Things are moving along. We've mostly got an outline of what to cover.
If you'd like to help, please look at Documentation Outline (password is 'estrip')
And let me know if I'm missing anything. You don't have to write anything, just point me in the right direction if I've gone astray. I'm not too worried about writing every little step down, but if you see a feature or big thing that I missed please let me know.
For a more involved role, please email me at
web ~at~
And I'll add you to the documentation program.
Thanks for the help so far Uncut and Paul
Jim's Journal
My Podcast Link
01/11/2006 22:13 #24468
Update on DocumentationCategory: estrip
01/11/2006 14:31 #24467
E:Strip GuideCategory: estrip
Go to:
EStrip Guide on Writeboard
Feel free to log in and check it out. The password is 'estrip'. Without the quotes of course. I've set up an outline of what I think needs to be in it, but of course it's bound to be missing some stuff.
I'll work on this some more tonight, but I wanted to start the ball rolling. I will be taking screen captures to illustrate the various functions. Mainly what I need is to be sure that I've got everything I need to document listed on the outline.
Want to help?
One: Add to the outline itself, or add a comment at the bottom. You can also leave a comment for me here. Do keep in mind, it is just an outline so far. So don't be too harsh on me for the sparse page. Remember it is just an outline, so no need to get too detailed. Think more along the lines of 'What can be done?' and not 'How do I do it?'
Email me at
web ~at~
And I'll add you to the list to access the ongoing documentation effort.
EStrip Guide on Writeboard
Feel free to log in and check it out. The password is 'estrip'. Without the quotes of course. I've set up an outline of what I think needs to be in it, but of course it's bound to be missing some stuff.
I'll work on this some more tonight, but I wanted to start the ball rolling. I will be taking screen captures to illustrate the various functions. Mainly what I need is to be sure that I've got everything I need to document listed on the outline.
Want to help?
One: Add to the outline itself, or add a comment at the bottom. You can also leave a comment for me here. Do keep in mind, it is just an outline so far. So don't be too harsh on me for the sparse page. Remember it is just an outline, so no need to get too detailed. Think more along the lines of 'What can be done?' and not 'How do I do it?'
Email me at
web ~at~
And I'll add you to the list to access the ongoing documentation effort.
01/09/2006 22:53 #24466
Karl Rove Sighting!Category: photos
01/09/2006 19:13 #24465
Never Speak of it Again.Category: sad state of affairs
Please for the love of God, never say:
What's the happs?
When you should say:
What's happening?
Currently if you search for "What's the happs?" on (GOOGLE - "What's the happs"), you only get 400 pages. 100 of which are on MySpace. I'm betting it will be in the millions in six months.
If I catch anyone around here saying it, you will be first against the wall.
Seriously, and just to reinforce: of the pages that contain this phrase, 9000 pages spell what's as whats, and only 400 spell it as what's. Don't make me hurt you. I'm itching... it seems suddenly there aren't enough dead trendy people in the world.
I blame Rupert Murdoch of News Corp. Think about it. That man owns the two worst cesspools on the planet: Bill O'Reilly and MySpace. I would say it's hurting the children, but to be honest I don't care about children. It is hurting me, though. That I'm sure of, and I'm offering up the proof on this very page.
What kind of world am I living in that I am forced to deal with this? I think this proves that I'm not solipsistic, because were that the case I would make these facts flee from my mind in terror, instead of the reverse.
(Paul has informed me that I am exempt from the site Terms of Services and can threaten any and all with death. FYI.)
This is my enforcer.

This is the man who will show up at your door if you displease me. His name is Mike... and sure, he looks friendly, but it's a clever ruse. He knows karate and is not afraid to use it, so mind your 'what's' and 'happenings'.
What's the happs?
When you should say:
What's happening?
Currently if you search for "What's the happs?" on (GOOGLE - "What's the happs"), you only get 400 pages. 100 of which are on MySpace. I'm betting it will be in the millions in six months.
If I catch anyone around here saying it, you will be first against the wall.
Seriously, and just to reinforce: of the pages that contain this phrase, 9000 pages spell what's as whats, and only 400 spell it as what's. Don't make me hurt you. I'm itching... it seems suddenly there aren't enough dead trendy people in the world.
I blame Rupert Murdoch of News Corp. Think about it. That man owns the two worst cesspools on the planet: Bill O'Reilly and MySpace. I would say it's hurting the children, but to be honest I don't care about children. It is hurting me, though. That I'm sure of, and I'm offering up the proof on this very page.
What kind of world am I living in that I am forced to deal with this? I think this proves that I'm not solipsistic, because were that the case I would make these facts flee from my mind in terror, instead of the reverse.
(Paul has informed me that I am exempt from the site Terms of Services and can threaten any and all with death. FYI.)
This is my enforcer.

This is the man who will show up at your door if you displease me. His name is Mike... and sure, he looks friendly, but it's a clever ruse. He knows karate and is not afraid to use it, so mind your 'what's' and 'happenings'.
james - 01/09/06 21:08
I pledge my alliegence to the White Hand of SauruJim that I will slay anyone who uses such a phrase in a genuine or ironic sense and throw their bodies to the whales!
I pledge my alliegence to the White Hand of SauruJim that I will slay anyone who uses such a phrase in a genuine or ironic sense and throw their bodies to the whales!
theecarey - 01/09/06 19:43
How awful! I have never heard of this; somehow I am thinking that I am not missing much. Please let it dissolve from my memory..bad bad bad.
How awful! I have never heard of this; somehow I am thinking that I am not missing much. Please let it dissolve from my memory..bad bad bad.
01/07/2006 19:32 #24464
They actually are the biz.Category: happy
Benny Benassi & the Biz.
That is all.
That is all.
Thank you Jim.
UCSF, if you want to email me I'll set you up a basecamp account so you can stay involved.
Thanks... now that I've got an outline it doesn't seem too daunting of a task. I think I'll start on the screen shots tonight.
Also, a screen cast might be nice too. I'll have to try to remember which is a good program for that.
its a very good outline. time and tide (i.e., my lazy nature) premitting, i'll help flesh it out.