i just wanted a star!
Lilho's Journal
My Podcast Link
03/18/2004 01:02 #25923
allstar!03/17/2004 18:32 #25921
i could teach you, but id have to chargeever cleaned an oven? well, i did today. and let me say, it is not for the faint of heart. theres some nasty shizzle in there.
this weather is no fun, my car got stuck in my driveway, and i had to push it out. yikes!
i would like to let you all know that paul never, ever stops working on the site. ever! he is so dedicated, and such a good boy. i wish he would join the real world sometime though.
this weather is no fun, my car got stuck in my driveway, and i had to push it out. yikes!
i would like to let you all know that paul never, ever stops working on the site. ever! he is so dedicated, and such a good boy. i wish he would join the real world sometime though.
03/16/2004 21:14 #25919
oh snowy day2!wow. the snow is like an evil everpresent froce that comes and gos as it pleases, just for the puprose of irritating the resdients of poor dreary buffalo. thankfully, i will soon, never have to see, hear(even though it can't be heard), or feel again, unless i want to.
now, on to bigger and better things. trisha, this ones for you! my food weaknesses involve any kind of gross meat. i shall define the term "gross" for you. "gross" meat is any kind of meat that you aren't really sure what it contains. for example, hot dogs, salami, pepperoni; these all make my mouth water. i am a self-pronounced carnivore. yum.
i want to celebrate this st. patty's day like none other. if any of you elmwood-strippers have something good planned, let the lilho know!
on a more serious note, you are in my thoughts mr. flacidness. i love you!
now, on to bigger and better things. trisha, this ones for you! my food weaknesses involve any kind of gross meat. i shall define the term "gross" for you. "gross" meat is any kind of meat that you aren't really sure what it contains. for example, hot dogs, salami, pepperoni; these all make my mouth water. i am a self-pronounced carnivore. yum.
i want to celebrate this st. patty's day like none other. if any of you elmwood-strippers have something good planned, let the lilho know!
on a more serious note, you are in my thoughts mr. flacidness. i love you!