I most likely will not be able to continue with my plans to visit Germany for the big FIFA World Cup 2006. It kills me to even think about it. I've waited 4 long years for this and now, just as I can see it on the horizon, a thick fog rolls in. So close, yet so far away.
Maybe it's selfish of me to want to go but it has been a dream of mine to watch my boys play in the end all be all of soccer championships (my opinion, yours may vary). My family needs me. More specifically, my pregnant sister needs me and I should do everything I can to help her, including missing my trip. I can't do both. I simply don't have the funding, nor the time. That makes me a little bit sad. Ciao.
....and you'll never walk alone.....
Ladycroft's Journal
My Podcast Link
04/16/2006 00:45 #25385
broken dreamCategory: soccer
04/14/2006 12:09 #25384
the good, the bad, the indecisionCategory: work
I was offered a job that I really want. I'm waiting to hear if I am offered another job I want a little bit more. I'm supposed to give the first offer an answer on Monday. I most likely won't hear from the other until later in the week. I don't know what to do.
jason - 04/15/06 19:02
I like your new user pic!
I like your new user pic!
metalpeter - 04/15/06 15:30
Take the Job You really want. Granted the second job you want a little bit more, but both jobs are jobs you really want. What if nothing happend with the second job and you turned down the first then you would have niether of the jobs you really want, and that would completely suck. So take the first one on monday. If the second one becomes and opiton later you may at that point decide to switch jobs.
Take the Job You really want. Granted the second job you want a little bit more, but both jobs are jobs you really want. What if nothing happend with the second job and you turned down the first then you would have niether of the jobs you really want, and that would completely suck. So take the first one on monday. If the second one becomes and opiton later you may at that point decide to switch jobs.
boxerboi - 04/14/06 14:48
I agree with (e:scott). Take the first job, see if you get the second one and then decide.
Unless you don't want the first job, then say no and wait it out.
Although, if you need the experience, then I would go with the first option.
Eh, what do I know. I work for my next door neighbor and still live at home.
hahaha! good luck. :-D
I agree with (e:scott). Take the first job, see if you get the second one and then decide.
Unless you don't want the first job, then say no and wait it out.
Although, if you need the experience, then I would go with the first option.
Eh, what do I know. I work for my next door neighbor and still live at home.
hahaha! good luck. :-D
scott - 04/14/06 14:18
Don't feel bad if you "accept" a job and then the better job comes along. If that happens, you cancel on less desirable position, and take the one you really want. No one can fault you for that.
This is business, you gotta look out for yourself. If the employer could find someone better for less pay, they wouldn't offer you a job anyways. So, feel an ounce of guilt if you end up stiffing them. It happens all the time.
Don't feel bad if you "accept" a job and then the better job comes along. If that happens, you cancel on less desirable position, and take the one you really want. No one can fault you for that.
This is business, you gotta look out for yourself. If the employer could find someone better for less pay, they wouldn't offer you a job anyways. So, feel an ounce of guilt if you end up stiffing them. It happens all the time.
04/13/2006 10:35 #25383
regretful bad friendsCategory: potpourri
I just about cried this morning when I got this message from a long-lost once upon a time very good friend today .....
"Any room for regretful bad friends in yourspace?"
"Any room for regretful bad friends in yourspace?"
theecarey - 04/14/06 02:26
i'm curious...
i'm curious...
04/13/2006 00:21 #25382
a tale of torontoCategory: potpourri
First and foremost, I want to wish a VERY Happy 30th Birthday to (e:imk2) today!!!!!
We headed up to Toronto last night to see the UB40 concert.

Long story short, we were 3 hours late. They wouldn't let us in, so we went round to the back stage door and grooved to the crystal clear sounds of the last 5 or 6 songs. Man I love that group.

We wandered around town for a bit.

We grabbed dinner at the local market. Here is Yvonne holding our noodle soup bowls and chopsticks amidst the colourful detergents. How much detergent does one need to stock in a little market anyway?

Today we hit H&M, Chinatown, the Shoe Museum and the Polish village.

These flip flops got my attention...I just don't know what to say

On second thought, I do.... "holy chow"!

Weird shoes...

Cool shoes....

