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EStrip Guide on Writeboard
Feel free to log in and check it out. The password is 'estrip'. Without the quotes of course. I've set up an outline of what I think needs to be in it, but of course it's bound to be missing some stuff.
I'll work on this some more tonight, but I wanted to start the ball rolling. I will be taking screen captures to illustrate the various functions. Mainly what I need is to be sure that I've got everything I need to document listed on the outline.
Want to help?
One: Add to the outline itself, or add a comment at the bottom. You can also leave a comment for me here. Do keep in mind, it is just an outline so far. So don't be too harsh on me for the sparse page. Remember it is just an outline, so no need to get too detailed. Think more along the lines of 'What can be done?' and not 'How do I do it?'
Email me at
web ~at~ jimlindley.com
And I'll add you to the list to access the ongoing documentation effort.
i was lovin' it!
it was also a full moon! No wonder it was all crazy... and campers were killed at lake crystel