What an interesting week... between my sickies and Kirsten's. Of course, i would take mine over hers anyday!
On Friday, Kirsten had 3 wisdom teeth pulled. *shudder* She is doing well... not too much swelling and hardly any bruising. Needless to say, she is kinda wasted on painkillers, though. I've been nursemaiding her; been going over there every 4 hours or so to make sure she is doing ok, taking her meds, getting her something to eat, and taking care of her pets. Speaking of, i should go over there soon and make sure Maslow gets his insulin. She is forgetting stuff. Narcotics do that to people.
I just finished doing some work at my desk. Nothing too fun, just balancing the cheque book, filing papers.
And, while i was sitting there, i filled out the application to write my GED. My goal is to be ready by the October 28th/November 4th test (it's done in 2 bits, both 6 hours long), but i did list the January 6th and 13th as my second choice for dates. Once i had that over, i have to follow through.. no matter how scary this is. Friends tell me i can do it, but sometimes, those wee voices in my head tell me to give up....
Leetee's Journal
My Podcast Link
09/23/2006 21:03 #25670
Whew...09/20/2006 13:03 #25669
Screeching HaultCategory: sickies
I've been busy working on little things here and there lately. Nothing that would take up a lot of time, individually, but together, seem to make me busier than usual.
Activities involving our house, different aspects of our individual creativity, my sluggish brain (thank you again, (e:Theecarey) , for the book; it has proved to be invaluable and an amazingly good resource!), my often sluggish body and my spirit. I've even been working on a lil sumthin', sumthin' for (e:strip) !
All that ended and i am forced to be idle, which is enough to drive me batty.
Sadly, it all started with the denist. On Monday. Just proves how they both evil are.
But i digress...
After thawing from the dentist, i thought i had a bit of a sore throat. My allergies tend to bother me most in the throat first and sometimes i wonder if i am in the early stages of a cold, or if i am having allergy issues. I thought it was allergies. And PMS. Fun stuff, huh?
But yesterday, i thought it was a cold. I was run down, despite me doing a few odd and sods around the house.
Now, i think my allergies are bothering me, that i have a cold, and now, proof it was indeed PMS.
Poor (e:Uncutsaniflush) !
He is now off to pay our cable bill and then go to get me cough candies and tissues. I am all stocked up on femine hygene products, so he won't be saddled with that chore, too.
Activities involving our house, different aspects of our individual creativity, my sluggish brain (thank you again, (e:Theecarey) , for the book; it has proved to be invaluable and an amazingly good resource!), my often sluggish body and my spirit. I've even been working on a lil sumthin', sumthin' for (e:strip) !
All that ended and i am forced to be idle, which is enough to drive me batty.
Sadly, it all started with the denist. On Monday. Just proves how they both evil are.
But i digress...
After thawing from the dentist, i thought i had a bit of a sore throat. My allergies tend to bother me most in the throat first and sometimes i wonder if i am in the early stages of a cold, or if i am having allergy issues. I thought it was allergies. And PMS. Fun stuff, huh?
But yesterday, i thought it was a cold. I was run down, despite me doing a few odd and sods around the house.
Now, i think my allergies are bothering me, that i have a cold, and now, proof it was indeed PMS.
Poor (e:Uncutsaniflush) !
He is now off to pay our cable bill and then go to get me cough candies and tissues. I am all stocked up on femine hygene products, so he won't be saddled with that chore, too.
theecarey - 09/20/06 23:06
You are very welcome! I am glad you are finding it useful :)
yeesh: dentist, monday, allergies, cold and pms. What a lovely week, huh? Hang in there!!
You are very welcome! I am glad you are finding it useful :)
yeesh: dentist, monday, allergies, cold and pms. What a lovely week, huh? Hang in there!!
09/07/2006 11:24 #25668
RecognitionI am chagrinned that i did not recognize my Nana when we went to Hamilton to visit her in the hospital yesterday. She didn't look that different... more frail, yes, but not different. (E:Uncutsaniflush) recognized her...
She is doing ok. She is no longer hallucinating. No more wirey black or white cats under the bed. No more rain indoors. But she can't walk more than a few steps and never without her walker. She is happy to take a break from her usual routine of tv watching in her room at the old age home. She likes the food at the hospital... makes me wonder how bad it was at the old age home!
Growing older, the body failing here and there, is just a horrible way for the end stages of life to be. Why can't we all grow old with grace and dignity? Leave the planet partying... however we want that party to be. That would be nice.
She is doing ok. She is no longer hallucinating. No more wirey black or white cats under the bed. No more rain indoors. But she can't walk more than a few steps and never without her walker. She is happy to take a break from her usual routine of tv watching in her room at the old age home. She likes the food at the hospital... makes me wonder how bad it was at the old age home!
Growing older, the body failing here and there, is just a horrible way for the end stages of life to be. Why can't we all grow old with grace and dignity? Leave the planet partying... however we want that party to be. That would be nice.
09/02/2006 10:51 #25667
What a Day!Yesterday was one of those days for me that could almost be magical. So many little things happened that would make a normally ok kinda day pleasant. But having all those little things happen all on the same day was very cool.
First thing in the morning, completely unshowered and dishevelled, i was more or less offered a job. I had just finished chatting with this person, about the fact that i will probably be writing the GED soon and that i can't lie on a resume and since i don't have a high school diploma, not very many people would hire me. And she told me to consider working "here". After talking about some details, she asked me to bring her a resume on Monday... "nothing fancy, just something i can give to my boss". Cool. A part time job within walking distance of home... let's hope it pans out!
