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08/06/2006 10:20 #25662

"If You Don't Move That Car...!!"
This is the way i imagine it.

The conversation may have gone something like this:

Mom, "Move that damn car!"

Teenage Son, "Yeah, OK, whatever. I will, Mom, i will."

Mom, "I've told you a million times, if you don't move that car, you will regret it!"

Teenage Son, "Oh, geeze, Mom, i told you that i would. Last week's pay didn't give me enough, but i worked 4 extra hours this week, so i will have enough to fix it this weekend. I swear, Ma, don't do antyhing to my car!"

And then the son went away for the weekend wihtout spending any of the extra money he earned on his car... and Mom got around to doing that horrible thing she promised she would.

This is what he came home to:




08/05/2006 10:19 #25661

Been feeling a bit blah lately. Spent too much time crying yesterday. My body and spirit feel downtrodden.

I either had/have a flu bug, or the heat was making me sick and i'm not getting better as soon as the heat goes away.

I wish people would say what they mean and mean what they say.

I feel like there is much i want to do but no energy to do it.

Positively, our tomatoes are doing very well. We picked our first one... but haven't eaten it. We picked it ceremoniously and thought we would eat it the same way, but my stomach wasn't ready for a tomato yesterday. Hopefully today...
jason - 08/05/06 12:54
Lee, I am also under the weather. What the hell? Anyway don't feel so blah. Get better. =)
paul - 08/05/06 10:47
Being sick in the summer sucks. Who is the person that didn;t do what they said?
jenks - 08/05/06 10:41
sorry to hear it Lee. I'm feeling the same way. :( It stinks.

08/02/2006 19:06 #25660

The Heat, This Damn Heat!!
Yep, everyone knows it's hot right now. My turn to complain about it.

Often, i think to myself that i am fortunate that i now live in Buffalo and not Knoxville anymore, where the heat is worse. But it's not too bad, Knoxvegas ain't the "deep south", where i am sure i would be seen on the news on a roof with a gun. Even this heat up here makes me feel like i'm gonna snap.

Yesterday, (e:Uncutsaniflush) and i went to a mall in Mississauga. So we could be in a/c... and see something and be somewhere we haven't been before. Went to dinner with my parents.

Today, it was a local mall.. and swimming with Kirsten.

Oh, please, how i hope the weather critters are right and it will be cooler tomorrow....!!!!

07/28/2006 07:48 #25658

Road Trip!!
Kirsten, Ava and i are headed off on a road trip to pick up a wee lil baby pug. All the way down to Franklin Furnace, Ohio, right on the Kentuky border.

(E:Uncutsaniflush) isn't coming along... he prolly thinks it would be torture.

Speaking of torture.... expect pictures when we get back, (e:peeps)!!
mrmike - 07/28/06 08:07
Happy trails!

07/30/2006 10:09 #25659

Back In Buff With Unburned Bridges
I have returned from my grand road trip (e:LeeTee,206) to Franklin Furnace, Ohio

I missed (e:Uncutsaniflush,242) . It's the first time since we have been together that we have spent the night apart. I told Kirsten to not mind me if i cuddled up to her in the night. But i was surrounded by puppy (and my teddy bear, Petey), so i didn't get a chance... lucky her.

We laughed a lot on the way there. I feel so comfortable with Kirsten... not as uptight as i can be with other people. We got really punchy near the end, though. And i got me some serious cases of the giggles. As did she. Particularly when i mentioned her glasses. She wears contacts, and i have never seen her with her glasses on. Now i know why. Damn, thems some glasses she has. Bent arm on one side, wobbly frame and no arm on the other side. I think it took us 15 minutes of recovery to stop that giggle fest. I think the dogs stopped playing to look at us in wonderment at some point...

I confirm that (e:Uncutsaniflush) would have found the trip to be torture. It was so all about the pugs.

As expected, i took pictures. Should i start calling them pugtures? I was saddened to see a lot of them were blurry. I need to experiment more with our camera when i'm in less of a hurry to see how i can get more from it. It's a good, but suffering thing, with me.

I don't know what the lil guy is called yet. We were searching for a name, but none have "clicked" with Kirsten yet. I thought she settled on Sebastian, but then a neighbour with a pug named Cosmo suggested Milo... and now, he's just the "lil man" again.

But here he is...


And here is this cool action shot of the lil guy and Ava, playing on the bed in the Days Inn in Wheelersburg, Ohio


On another, completely different note, i am glad for myself that i didn't burn my bridges with neighbour and Her Sailorness, Deb. (e:LeeTee,204) and (e:LeeTee,205) I felt then, as i do now, that i handled things the way i was meant to, like a grown up... despite the times i wanted to push her off the sailboat. But i digress...

Deb works for the state. I never knew in what capacity. When Kirsten and i were loading up the car, Deb was on her way to work and stopped to chat for a moment. She asked me if i was working. When i said no, she asked what i did or wanted to do, and would i be interested in helping people, in particular, the developmentally delayed. When i told her i would, she said she thought i would be great at it and could get me a job "in 24 hours" and to let her know when i am ready to go to work. I thanked her and told her i would talk with her more about it when i got home.

Kirsten let me in on what she thinks the job would be (Kirsten also works for the government -- as a therapist at ECMC) and where and what Deb does. We don't think she would be my direct supervisor... we think she is more in the administrative side of the organization.

Now, i would love love love to have a job as an aide working with developementally delayed adults. Working for the state would just be an added bonus. The more i think about it, the more excited i get... Trying not to keep my hopes up. I need to talk to Deb more about all of this before i go and get too much more excited.
mrmike - 07/30/06 11:38
lil' man looks like a keeper - Ava has a playmate - congrats