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10/03/2006 19:18 #25677

Day One Done
I completed my first day on the job... a 5 hour shift. I'm not too tired, but yeah, my feet are a bit sore. Despite wearing the new Chucks. Been over 5 years since i have had a job. And this is the first one in this country. Weird getting up this morning....

Might mean i have to work on mine and (e:Uncutsaniflush) 's 5th wedding anniversary this Friday, though. We'll see. Sounds like normal life stuff and i reckon i should get used to it. Besides, we have had 4 anniversaries before it in which we could do anything we wanted... and hopefully many more to come in which we can run away somewhere.
ladycroft - 10/04/06 13:18
hey lee...i found this booklet that offers free GED classes in town. if there's a particular area you might want extra study help in, they have continual enrollment :)
mrmike - 10/03/06 19:37
so, who do you work for?? What did you do? Did you make any friends?

10/02/2006 23:13 #25676

I think for the first time ever, i went to a cleaning and check up at the dentist and had no cavities. Freaky. Quitting smoking, needing fewer cough candies because of quitting and not drinking as much sugar (juices and sodas) has helped a lot, i suspect.

I'm a bit nervous about starting the new job in the morning. *sigh*
museumchick - 10/02/06 23:29
Good luck to you with the job! I hope it will go well for you.
mrmike - 10/02/06 23:19
Only a job. Worry not, you're good enough, smart enough, and doggonit, people like you.

Motivated yet?

10/02/2006 00:11 #25675

Working Class
Looks like i got myself a part time job. It's no glam job, but it will be a start. Pray for my feet on Tuesday!

Oh, and i forgot one pic from the party...

Bad me!


P.S. Drop us a line to let us know you made it home safe and sound, (e:Twisted) ?

leetee - 10/02/06 10:09
Thanks for the congrats!

And thanks, too, for letting us know you got home safe and sound, (e:Twisted) . Sorry to hear about the 4 hour delay!

Oh... (e:Theecarey) ... trust you to think i got a part time job getting spanked!!
theecarey - 10/02/06 09:08
hehe, I thought you were insinuating that your new 'part time' job had to do something with the picture that is posted. Pray for your feet? mmm, wrong body part, dear. haha

but then I re-read it. :)

I am thinking that whatever your actual new part time job is (congrats), wont be nearly as exciting as I just thought. haha

Great picture! LOVE IT!
twisted - 10/02/06 06:17
Hey Lee! I just got home. My connecting flight was stuck in Chicago long enough to need refueling before finally taking off four hours late. Too bad my layover wasn't in Minneapolis with imk2!

Great to finally meet you and all the other peeps in person!
jenks - 10/02/06 03:55
congrats lee!

10/01/2006 12:18 #25674

PMT HouseWarming Party Pics
Thanks for hosting yet another stellar event, (e:PMT) ! The house is, of course, beautiful. I had no doubt that ya'll would make it so.

(e:Twisted) ... thank you for making the trip to come to this party. It was a pleasure to meet you. Gives me yet another of the many many reasons i would want to visit San Fransisco. Hope you were able to make it to Marshals to get a pair of orange chucks. :O)

Glad to see you made it back into the house ok, (e:Kookcity2000) ! Hope the bucket helped!

OK, (e:peeps) .. the pictures. I could describe each one, but sometimes, words just don't do a picture justice. So, here they are...

















leetee - 10/02/06 00:07
mrmike - 10/01/06 21:15
Great pics, wish I could have hung out longer
matthew - 10/01/06 21:02
Haha, great pics lee! I look like gluten-free beer's spokesmodel. "Wheat is Murder"
metalpeter - 10/01/06 12:46
Great pics lee. One example of why I like seeing differant people's pictures are the porch pictures, I never made it out there. The spoon pictures are awesome. Your pictures really do tell a story. I don't like putting up descriptions either for the pictures.

09/30/2006 10:37 #25673

Morning In Our 'Hood
Yesterday, the sirens didn't even wake me. But my phone ringing downstairs did. I ran to get it. Kirsten, i thought... oh, no, something is wrong with the healing of her wisdom teeth extractions!!

On the way to the phone, i noticed the red flashy lights. Parked half on our lawn and half on Deb & Carl's lawn was a fire department SUV, engine running. Yipes, was my next thought... Deb & Carl decided to divorce in a blaze of glory, as it were.

Didn't get to the phone in time. Was indeed Kirsten.

I went upstairs, woke (e:Uncutsaniflush) and told him there was an emergency vehicle (yeah, those were the words i used at 7am -- emergency vehicle) on our front lawn. Huh, i think, was his response.

We got on clothing more appropriate for being out of doors and went to see what was going on.

What was going on was the house 4 doors down -- there's us, Deb & Carl, then Kirsten, then Kirsten's landlords-- was still smoking. The people on the other side of them called the fire department. Something about showering at 5am and not used to it being smoky, i think...

The house was vacant. Not many of those on our block. This house was in forclosure. The dude that owned it bought it or got it from his grandmother i found out today. When, or just before, it was being forclosed on, he gutted the place. Took everything. Light fixtures, all the kitchen cabnets, bathroom stuff. Weeny.

And now, it burned down. I wonder how that happened.........

This morning, 8am. Banging. Damn. Is someone trying to break into our place. Nope.

They are tearing down the burned out house. Making lots of noise. Boo on them. I wanted to sleep in this morning.
metalpeter - 09/30/06 15:02
I hope that at least once the bringing down the house you got to watch some of it. That really is amazing the way they rip it apart. Oh wait maybe not when it is all burned up. That sure was a quick turn around I thought when a house burned down they had to investgate it first then wait. I can't tell you how many houses sit idle for a long time on the west side. In any event sounds like a verry eventfull weekend.
terry - 09/30/06 10:47
Sounds like an event filled morning.