1. Advocates of the global warming "theory" bullying and removing funding from scientists who disagree? Yes, according to the Sloan Professor of Atmospheric Science at MIT. Theres even a Buffalo reference in this one -

2. Moussaoui jurors hear Flight 93 tape. I'm conflicted over this one - I wouldn't ever want to hear that thing.

3. That crazy bastard in Iran celebrates his country's barely scratching the surface of harnessing nuclear energy - not that anyone actually believes that his intentions are peaceful. Anyhow, here you go -

4. (Some) illegal immigrants get fired after being issued a verbal and written warning that if they left work to protest that they would be fired. Now they are "fighting for their rights?" WHAT FUCKING RIGHTS might they be referring to? See, this is what upsets me about the illegals right now - the assumption that breaking laws, doing things the wrong way and ignoring clear rules shouldn't go unpunished bedause... well... they feel like it. I have absolutely no sympathy for these people that got fired. Read for yourself then decide -

5. GOP leaders uninterested in making illegal immigrants felons - see, this I can agree with and I think everybody would agree that this makes sense. The immigration issue is a difficult one, but I don't think its practical to a) make these people felons, or b) try to deport them all.

6. RED ALERT - Oprah is okay with being a rich lady!

7. Giuliani victim of a smear movie, Fahrenheit 9/11 style.

I agree completely. Those who do not understand and abide by the laws of this country should be stripped of their livelihoods and property and sent to where they belong: prison. It is reprehensible that anyone in this country would stoop so low as to knowingly, wittingly, and might I add feloniously, take advantage of illegal immigrants who enjoy no protection of law, for their personal profit. I hold the owner, the manager, and the entire weasely HR department responsible. They should be crucified in town square and the plant burned to the ground.
Fucking ridiculous.
- Z
I know that I tend to be a bit simple minded.
But the thought crosses my mind that if businesses and individuals didn't hire illegal (undocumented) workers, there would be a lot less illegal workers in the U.S.
As long as it is cost-effective to hire illegal workers, the laws of supply and demand will continue to apply.
To my mind it is just as wrong of an American to hire a undocumented Eastern European woman as a nanny or housekeeper as it is for a corporation to hire undocumented Mexicans for meat-packing and poultry processing.
But that is just me. As always, I could be wrong.
I don't dare follow any of those links for fear of being totally infuriated. Particularly #4.