(e:matt) asked me something today that I have been asked before - and I'm only paraphrasing. "Why in the world do you think global warming is bullshit?"
(e:matt) also gave me a great suggestion - talk more local stuff. Actually thats a great idea - and in consideration on my right-leaning stance on most things I think the lefties around here might be in for a shock - we actually agree on most local stuff. I can only agree with Jamie Moses when it comes to local topics... that says quite a bit. I'll elaborate in a minute.
A caveat; ultimately this is my journal, and I really only talk about things I care about and want to talk about. The bottom line is this - I write for myself and could care less if nobody reads this shit. This is MY space. People constantly are picking my brain, and I have no issue with that whatsoever. Do not mistake my willingness to discuss a broader range of topics, however, for abandonment of my current topics.
Allow me to clarify my position on global warming. Whether or not the world is rising in temperature is beyond question - the question is, why is this happening? Its never been possible to irrefutably link human activity and global warming - this is problem number one. The bulk of the science related to global warming is being proliferated by people with an agenda - problem number two. No idea is credible when the results come before the reasoning, and MANY people that profess that man is responsible for global warming are guilty of this.
Does that mean that the people with the agenda are wrong? Not necessarily. If you read the research, the best that people have been able to come up with is we simply don't know for sure why its happening... the best we can say is that solar variability combined with other factors (such as human activity) are likely the culprit. Based on the science currently released, I'm compelled to believe that this is occuring as a result of solar cycles, with the minor part being played by humanity. Is human activity THE reason why the world is getting hotter? Absolutely, positively not. Is human activity contributing though? I believe so.
I'm a believer in moving away from oil - for political, environmental and technological reasons. We know that we could be or are likely to be contributing somewhat to global warming - that alone is enough for me to believe that we need to find new ways to generate power. If we can reduce or eliminate any effect we may be having on the environment, flip the bird to OPEC and innovate in technology that could benefit the entire planet - sign me up YESTERDAY.
In other words - I want to achieve the same things that the envirofascists want to achieve - just for different reasons. I actually want the same conclusion as the people that are convinced that its "our" fault. Ultimately it won't mean a great deal, as India and China are likely going to be buying up the oil that we wouldn't be buying anymore... will the great enemy be China and India then, or is this somehow still going to be America's fault, people? The movement to give up oil and will have to be a global movement or else its going to be meaningless. Sooner or later we're going to have to make the first step so lets be proactive.
Okay - local politics. This was a great suggestion - more dialogue needs to happen about local issues, and since this is a locally oriented site this is an ideal place to be talking about the local dirt. I'm just going to give a general idea about what I think about the local situation, and maybe touch on a couple local hot button issues.
Buffalo will never get fixed anytime soon. Why? Because most people in this city just don't give a shit. Voter apathy, no political pressure to institute meaningful change, bickering, arguing about who is going to get payola, corruption, cronyism, racial overtones, overtaxation, no visionary leadership for decades - you name it, Buffalo has it as a problem.
The problem, first and foremost, is voter apathy and the apathy to change that is a direct result of the voter apathy. Politicians in this city are routinely re-elected despite little or no tangible results. To an outside observer, the position we are in must be ridiculous and deserved. As long as the local voters either can't or don't want to DEMAND results from these people, nothing is changing. Local politicians routinely take the voter for granted because
they can.
The casino - Any deal that benefits the state more than the city should be abandoned. To me this doesn't make any sense purely from a business standpoint. Its not clear to me that this is necessary at all - the best argument I've heard is that its going to bring in jobs.... so lets do it! There are a lot of ways to bring jobs to the area without having to resort to building a casino... which if you ask me is the bottom rung. We need jobs to be sure, but lets not hastily take a bad deal related to a shady business sector merely out of desperation. This city habitually considers wacky proposals. What happened to the IT corridor they had envisioned? Why is it that our region missed the economic boat during the Clinton years? Why is it that we've never had leaders with the ability to adapt to and attract new segments of business? The economic outlook of the city IS NOT hinging on whether or not we're going to build a casino... things cannot get worse if we don't because we're already at rock bottom. I'm waiting to be convinced that building a casino is progress.
The bridge and the waterfront - This one completely infuriates me. The local officials are more interested in arguing about minutia than actually achieving anything. This is the perfect stereotypical example of why nothing gets done here - big egos, small brains. Everybody that is involved with this project should be removed... and if you really want to get something done, bring in a group of people that are not affiliated with the people and companies with the most to lose on this "deal." The officials working on the bridge and the waterfront projects are absolute poison, and deserve to be reprimanded and exposed as such publicly.
190 tolls - There is no reason for them. Its abusive and is a drain on a flatlined economy.
Racism - Buffalo is one of the most segregated cities I've ever been to or lived in. Anybody can go to the East Side and see that black neighborhoods are largely neglected. Its embarassing and inexcusable. If our area is ever going to get out this rut, ALL of us are going to have to get there together, take collective responsibility and do what needs to be done in order to improve our situation. Both white and black people are very racist here - its time to stop ignoring it, confront the problem, understand the problems and work together to fix them.
Giambra - He's incompetant. However, to try to pin Erie County or Buffalo problems onto the Republicans is dishonest and hypocritical. So is the implication that Giambra is the only local politician to have ever hired family members or friends to work for local government - Artvoice and The Beast are particularly guilty of this one. We do not live in a Republican stronghold and never have - Democrats have dominated local politics for over 100 years in our city, so lets not be silly. Our problems are a result of DECADES of systematic, damaging and immoral practices on behalf of our elected officicals, and a vast majority of those politicians have been Democrats over the years. Giambra did not create the mess we're in, and while I think he isn't fit for the job he's in, he cannot be legitimately blamed for our ills. In my mind, the Red/Green budget fiasco is Exhibit A for why he shouldn't hold office. He completely insulted the area's collective intelligence on that one. ANY politician that hires unqualified or underqualified people for positions purely because of favor or nepotism should be scrutinized heavily.
City Hall - Our City Hall is a microcosm. Its a miniature world all its own, where bureaucracy and inefficiency rule the day. Contempt for the taxpayer is company policy downtown, and is written all over the faces of EVERY. SINGLE. EMPLOYEE. Your money doesn't belong to you, you see... it belongs to THEM. They believe that they know best concerning how to spend "their" money so there is no need for a control board, despite decades of evidence explicitly displaying just how rife with incompetance our officials have been for years upon years. After all, none of this is our fault - its the states fault, right?
Ticketing in the city - Don't even get me started on this one. Jason and I have paid over $500 on tickets this winter, not because I'm a lawbreaker... its because there isn't enough parking on the Strip and during the winter people are almost guaranteed to get tickets because they are FORCED to either park on the street or in the lot next to Globe Market... which up until a year or so ago was a safe place to park for years. Set the obvious parking problems in the city aside for a second. Ultimately this is about Police enforcement, which I have no problem with. What I DO have a problem with, however, is playing games with the public, hiding or denying the REAL reasons behind the enforcement increase and expecting the public to go along with it. Citizens here aren't stupid - we know that its because of the union contract. Don't play games with peoples lives and money, lie about your reasons then expect the public to be on your side.
All I want to say on abortion is that some people belive there are 2 movements in abortion the Prolifers and Prochoicers. There is actully a 3rd movement that to my knowledge dosn't have a name it is people who try to cut down on the number of abortions there are. Some of the things they may do is incurrage adoptions, better sex ed, I think that is an important movement and it shouldn't be over looked.