6AM flight to JFK, $48 cab ride that took 1.5 hours, and finally arrived to work. Flight out of LaGuardia to Midway in Chicago and here I am. Friday night I'll be in Los Angeles.
Tony Snow is now the White House Press Secretary, which I think is an interesting transition. Of course, there are swarms of pleibes out there frothing at the mouth saying "of course, he worked for Fox News" but, as said pleibes naturally don't know a damn thing about the subject matter, they wouldn't realize that he's been a sharp critic of the president.
If you've been paying attention at all to local politics lately you'd know that Joel Giambra has been advocating the legalization of *some* narcotics. Anybody that knows me knows how I feel about it - we should be doing this shit like Amsterdam does. I'm not talking about cocaine or its derivatives... marijuana only. I believe that if marijuana should be illegal than so should alcohol, as alcohol has been the cause of more social ills than marijuana ever, ever has. I have no idea why Giambra broke this one out - its completely out of left field. He is teaming up with a group called LEAP - former and current law enforcement and judges who believe that controlled legalization of certain drugs will actually help law enforcement by lowering crime. In all honesty I'm split on whether or not we'll see legalization in my lifetime.
Joshua's Journal
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04/26/2006 23:18 #24633
Another roadie!Category: travel
04/20/2006 14:17 #24632
Awesome!While sifting through the days news I ran across this story - a lady in CA wants to build a home out of spare parts from a 747 jumbo jet! Check out the article and the artist's rendition of the home. 

jenks - 04/21/06 09:47
Wow. To my surprise, it actually looks pretty cool. Ahh to be crazy and rich...
Wow. To my surprise, it actually looks pretty cool. Ahh to be crazy and rich...
04/20/2006 11:27 #24631
Why we do what we doA few months ago, a company (thankfully we weren't the one to visit this company) in Bangladesh had a fire. Because they locked all the doors and never did any evacuation training, 250 people died in the fire.
Fast forward to this week - we did visit a company in Haiti with the same problems. We aren't recommending them and I hope that they either change their ways or go out of business.
Fast forward to this week - we did visit a company in Haiti with the same problems. We aren't recommending them and I hope that they either change their ways or go out of business.
scott - 04/20/06 13:45
I'm pretty sure those businesses operate that way becuase they can. They're not moral entities, they're businesses and they exist to turn a profit. they have no interest in developing the country, developing the workforce, or anything except making a quick buck.
That used to be the USA a hundred years ago.
I bet their main buyer for their goods is a US company... like Walmart or Target, too.
I'm pretty sure those businesses operate that way becuase they can. They're not moral entities, they're businesses and they exist to turn a profit. they have no interest in developing the country, developing the workforce, or anything except making a quick buck.
That used to be the USA a hundred years ago.
I bet their main buyer for their goods is a US company... like Walmart or Target, too.
04/19/2006 16:50 #24630
News1. This first news story is near and dear to me, especially considering that it involves the worst airport in the United States. 
2. This is a bit of a surprise for me, but to be honest I'm glad for him. I don't suffer fools easily and I don't know how Scott McClellan did for 2 years... the press corps are a bunch of blithering idiots.
3. Wal-Mart vows to continue growth despite opposition. What opposition? You mean the activists? Guess what - until its unprofitable for Wal-Mart to operate you aren't going to even phase them with rhetoric.
4. This one truly makes me sick, especially since West Coast tech companies have been complicit in getting political dissidents in China arrested, or possibly MUCH worse. Fuck China, and fuck their President. P.S. Bill Gates still looks like an 11-year old prepubescent boy.
5. Let me get this right. Mexico harshly criticizes the USA for wanting to enforce border security and deal effectively with illegal immigration, but Mexico itself doesn't want to follow its own advice? Fuck Mexico too.

2. This is a bit of a surprise for me, but to be honest I'm glad for him. I don't suffer fools easily and I don't know how Scott McClellan did for 2 years... the press corps are a bunch of blithering idiots.

3. Wal-Mart vows to continue growth despite opposition. What opposition? You mean the activists? Guess what - until its unprofitable for Wal-Mart to operate you aren't going to even phase them with rhetoric.

4. This one truly makes me sick, especially since West Coast tech companies have been complicit in getting political dissidents in China arrested, or possibly MUCH worse. Fuck China, and fuck their President. P.S. Bill Gates still looks like an 11-year old prepubescent boy.

