yeah, so i'm heading out friday morning for my last semester at the sunny south florida University of Miami!!! God only knows what's going on after that... maybe a little grad school, maybe a job (finally), maybe i'll meet some rich guy and get married and pop out a few little kiddies, maybe just be a bum for a few more years ;) who knows...
but as for my last day here in sunny buffalo, i think i might take a little walk down the street to the one and only Erie County Fair!!! (last year i saw a baby cow that had just been born that morning, kinda sick and slimy, but still cute) and then the plan is to head out for my last thursday downtown... such cheap drinks, i don't think there is anywhere else on earth where you can get so many drinks for so little $. I love it!!! esp the 3 for 1's at macmonkeys (or however ya spell it) you can even get glowing drinks!!! (if you really want to get anything with tonic water, ewww) but i'd have to say that i think all these cheap drinks in buffalo really ruined me. it used to be soo easy to get a buzz, but now it's like i have to drink a ton to feel anything... (that's gonna suck when i get back to miami where it's $6-$10 a drink...
but yeah, so that's why i really want to go out tomorrow night, i might have to sneak out again though, my mom was a little anti my plans, but i think i've mastered the sneaking out thing this summer, (hehehehehehe, how sad is that) but i need a drinking buddy.
(e:amanda) has occupied the position all summer, but as far as i know, she has morphed into an elephant seal and can't make it out :( so do i have any willing substitutes???
(e:mike) ??? you know you want to!!! how much fun have we had, esp finding new, mysterious levels at skybar?!?! or maybe
(e:paul) ??? i'm sure you can find more stuff to take pictures of or write about.. or
(e:terry) ??? you can't pass up the opportunity to go dancing!!!! or anyone else who may be interested in a fun drunken night with
(e:julie) before i leave at 8:30 fri morning (yeah, so that means it's prolly not gonna be that late of a night for me, but fun none the less.... and yeah,
(e:amanda), that means you need to get to my house by 8:30 fri morning... so you better get some sleep!!!)
k, well that's my ramble for now, but before i go, i would like to send a shout out to my favorite bichon frise, stick in there kid!!!
"Valvoline Penetrating lubricant" is a must-have accessory for every bedroom. Er, I mean, bathroom.
Julie, try a penetrating spray like wd-40 :::link::: or Valvoline Penetrating lubricant :::link::: to loosen the screw. It is corroded by rust and that is why it isn't coming out. Also try tapping the screw lightly. The vibration can break the bonds of rust and help the screw come out easily especially if you already sprayed the screw.
Plastic replacement knobs for bath sink faucets are pretty cheap and shouldn't be hard to find at hardware stores or walmart or home depot.
Good luck.
that sux there are way too many deadbeat landlords!!!