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09/01/2006 16:27 #24418


08/11/2006 16:25 #24417

PMT, your new house look Beautiful!!!!!

I can't wait to see it in person!!


I'm going to be very busy this weekend.....
Not "ripping up linoleum floors" busy.....

more like finally trying to make some headway on the dress I have promised to make my sister.....

this had included a trip to Toronto to get fancy fabric, but now I think I may be stuck with ghetto-JoAnns......

But I am determined to achieve something.....Only two weeks to go after all.........

I'll post pictures of my progress....

Have a great weekend all you estrippers!!!

08/10/2006 16:30 #24416

I need a new job...
Yesterday I was in the ladies room at work.

It's a one person bathroom and since I'm the only girl it is pretty much my own private loo (oh the glamorous life I lead)...

Anyways, I'm minding my own business when all of a sudden I see something scurry under the door out of the corner of my eye.

It was a giant spider!!!! Huge and Black and hairy...... and headed straight towards me....

I was frozen with fear.

Ahhh , I hate spiders!

So, of course I scream, and a couple of the guys come running to the door.

"Jill, are you all right?"

No, I say.... huge spider!!!!

I hear more rustling outside the door,

Now I realize that I am making a scene, and that I need to grow up.

I brace myself for an attack and leap with all my might over the spider, slamming into the door on the other side.

I throw the door open and rush out.

.......Big mistake, oh boy did the guys laugh...... they kicked around the spider for a little while and teased me endlessly....

It's okay though, because I've been told it's dead. (Bloody Right...that'll teach it to mess!)

So since then I have been totally on edge, expecting to find something creepy-crawly and all up in my business.

Today, as I'm leaving the fax machine I spot something creeping by my desk...

It looked like a large black spot, so decided to be a big girl and inspect before I jump to conclusions.

.....I slowly approach the spot......closer and movement....closer, closer......'s like a huge black cockroach, and it leaps into the air only inches from my face.....

I scream and jump back....and all the expected nonsense.....

And my coworkers laugh and joke and tease....

And all I can think is how in the heck did a Grasshopper (that was no grasshopper I had ever seen).... get to be right smack dab below my desk?......


I suspect Foul Play......

07/13/2006 14:45 #24415

So many things are exciting right now:


While I am so very bored at work, I get to play Serge Gainsbourg over and over.....
He's such a sexy that sort of creepy vampire kind of way.

I bought a new mattress set's a double and feels like a giant island sitting in the middle of my room....I do love that it is so tall that I have to take a running leap to get into it.

Also.....I just stumbled upon a website called's an online store that exclusively sells amish & modest's all made to order &'s pretty awesome......I already have a stark black apron on order......I know, you hear amish clothing and yawn or wretch.....but it's actually really minimalist and wearable.... think Imitation of Christ......see.......
I just hope no one sees me sporting a bonnet anytime soon....

leetee - 07/14/06 22:13
My friend, Mark, thinks Serge Gainsbourg's daughter, Charlotte Gainsburg :::link::: is the 'perfect woman'... i think he might give up a limb to have sex with her...

Hmm... i can't get to work for me...
uncutsaniflush - 07/14/06 19:56
(e:mike) I don't think you have anything to worry about from Serge unless he confuses you with a 14 year old girl.
mike - 07/14/06 11:13
i would be scared if i saw him on the the amish clothes choices you are making though
jenks - 07/13/06 16:50
I had a bunch of Amish patients this year. They're awesome. But i have to say- one modern invention I wish they'd embrace is deodorant.

p.s. did your cat ever come home?
ladycroft - 07/13/06 16:06
i've always wanted a 40's style apron...
zobar - 07/13/06 15:26

Dude ... those chicks are way foxy.

- Z
hodown - 07/13/06 14:58
you have to be the most stylish person in buffalo, hands down.

06/30/2006 16:19 #24414

So rainy & Sad

My cat Little Bear has been missing for several days now....

He's a cute little thing, even if he's timid beyond belief....

That's what worries me, he's probably so very scared, and now, so very wet too.

It's like that scene from Oliver & Co. (one of the greatest Disney Movies ever) when nobody wanted Oliver & he had to wander in the rain all alone, I cry every time....

My poor kitty, I hope he finds his way home....

metalpeter - 06/30/06 18:48
Hope he makes it back home. Hopefull he has not sure what they are called tags on. That way no one thinks he is a stray. Hopefully he isn't declayed. When he gets hungery enough or misses home enough he will probably return if no one else has found him. I wish you luck trying to find him.
leetee - 06/30/06 16:47
Awwee.. I am so so sorry to hear your kitty is missing!! Come home Little Bear!