01/04/2006 18:04 #24461
Sweet ToothCategory: happy
One is happy, the other sad:
Eat them both and you'll be glad!
Seriously, these are my favorite cookies in all the world.
01/03/2006 11:26 #24460
Super-Duper-DVRCategory: i am a big dork
I'm in the middle of setting up my new work toy. A digital video recorder that can handle 6 to 8 channels of recorded video at a time, in one box. And I'm setting up a matching terabyte-plus raid storage box.
Very, very much fun.
It's super ironic too... I don't even have TV at home, but at work I watch it or deal with nothing but television all day. Sometimes I tell people that I haven't watched TV in a year, and then I have to remember that I spent 6 hours watching it at work that very day. It's very bizarre.
12/19/2005 21:55 #24459
Tis the SeasonNow that I have (psuedo)In-Laws, planning where to go for Christmas is so much fun.
12/13/2005 17:57 #24458
RoR 1.0!Category: i am a big dork
12/12/2005 11:13 #24457
Four More YearsCategory: buffalo
Does anyone else think that our new mayor will get anything more accomplished than Masiello did?
Not me. I still don't know what Byron Brown is about, and that's after much scrutiny these last 6 months. He can't really claim to be inspiring or have vision. He's been dulled in the NYS Senate. As far as I can see he's just part of the Democratic machine.
I'd meant to volunteer for Kevin Gaughn. I thought he was great. But I was working two jobs and just never made the time. So, it is my fault we don't have a better Mayor! If only I'd tried harder. OK, well, it's hard to put a dent in that kind of majority. What was it? Brown 66% and Gaughn 33%? In the general I ended up voting Republican.
Mmmm mine too! I want one (er, two) now.