After that, i showered and we went to the zoo. Yesterday was one of the last times we would be able to go into the Lorikeet Landing and feed the birds... at least on a less busy weekday. After this weekend, it will be weekends only and weather permitting only. And the birds were hungry and friendly. They aren't always... sometimes, i guess they are feeling less social. I couldn't keep them off me, with or without food. They were even all over (e:Uncutsaniflush) and he didn't have any food. Seeing the birds always makes my day brighter and yesterday was no different.

Then, we went to lunch and i had the most amazing Thai Yellow Curry with tofu at the Saigon Bangkok (on the Boulevard). Best i have had in this country (coupla places in Toronto have everywhere else beat!) and the lunch special even came with a vegetarian fresh roll. Yuuuummmm...
Then, we decided to go to an estate sale. Same guy was running it that did the one on Lafayette we got our dinning room set from last fall. We go to his sales a lot. We weren't planning on going to this one, since it didn't look like there was anything we might find interesting when (e:Uncutsaniflush) looked at the pictures online. But, since we were driving by, we thought we would stop in. And we left a few hundred dollars poorer. We got the most beautiful bedroom set. It will be delivered today. Looking forward to having a headboard again!! Today, we will have to do some bedroom rearranging to make room for everything.
And, if those things weren't enough, last night while i was out with Kirsten walking with her and her adorable pugs, Ava and Noland on Elmwood, (e:Uncutsaniflush) and i got an email from some dear friends in Tennessee. Yay! A wedding to go to! I am thrilled to bits that our friends Chris and Kim will be getting married. I jumped for joy when i heard!!
First thing in the morning, completely unshowered and dishevelled, i was more or less offered a job. I had just finished chatting with this person, about the fact that i will probably be writing the GED soon and that i can't lie on a resume and since i don't have a high school diploma, not very many people would hire me. And she told me to consider working "here". After talking about some details, she asked me to bring her a resume on Monday... "nothing fancy, just something i can give to my boss". Cool. A part time job within walking distance of home... let's hope it pans out!
After that, i showered and we went to the zoo. Yesterday was one of the last times we would be able to go into the Lorikeet Landing and feed the birds... at least on a less busy weekday. After this weekend, it will be weekends only and weather permitting only. And the birds were hungry and friendly. They aren't always... sometimes, i guess they are feeling less social. I couldn't keep them off me, with or without food. They were even all over (e:Uncutsaniflush) and he didn't have any food. Seeing the birds always makes my day brighter and yesterday was no different.

Then, we went to lunch and i had the most amazing Thai Yellow Curry with tofu at the Saigon Bangkok (on the Boulevard). Best i have had in this country (coupla places in Toronto have everywhere else beat!) and the lunch special even came with a vegetarian fresh roll. Yuuuummmm...
Then, we decided to go to an estate sale. Same guy was running it that did the one on Lafayette we got our dinning room set from last fall. We go to his sales a lot. We weren't planning on going to this one, since it didn't look like there was anything we might find interesting when (e:Uncutsaniflush) looked at the pictures online. But, since we were driving by, we thought we would stop in. And we left a few hundred dollars poorer. We got the most beautiful bedroom set. It will be delivered today. Looking forward to having a headboard again!! Today, we will have to do some bedroom rearranging to make room for everything.
And, if those things weren't enough, last night while i was out with Kirsten walking with her and her adorable pugs, Ava and Noland on Elmwood, (e:Uncutsaniflush) and i got an email from some dear friends in Tennessee. Yay! A wedding to go to! I am thrilled to bits that our friends Chris and Kim will be getting married. I jumped for joy when i heard!!
Lee, you are so smart and insightful, I can't believe you'd have anything to worry about in terms of the GED. You will do fine, and guess what, even if you don't, you can take it over again. Nothing is undoable, you just have to have the drive, courage and perseverance, and you definitely have all three.
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness, that most frightens us. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine as children do. It's not just in some of us; it is in everyone. And as we let our own lights shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.
That is great (e:Leetee) ! Congratulations on moving this far toward your goal. You can't get there if you don't take these steps. And no matter what, after this next step, you'll be more prepared to get there! You can't lose! Good luck!
Thanks for the supportive comments, (e:Theecarey) , (e:Jenks) and (e:Libertad) ! I appreciate them. :O)
Good luck lee! I'm sure you can do it. Anything we want badly enough, that we put our mind to, we can achieve.
Don't worry too much. I haven't taken the GED, but I couldn't imagine that it is anything that you couldn't do without a little studying. I'm sure I would fail if I had to take it right now without studying math. That is nice what you are doing for your friend.
YAY Lee! I am so proud of you. You have a goal and you are going after it; there is always success in that!
You are a goof friend taking care of Kirsten; making sure she has what she needs and is doining ok. When I had all four of my wisdom teeth yanked, (e:pyrcedgrrl) brought over chicken wings. Try eating those with just your front teeth! hahahaha
(ok, so it wasnt right after the surgery or anything, but for some reason I remember trying to eat chicken wings and just couldnt do it yet!)
anyhow, tell those misguided wee voices to go bug someone else. You are a woman with a mission and the only voices you should hear are the ones from the cheering section!