Not that i want to get involved with all the drama... but the sentiment made my heart sink. No matter how mad and hurt someone is, why would they wish an innocent group of people a bad day?
Not a critizism, just a ponderance... i guess i'm more of an optomist. Or maybe i am just a bitch for pointing it out. Not the first time today i was told i am a bitch with an attitude problem...
Luckily, the whole day wasn't all shitty; just some of it.
The part that wasn't is that it is mine and (e:Uncutsaniflush) 's 5th wedding anniversary today. I consider myself to be a very lucky woman to have this man in my life. Sometimes, i feel very much like it's me and him against the world -- just like a cheesey top 40 song.
The shithole part all boils down to my own disappointment in myself. I lost my cool. I try not to and always try to keep a brave face on, but today, i told my now former boss to go to hell. I'm chagrinned my new job lasted a mere week.
I so much want to go on about one part of the drama of that place. Tell all the juicy gossip about it and ultimately why another staff member is needed. But, dispite what i think of the place and particularly it's owner, i will abide by my promise to the manager, Ethel, and not tell anyone. *pouty*
I was working at a gas station / convience store near here. Nothing too taxing. Merely standing at a cash register all day, ringing in gas orders, slices of semi-cold LaNova pizza, soda, beer, cigarettes and other bits of taudry bric-a-brac.
It's the kinda place that claims it can't afford a scanner for the UPC codes (despite the high end subdivision the owner "lives" in), so all the prices have to be memorized. I was told on my first day that i was not to write anything down. That it makes the customers think i am new (duh, aren't i?) and that i don't know what i am doing. I was told to ask if i didn't know, but that i had to "get those prices down" (as in memorize them).
So, i am told to not write prices down. To not ask her because she is busy with the owner's parents taking care of a problem. If i don't remember, i am supposed to... what? So, i cost them less than a dollar because of a price mix up. Yes, i said i was sorry. But i don't expect to be called stupid for not having the store prices memorized on day 4.
I think, in general, i can be and am an agreeable kinda person. When learning, i try to follow direction even when i don't fully understand and wait for things to fall into place, or for further direction.
When i am learning something and someone says to me directly, 'do this', i do it. If i am told to write down a specific number on a line of some paper work by the manager, i do it. When the math doesn't go right, and things are double checked only to find that line is pointed to as the problem i feel i have to say i was just doing what i am told. Normally, i don't expect to hear a laugh and an insult.
I got sick of being told that i am stupid. I got sick of being told to do one thing, then the next minute hearing something that contradicted that, then something that contradicted the first two.
Yesterday, a regular customer defended me. I was doing fine and didn't need someone to take over, tell me what to do and screw things up only to turn around and blame me. I could easily ring in a bag of chips, pizza and a soda without help. To push it all aside and order me to ring in 99 cents no tax won't help if i have already done it.
Today, when i told Ethel "that's it", she asked the next girl on shift if she had problems when Ethel was training her. "Did i give you any problems?" i think was the question. While facing me, Ethel's back to her, she said "no, not at all Ethel" while nodding, knowingly at me.
On my way home, a regular customer stopped me and told me that he knows about everything that happened and doesn't blame me one bit. Ethel may have worked there for 17 years, but she can't keep some of the staff.
Anyone hiring?
Leetee's Journal
My Podcast Link
10/06/2006 20:07 #25678
Shithole Friday10/03/2006 19:18 #25677
Day One DoneI completed my first day on the job... a 5 hour shift. I'm not too tired, but yeah, my feet are a bit sore. Despite wearing the new Chucks. Been over 5 years since i have had a job. And this is the first one in this country. Weird getting up this morning....
Might mean i have to work on mine and (e:Uncutsaniflush) 's 5th wedding anniversary this Friday, though. We'll see. Sounds like normal life stuff and i reckon i should get used to it. Besides, we have had 4 anniversaries before it in which we could do anything we wanted... and hopefully many more to come in which we can run away somewhere.
Might mean i have to work on mine and (e:Uncutsaniflush) 's 5th wedding anniversary this Friday, though. We'll see. Sounds like normal life stuff and i reckon i should get used to it. Besides, we have had 4 anniversaries before it in which we could do anything we wanted... and hopefully many more to come in which we can run away somewhere.
10/02/2006 23:13 #25676
None!I think for the first time ever, i went to a cleaning and check up at the dentist and had no cavities. Freaky. Quitting smoking, needing fewer cough candies because of quitting and not drinking as much sugar (juices and sodas) has helped a lot, i suspect.
I'm a bit nervous about starting the new job in the morning. *sigh*
I'm a bit nervous about starting the new job in the morning. *sigh*
museumchick - 10/02/06 23:29
Good luck to you with the job! I hope it will go well for you.
Good luck to you with the job! I hope it will go well for you.
mrmike - 10/02/06 23:19
Only a job. Worry not, you're good enough, smart enough, and doggonit, people like you.
Motivated yet?
Only a job. Worry not, you're good enough, smart enough, and doggonit, people like you.
Motivated yet?
10/02/2006 00:11 #25675
Working ClassLooks like i got myself a part time job. It's no glam job, but it will be a start. Pray for my feet on Tuesday!
Oh, and i forgot one pic from the party...
Bad me!

P.S. Drop us a line to let us know you made it home safe and sound, (e:Twisted) ?
Oh, and i forgot one pic from the party...
Bad me!