5. Let me get this right. Mexico harshly criticizes the USA for wanting to enforce border security and deal effectively with illegal immigration, but Mexico itself doesn't want to follow its own advice? Fuck Mexico too.

04/18/2006 12:55 #24629
NewsI dislike making two posts in a short amount of time but there is some juicy stuff bouncing around out there today. Please check out my previous entry about the casino, read it, and let me know what you think about the casino issue - either through your own entry in your journal or by leaving a comment on my journal.
1. I find myself in the uncomfortable position of ALMOST agreeing with Shrillary on an issue. She and Senator Reid are championing a new program that would federally fund the morning after pill and programs designed to reduce abortions. The bill would also provide funding designed to support low income women that choose to carry babies to full term. You can read about it here -
My view on this is that abortion is the most barbaric thing our society allows. Therefore finding ways to reduce abortions is a good idea. The problem is, how do we go about that? One argument is that abortions wouldn't be as necessary if people simply were more responsible, so abstinence should be the focus. Another argument is that we should make access to contraception easier and more affordable, and the result would be a general decline in abortions. I think it would be hypocritical to support a ban on abortions and at the same time reject any realistic prevention initiatives. Ultimately the issue is, how do we go about prevention?
Handing out RU-486 isn't the answer, but I don't see why we can't come up with something that would make it easier for women to access birth control. I think that is a reasonable idea. Supporting women that choose to carry babies to full term though? We already do that - its called welfare, and there are ALOT of people out there that abuse the system and keep popping out babies because the more kids you have, the more govt. money you are allowed access to. I still have a few questions about this though, and I think no matter what there needs to be some abstinence programs also. Sex ed cannot be one-sided. Anyway, read the article and decide for yourself!
2. Purdue University grad student arrested for threatening to kill the Prez, his administration, Republicans, and also threatening to rape and mutilate American and British women. Cookoo!
The student's lawyer is suggesting that he is covered under the First Amendment because he never would have actually carried out the threats. Number one - how do we know that? Number two - First Amendment is not absolute and you cannot threaten to kill the POTUS and expect to hide behind the Constitution.
3. Al Gore is releasing a movie related to his lectures about global warming.
You lefties will like this one. Hell, I'll check this movie out whenever its available. This is supposedly an article about the movie, but Richard Cohen inevitably and predictably starts bashing Bush and suggests that Al Gore would actually be the perfect candidate for President in 2008!! This is alarming because I agree with Mr. Cohen. I would relish Al Gore running against someone like George Allen because all we'd have to do is drag out sound clips of Al Gore speaking over the past few years and the R's would win by a landslide. In particular I think Americans would be interested in the speech that Gore gave in Saudi Arabia, essentially bashing America and being paid by the Saudis for it. Thats it Mr. Gore - stir up the Middle East and talk trash about the USA, then run for Prez. I think Richard Cohen dipped into my ziplock bag of vegetables when I wasn't looking.
1. I find myself in the uncomfortable position of ALMOST agreeing with Shrillary on an issue. She and Senator Reid are championing a new program that would federally fund the morning after pill and programs designed to reduce abortions. The bill would also provide funding designed to support low income women that choose to carry babies to full term. You can read about it here -

My view on this is that abortion is the most barbaric thing our society allows. Therefore finding ways to reduce abortions is a good idea. The problem is, how do we go about that? One argument is that abortions wouldn't be as necessary if people simply were more responsible, so abstinence should be the focus. Another argument is that we should make access to contraception easier and more affordable, and the result would be a general decline in abortions. I think it would be hypocritical to support a ban on abortions and at the same time reject any realistic prevention initiatives. Ultimately the issue is, how do we go about prevention?
Handing out RU-486 isn't the answer, but I don't see why we can't come up with something that would make it easier for women to access birth control. I think that is a reasonable idea. Supporting women that choose to carry babies to full term though? We already do that - its called welfare, and there are ALOT of people out there that abuse the system and keep popping out babies because the more kids you have, the more govt. money you are allowed access to. I still have a few questions about this though, and I think no matter what there needs to be some abstinence programs also. Sex ed cannot be one-sided. Anyway, read the article and decide for yourself!
2. Purdue University grad student arrested for threatening to kill the Prez, his administration, Republicans, and also threatening to rape and mutilate American and British women. Cookoo!

