Isn't it beautiful?
In other news, my cat 'ran away' so now I can move my desk out from the bedroom back out into the sunny living room. The cat used to chew through all my cables, but no longer. This is like, fun for me. Labels and a brightly-lit desk. This is going to be a good weekend.
Time to go reload the labeler...
OMG! Do spiders like that exist in Buffalo??!! I strongly believe in the forewarned is being forearmed saying. So let me know if I need to invest in a big nasty broom!
oh my. I am with (e:mike).. scary! I might not die if I saw one dangling in front of me, but I might need psychotherapy and sleeping medication.
If it's a house spider, it's the biggest one I've ever seen. I should have had it stuffed and mounted over my fireplace next to my pike.
very Cool jim! i think that is a brown house spider.
aaahh! Spiders are scary! I would die if I saw that in person. I think I see you walking your dog around Linwood/Elmwood alot.
Our dinner guest this evening, who dropped in very briefly, but was quickly sent packing.