Fortunately, i have a supportive and wonderful husband who brings up my sprits just when i need them. Thanks again for the lovely orange tulips, Sweeties.
Saturday we did some estate sales. On the way to one of them, we not only missed the road we were supposed to turn down, but the sign. Our alternate route led us right by the infamous Salvation Army As Is. So, we wandered in. Wow, is all i have to say.
Since i had a job working for them many many years ago, i never thought i would buy anything from them again.
At the SallyAnne in the Hammer, i worked for them filling requisites for people who lost everything in fires. I really thought it would be something that would make me feel like i was helping so much. Finding and giving people basics like coats and shoes as they stand in front of me shivering in robes and p.j.'s, often with soot smudges is humbling.
Sadly, the officers in that location were selfish pricks and kept the best donations for their personal residences. I haven't been in a Salvation Army location or given them any money since then. (e:Uncutsaniflush) tells me that he has never heard of anythign like that in any US location.
But i digress...
I've heard so many interesting stories from people who have gone into that Salvation Army As Is.....
We left $2 poorer. I now have a green vinyl space age 60's kitchen chair for my studio. I can paint sitting on my ass now.. without worrying about getting paint on a nice or expensive chair. Woohoo...
Today, we went for a nice drive. We ended up following 78 all the way up to Lake Ontario at Olcott Beach. Nice little place. Cute little shops. Almost bought a purse at a vintage shop... and a necklace at a Celtic shop.
Gorgeous day for a drive. Excellent company.
Listened to CFNY (i don't give a shit what they are trying to call themselves these days. Pah! 102.1 The Edge!? They will always been CFNY to me) most of the drive and their reruns of The Ongoing History of New Music, which are always entertaining. Makes me feel like sitting 'round the radio like it was 60 years ago... but i never have the patience to sit still that long. Being in a car, passengering (since i don't drive) is a good reason to listen to a radio show.
We stopped a park by the water, sat on a bench. looking at the water.
This is what we saw...

Have a Happy Canadian Thanksgiving, Ya'll!
oh wow, that is a beautiful picture!