worry no longer, i am alive!!!
katrina swung around thee other night, that bitch!! i totally didn't even know it was coming (sucks not having tv or internet or radio or newspaper, but we're getting internet and tv soon, i hope)
but it was crazy... around 8:30 thursday night, the electricity went out. then we started hearing people out in the hall screaming, so we proceded to go check out what was going on out there... well we're on the 3rd floor of a 3 story building (with mystery stairs going up to the roof, well there was a river flowing down them
and all the water was flowing into their rooms so they were all screaming and sweeping the water down the elevator shaft and out of their rooms
and it was all fun and games, we were having a blast until we realized it was starting to come in our door too :( so we had to plug up our door with towels that we were ringing out like every 5 minutes
so we thought we were safe with the door plugged up and the rain from the porch staying out, but NO... some how on the 3rd floor, water managed to seep in from underneith to the center of our apartment, our hallway that leads to our bedrooms. first we just thought we were tracking water in from outside, but then thee spot started getting bigger and bigger, and wetter and wetter... here's the progression:
and not only did we have a wet hall way that kept getting wetter and wetter, the closet in Rachel's room has the AC unit in it and water was definitly pouring out of it, not just a drip, or even a constant drip, but like a sink faucet pouring water in there.
so from like 9:00 till 3:00 we were riging out our door towels like every 5 minutes, emptying out the bucket in her room, walking through our wet hallway, playing card games and drinking.
but it did look really cool from our balcony. here is the tree right outside
we had to sleep out in the living room by thee balcony to kinda keep cool with a bit of a cool breeze. and then the next morning we went out in search of ice and a car to charge phones. and what happened?? Rachel locked her keys in her car, and no, i didn't take my keys with me. so we were stuck out of our apt, out of our cars, and i still had my phone, but the signal was terrible and the battery was almost dead. good thing the man in the building next to ours knows how to break into cars though ;)
so we got back in, found a guy who's area still had electircity, went over there to charge my phone and get some air conditioning, and flirted our way into getting a set of his keys while he's gone for the week ;) ;) ;) so we've been staying at his house, which is where im typing this from, and we moved all our food over, BUT and it is a BIG BUT! the rug in out apt is still wet, which means it really really stinks, and it's soo soggy and humid in there so it's not going to dry any time soon. electricity isn't supposed to be back to us till tuesday (friday at the latest) and all of our other stuff (clothes and beds) are starting to smell too :( and our DEAD BEAT LANDLORD is away till monday at the earliest and she turned off er voicemail (and no, our sink isn't fixed yet, from the previous post)
but it was soo sad driving around here the past few days... sooo many of my favorite trees and other too have been up rooted. look at the size of this one, and it's gone now :(
and there's just soo much destruction all over, it's such a sad sight... trees down everywhere, all pushed off to the side fo the road to clear the roads :(
OMG That's awesome! Have you used the pool yet? So do you think maybe there is a pool on the roof of my house? The slant would make it difficult but maybe it is really my parents best kept secret?
i dont know why im supposed to comment on this. um...cool? haha. there is a pool somewhere in your building?
I remember it was so fun when I found keyhole in 2004. they were the company that google bought to make google earth :::link:::