P.S. Drop us a line to let us know you made it home safe and sound, (e:Twisted) ?
leetee - 10/02/06 10:09
Thanks for the congrats!
And thanks, too, for letting us know you got home safe and sound, (e:Twisted) . Sorry to hear about the 4 hour delay!
Oh... (e:Theecarey) ... trust you to think i got a part time job getting spanked!!
Thanks for the congrats!
And thanks, too, for letting us know you got home safe and sound, (e:Twisted) . Sorry to hear about the 4 hour delay!
Oh... (e:Theecarey) ... trust you to think i got a part time job getting spanked!!
theecarey - 10/02/06 09:08
hehe, I thought you were insinuating that your new 'part time' job had to do something with the picture that is posted. Pray for your feet? mmm, wrong body part, dear. haha
but then I re-read it. :)
I am thinking that whatever your actual new part time job is (congrats), wont be nearly as exciting as I just thought. haha
Great picture! LOVE IT!
hehe, I thought you were insinuating that your new 'part time' job had to do something with the picture that is posted. Pray for your feet? mmm, wrong body part, dear. haha
but then I re-read it. :)
I am thinking that whatever your actual new part time job is (congrats), wont be nearly as exciting as I just thought. haha
Great picture! LOVE IT!
twisted - 10/02/06 06:17
Hey Lee! I just got home. My connecting flight was stuck in Chicago long enough to need refueling before finally taking off four hours late. Too bad my layover wasn't in Minneapolis with imk2!
Great to finally meet you and all the other peeps in person!
Hey Lee! I just got home. My connecting flight was stuck in Chicago long enough to need refueling before finally taking off four hours late. Too bad my layover wasn't in Minneapolis with imk2!
Great to finally meet you and all the other peeps in person!
jenks - 10/02/06 03:55
congrats lee!
congrats lee!
10/01/2006 12:18 #25674
PMT HouseWarming Party PicsThanks for hosting yet another stellar event, (e:PMT) ! The house is, of course, beautiful. I had no doubt that ya'll would make it so.
(e:Twisted) ... thank you for making the trip to come to this party. It was a pleasure to meet you. Gives me yet another of the many many reasons i would want to visit San Fransisco. Hope you were able to make it to Marshals to get a pair of orange chucks. :O)
Glad to see you made it back into the house ok, (e:Kookcity2000) ! Hope the bucket helped!
OK, (e:peeps) .. the pictures. I could describe each one, but sometimes, words just don't do a picture justice. So, here they are...

(e:Twisted) ... thank you for making the trip to come to this party. It was a pleasure to meet you. Gives me yet another of the many many reasons i would want to visit San Fransisco. Hope you were able to make it to Marshals to get a pair of orange chucks. :O)
Glad to see you made it back into the house ok, (e:Kookcity2000) ! Hope the bucket helped!
OK, (e:peeps) .. the pictures. I could describe each one, but sometimes, words just don't do a picture justice. So, here they are...

leetee - 10/02/06 00:07
mrmike - 10/01/06 21:15
Great pics, wish I could have hung out longer
Great pics, wish I could have hung out longer
matthew - 10/01/06 21:02
Haha, great pics lee! I look like gluten-free beer's spokesmodel. "Wheat is Murder"
Haha, great pics lee! I look like gluten-free beer's spokesmodel. "Wheat is Murder"
metalpeter - 10/01/06 12:46
Great pics lee. One example of why I like seeing differant people's pictures are the porch pictures, I never made it out there. The spoon pictures are awesome. Your pictures really do tell a story. I don't like putting up descriptions either for the pictures.
Great pics lee. One example of why I like seeing differant people's pictures are the porch pictures, I never made it out there. The spoon pictures are awesome. Your pictures really do tell a story. I don't like putting up descriptions either for the pictures.
Hooray for Fuck You Friday! :::link:::
(e:dragonlady7) has convenience store stories. Boy does she have convenience store stories, but I'll let her tell them instead. Instead I'm going to spread juicy rumors that I don't actually remember completely. Makes it more fun that way.
Vincent Gallo :::link::: has a sister who lives in this area. I guess she's just as big a dick as he is, except instead of being a hip indie filmmaker, she's the owner or manager of a convienience store in, like, Kenmore. One of the people I work with knew somebody who worked for her and said that the less famous Gallo locked this chick in the cooler for mouthing off to her. Yah.
Well, happy anniversary anyway, and ... fuck you!
- Z
One must learn not to take vents personally.
(e:ladycroft) was just venting, and I'm sure didn't really mean to say that.
Happy Anniversary, BTW! Wish you both many, many more in the future!
I don't blame you for quitting. It's hard when your place of work promotes a policy that doesn't let you do the best job you can, and then blames you for not doing a good job. It's about at that point where I'd quit.
The sad part is that if this place has been around 17+ years, they have probably lost more money on stuff being ringed up incorrectly than they ever would have by getting a UPC reader and a decent POS system.
I wish I could say, dont let someone telling the crowd to have a shitty Friday not to bother you, but a little piece of me did feel shitty too.
However, I hope the two of you have a nice evening in each others company. Anniversarys are special as is everyday in between. Nice to have that "us against the world" connection and feeling. very nice indeed..
p.s. glad you ditched the job- they need you a whole lot more than you need that place.
1: happy anniversary!
2: sucks about the job- but it sounds like a crappy place to work, and you deserve better. Good for you for sticking up for yourself.