[size=l]Photo meetup[/size]
[size=m]Spot (Delaware/Chippewa)
January 14th, 2006 at 2pm.[/size]
Organized by the Buffalo Group on Flickr.
We're expecting a dozen or so people, maybe more, and previous meetups have been lots of fun. Contact me if you have any questions...
buffaloflickrgroup [at] jimlindley.com
Also, I'll promote (e:strip) to everyone who comes, so maybe there'll be some new faces around here, too.
Jim's Journal
My Podcast Link
01/06/2006 18:37 #24463
Photography?Category: buffalo
01/05/2006 14:18 #24462
Toodles is in LoveCategory: mom

Read all about it.
Go get her!
Toodles was my mom's bunny. My dad gave him to the animal sanctuary where my dad works so that the bunny would have more company.
Nice to see he's getting along OK :)
01/04/2006 18:04 #24461
Sweet ToothCategory: happy

One is happy, the other sad:
Eat them both and you'll be glad!
Seriously, these are my favorite cookies in all the world.
boxerboi - 01/04/06 18:14
Mmmm mine too! I want one (er, two) now.
Mmmm mine too! I want one (er, two) now.
01/03/2006 11:26 #24460
Super-Duper-DVRCategory: i am a big dork
I'm in the middle of setting up my new work toy. A digital video recorder that can handle 6 to 8 channels of recorded video at a time, in one box. And I'm setting up a matching terabyte-plus raid storage box.
Very, very much fun.
It's super ironic too... I don't even have TV at home, but at work I watch it or deal with nothing but television all day. Sometimes I tell people that I haven't watched TV in a year, and then I have to remember that I spent 6 hours watching it at work that very day. It's very bizarre.
Very, very much fun.
It's super ironic too... I don't even have TV at home, but at work I watch it or deal with nothing but television all day. Sometimes I tell people that I haven't watched TV in a year, and then I have to remember that I spent 6 hours watching it at work that very day. It's very bizarre.
ajay - 01/03/06 15:38
I have to ask: where do you work?
I have to ask: where do you work?
12/19/2005 21:55 #24459
Tis the SeasonNow that I have (psuedo)In-Laws, planning where to go for Christmas is so much fun.
I still do :)
Oh, did you work for Yahoo?
Flickr... another great Yahoo! company.
Maybe you guys can have a "Buffalo Photo contest" and I'll send the winner a Flickr t-shirt from last year's Flickr bash (maybe even signed by Stewart!).
Thanks Jim