A friend passed me this in class the other day. I had to laugh.

Here are several random questions:
What would you do with 1,000 plastic spoons?
I have a sweet recycling book that shows you how to make a super fly outdoor chandelier out of them!
What did you do when you were in school in the 2nd grade?
I don't know but I do have one distinct memory of a spelling test on which I spelled OF, UV.
Where are you going on your next vacation?
It should still be Germany and Poland, followed by India.
Last book you read?
I think Deception Point by Dan Brown.
What is your favorite smell?
Pumpkin and Lavender.
Have you ever gotten a haircut so bad that you wore a hat for a month straight?
If I told you the story of what Fay Ruben did to me you almost wouldn't believe it . . .
Last song you listened to:
The Cedar Room by The Doves
Have you ever had surgery?
Hahahahahaha. Oh yah sure you betcha!
Drinking and driving is BAD kids! Don't do it. My friend came over to play some Mario Kart last week. We had a LOT of beer.

Resulting in piss poor driving skillz on my part!

that's me in 7th place going the wrong direction - oh the horror!
yeah I saw that ad for the BBQ at school, kinda puzzled me too.
V for Vendetta is a great movie. In terms of the sign you can belive that animals shouldn't be torurted when killed for use to eat and think they shouldn't be tested on and still eat meat. That is how I feal, that is why I don't go to KFC.