I want these shoes! (made with a genuine Guinness beer can)

What exactly are these 'bubbles' in bubble tea? I ended up with a purple drink that tasted like coconut with green gelatinous balls as displayed by (e:imk2)

We enjoyed a tasty Polish dinner and made it back to the car just in time to stop an inspector from writing up a ticket...phew!

On the way home.

We headed up to Toronto last night to see the UB40 concert.

Long story short, we were 3 hours late. They wouldn't let us in, so we went round to the back stage door and grooved to the crystal clear sounds of the last 5 or 6 songs. Man I love that group.

We wandered around town for a bit.

We grabbed dinner at the local market. Here is Yvonne holding our noodle soup bowls and chopsticks amidst the colourful detergents. How much detergent does one need to stock in a little market anyway?

Today we hit H&M, Chinatown, the Shoe Museum and the Polish village.

These flip flops got my attention...I just don't know what to say

On second thought, I do.... "holy chow"!

Weird shoes...

Cool shoes....

I want these shoes! (made with a genuine Guinness beer can)

What exactly are these 'bubbles' in bubble tea? I ended up with a purple drink that tasted like coconut with green gelatinous balls as displayed by (e:imk2)

We enjoyed a tasty Polish dinner and made it back to the car just in time to stop an inspector from writing up a ticket...phew!

On the way home.

metalpeter - 04/13/06 18:17
Ah only 3 hours late it isn't that late, to bad you ladies where late but glad you still had fun. I love the night picture of the fountains at dundas square i belive it is called by the hardrock cafe.
Ah only 3 hours late it isn't that late, to bad you ladies where late but glad you still had fun. I love the night picture of the fountains at dundas square i belive it is called by the hardrock cafe.
vincent - 04/13/06 16:13
I really miss good authentic ingredients imported from Poland real Polish Food. I haven't been on Spadina in years, So Jealous. What saves me is we get some good stuff from a Polish Deli in Hamilton on Barton St every once in a while on our way home from my Uncle's house in Oakville.
Glad you had a good time.
I really miss good authentic ingredients imported from Poland real Polish Food. I haven't been on Spadina in years, So Jealous. What saves me is we get some good stuff from a Polish Deli in Hamilton on Barton St every once in a while on our way home from my Uncle's house in Oakville.
Glad you had a good time.
leetee - 04/13/06 13:42
I forgot to ask you if you made it to Kensington Market, just the other side of Chinatown, one block west of Spadina, between Dundas West and College.
I forgot to ask you if you made it to Kensington Market, just the other side of Chinatown, one block west of Spadina, between Dundas West and College.
uncutsaniflush - 04/13/06 10:33
I assume y'all went up the Q.E.W. My guess this fatal accident was why y'all were late: :::link:::
I'm glad to hear you guys at least got a chance to hear the band and had a nice time in T.O.
I assume y'all went up the Q.E.W. My guess this fatal accident was why y'all were late: :::link:::
I'm glad to hear you guys at least got a chance to hear the band and had a nice time in T.O.
libertad - 04/13/06 00:30
mmmm bubble tea!
mmmm bubble tea!
04/08/2006 12:31 #25381
grab your lederhosenCategory: easter
I stuffed my face with a dozen Cadbury mini eggs last night at (e:jenks)'s. What does this tell you? Easter is upon us. Even if you don't believe in or celebrate the day, I'm sure you still indulge in all the tasty chocolate treats that emerge but once a year. That's not my point so I'll shut up now. Go here: 

It's too bad that you can't go... but the World Cup will come again in 4 years; being with your sister in her time of need is something for the lifetime. :)
In fall 2009 and spring 2010, make sure your sister's pill case is well stocked! ;)
(or you could permanently fix her husband...)
I'm awful sorry to hear that. My friend just told me that he can't go to Europe this summer with me either so that stinks, I know how you feel. If you want we could totally go together later in the summer if you want! Happy Easter!
It isn't selfish for you to want to go to the World Cup. A relative of mine went to the World cup when it was in Korea but he was allready there so I guess that is a little differant. Now it might be selfish if you told your sis you couldn't help her because you where going to the world cup. If tickets and plane tickets and hotel where allready all payed for and purchesed then you would have to go and that wouldn't be selfish. But if you have to chose picking the sister is more important. That is unless there are others who can help her. Sorry you can't go.
omg no no! that sucks. Can I help??