The student's lawyer is suggesting that he is covered under the First Amendment because he never would have actually carried out the threats. Number one - how do we know that? Number two - First Amendment is not absolute and you cannot threaten to kill the POTUS and expect to hide behind the Constitution.
3. Al Gore is releasing a movie related to his lectures about global warming.

You lefties will like this one. Hell, I'll check this movie out whenever its available. This is supposedly an article about the movie, but Richard Cohen inevitably and predictably starts bashing Bush and suggests that Al Gore would actually be the perfect candidate for President in 2008!! This is alarming because I agree with Mr. Cohen. I would relish Al Gore running against someone like George Allen because all we'd have to do is drag out sound clips of Al Gore speaking over the past few years and the R's would win by a landslide. In particular I think Americans would be interested in the speech that Gore gave in Saudi Arabia, essentially bashing America and being paid by the Saudis for it. Thats it Mr. Gore - stir up the Middle East and talk trash about the USA, then run for Prez. I think Richard Cohen dipped into my ziplock bag of vegetables when I wasn't looking.
metalpeter - 04/18/06 18:51
All I want to say on abortion is that some people belive there are 2 movements in abortion the Prolifers and Prochoicers. There is actully a 3rd movement that to my knowledge dosn't have a name it is people who try to cut down on the number of abortions there are. Some of the things they may do is incurrage adoptions, better sex ed, I think that is an important movement and it shouldn't be over looked.
All I want to say on abortion is that some people belive there are 2 movements in abortion the Prolifers and Prochoicers. There is actully a 3rd movement that to my knowledge dosn't have a name it is people who try to cut down on the number of abortions there are. Some of the things they may do is incurrage adoptions, better sex ed, I think that is an important movement and it shouldn't be over looked.
At one point I was quite desperate for a pudding recipe using leftover sushi rice, since there’s no way to successfully cook a single-serving. I usually make the smallest batch I can, then warm up the leftover rice before making sushi the following day. But I’d rather make it fresh daily and use the leftover for pudding or some other snack I can refrigerate.
p.s. - every day is 420 in SF.
I concur with ladycroft.
i'm for the amsterdam method
Dad? Is that you? Yes, dear ole dad, i know, and have known all of my adult life and then some, that you think all forms of THC should be decriminalized.
Ah, just think of the the line at the Duty Free shop. Then, crossing the border. Yes, customs officer, i have one bottle of vodka, one carton of cigarettes and 3 doobies to declare!
Maybe Giambra is trudging this out because he has nothing to loose... couldn't before because he was concerned about re-election...?
Legalize it. Tax it. Use all that extra tax $ to pay for patronage. Sounds like a plan!
I haven't heard a rational argument against legalizing THC yet. I don't smoke much weed... haven't smoked up in a year
(maybe longer), so I have no vested interest in it, and I still think we should legalize.
HUH??? Where did rice pudding come from?
But anyway... yeah josh I posted a similar thing a while ago. Pot should be way more legal than tobacco. But so the other day at work, somehow our mormon chairman brought that up in conference... I wanted to hide. I thought "he did NOT just bring up legalizing drugs" since I thought everyone would totally freak. But someone made the dumbest argument ever.... that if we make it legal it will be a problem b/c children will do drugs. WTF. Apparently the concept of a "legal age" (as exists for tobacco and alcohol) didn't cross his mind. Stupid!
I don't ever remember having rice pudding. I've tried to make bread pudding, but that didn't turn out well. I see (e:mrdt) has some techniques for making it, and I think I'd go with one of those.
wow, I'm really surprised that giabra is advocating smoking anything with that bout with cancer a few years ago, which he attributes to smoking.
You need a recipe for rice pudding?? how complicated do you wanna make it. I have recipes that use left over rice from chinese food. I have recipes that build you an actual custard while the rice is cooking. I also have recipes that reduce heavy cream as the rice ccoks and gives off starch. I've always wanted to try to make rice pudding with a technique similiar to risotto, but instead of using chicken stock, use wine (acidity to balance) to start then continue with scalded vanilla bean - infused milk. Lastly do you like fruit or nuts, I think rice pudding needs a crunchy element now a days. hahaha, it's good to be the chef!