(E:James) and I went to go pick up the rings we had made (tomorrow is our Anniversary) but the jeweler had made them out of yellow gold instead of white.
I almost didn't notice they were wrong ... the rings turned out really well, just ultra plain bands. I thought maybe they were just colored by the lighting in the store. Offhandedly at the end, I asked,"Isn't this a bit yellow for white gold?". So, no rings. It'll be on my finger for the next million years, so what if it's a day or two late? I'm trying to be philosophical about it.
James. Shhh! :)
Oh Jim...
Do you guys want to know what was in the rest of that picture? You see, Jim has a HUGE Thundercats fetish. I was wearing a (faux)tiger fur loin cloth, pretending to be Liono. Jim put on some soul music and pretended to be Panthro, showing the errant Liono a lesson or two. Well, needless to say both kitties got scruffed up a bit and the sheets needed some thurough laundering under the guidance of a chemical engeneer who later remarked "I just... I just don't understnad... HOW!!!".
Thanks for keeping me humble Mr. Lindley.
awesome. Happy Anniversary, guys. :)