There's a photo meetup at Spot on Chippewa at 2pm today (Sunday).
Around a dozen people, we just hang out and talk about photography, join us if you like!
03/08/2006 11:42 #24478
sudo was invented in Buffalo
who knew?
jim - 03/09/06 02:47 Ajay, thanks for that info. I've always noticed UB was one of the handful of North American mirrors for FreeBSD, so it's great to find out why.
ajay - 03/08/06 18:32 UB's Computer Science Department was very good at one time. When it was established, it was among a handful of departments in the entire country specializing in Computer Science. Our founding chairman, Anthony Ralston, was also the founding-president of the ACM.
We also had the late Patricia Eberlein as a faculty. She was one _kick ass_ woman. Think Amelia Earhart; she was just like her, breaking barriers and shattering the glass ceiling (and walls).
Ken Smith, the Systems Admin of the department, is one of the few people in the world who can actually contribute code directly into FreeBSD.
jim - 03/08/06 13:11 zobar: you made me laugh so hard that I cried
dragonfire: sudo is a program that allows you to temporarily assume superuser priviledges in unix or unix like environments
uncutsaniflush - 03/08/06 12:56 thanks, jim, for the info. I just always assumed that sudo got into bsd at Berkley.
lol, zobar, thanks for making me laugh. I better be careful and not go into a geeky fugue from laughing too much before dinner.
zobar - 03/08/06 12:48 In fact, they invented it specifically for the Pan-Am Exposition in 1901. Few people know this, but they were having serious access control issues with the VAX 11/780 in the Hall of Electricity's server room. Thus begat the first version of sudo(8), though it has gone through numerous ports and revisions since then. My dad, for instance, installed sudo(8) on his slide rule 'cause people kept stealing it.
- Z
dragonfire1024 - 03/08/06 12:15 I could be wrong, but I think it was used first in buffalo during the Pan Am exposition. They used a lot of that stuff on the temporary buildings that were there.
01/21/2006 17:22 #24477
Lord of the Ring(s) Category: photos
twisted - 02/17/06 16:30 They're beautiful! Best wishes.
p.s. - San Francisco is a great place for a honeymoon...
Do you guys want to know what was in the rest of that picture? You see, Jim has a HUGE Thundercats fetish. I was wearing a (faux)tiger fur loin cloth, pretending to be Liono. Jim put on some soul music and pretended to be Panthro, showing the errant Liono a lesson or two. Well, needless to say both kitties got scruffed up a bit and the sheets needed some thurough laundering under the guidance of a chemical engeneer who later remarked "I just... I just don't understnad... HOW!!!".
To those helping me out, and to Paul. I have to start getting ready to present at my conference, so I can't finish anything more this week. I get back Monday though and my slate will be clear. For everyone else, sorry for all my boring posts about this stuff. I promise in the future, I'll blog about my dog instead.
Sorry for the delay. I wanted to get more done this week.
jim - 01/18/06 18:07 News Data Services in Tampa. I'm presenting on remote digital distribution.
paul - 01/18/06 17:32 What conference are you going to?
Ajay, thanks for that info. I've always noticed UB was one of the handful of North American mirrors for FreeBSD, so it's great to find out why.
UB's Computer Science Department was very good at one time. When it was established, it was among a handful of departments in the entire country specializing in Computer Science. Our founding chairman, Anthony Ralston, was also the founding-president of the ACM.
We also had the late Patricia Eberlein as a faculty. She was one _kick ass_ woman. Think Amelia Earhart; she was just like her, breaking barriers and shattering the glass ceiling (and walls).
Ken Smith, the Systems Admin of the department, is one of the few people in the world who can actually contribute code directly into FreeBSD.
zobar: you made me laugh so hard that I cried
dragonfire: sudo is a program that allows you to temporarily assume superuser priviledges in unix or unix like environments
thanks, jim, for the info. I just always assumed that sudo got into bsd at Berkley.
lol, zobar, thanks for making me laugh. I better be careful and not go into a geeky fugue from laughing too much before dinner.
In fact, they invented it specifically for the Pan-Am Exposition in 1901. Few people know this, but they were having serious access control issues with the VAX 11/780 in the Hall of Electricity's server room. Thus begat the first version of sudo(8), though it has gone through numerous ports and revisions since then. My dad, for instance, installed sudo(8) on his slide rule 'cause people kept stealing it.
- Z
I could be wrong, but I think it was used first in buffalo during the Pan Am exposition. They used a lot of that stuff on the temporary buildings that were there.