cutest and nicest friend ever. i need to appreciate her more. but her bday gift is gonna be so sweet.

i have decided a the game plan. az it is; what do i have to lose. this might suck, be at least i will never be cold. jess should move with me, it would be radass.

goodnight to all.

i really believe that mel gibson is a profit."-my aunt cathy...oh boy!

03/15/2004 17:54 #25917

i guess we all get lost
so, i m officially at the crossroads, and i have to make some major decisions. the problem is, i have no clue what to do.

my sister and her man called me today to discuss my lack of ambition, and i just started to cry. i know i have done dumb stuff, but u didn't know that i had hurt her. well, i know i have hurt her. i am just selfish and lazy, and stupid. i know she called out of concern. i just don't know what to do.

here is whats up. my mo is selling our house(her house), and leaving for the grand state of arizona. i feel that it is bad to go there withher, when we are not getting along so well. and, it is also bad if i stay, when most of my friends aren't here anymore, and i will be without any family. so, where i am supposed to go? i could go to seattle and live with my aunt and uncle there, or n.c., but that doesn't seem right. i could go to az, but that doesn't seem right eiher. i don't think ican stay her, and i have no money.

also, i have basically wasted two years, and lots of moeny on school, when i hate t and i don't go. i feel like iwish i could go back to the days of being the good child and never doing anything bad. how did i turn out like this.

to make myself feel better, i am gonna say that i have not ever gotten in trouble with drugs or the police. i intend to not do either. i am just trying to figure it!

jess is gonna call me tomorrow, and wants me to have a game plan. i can't even decide what to wear most days, how will i decide what i am going to do with my life. this is too much for me to think about, and i need some guidance.

they say to do what is best for me, but how do i know what that is?

p.s. i still really like the new look of the site. good job paulsy. and, there shuld be a spell check feature as hodown said before, i don't like having to reread and check for errors.