Ok so yesterday I went for a walk/hike. Not too strenuous, except for all the stairs at the end. But I didn't slip or fall or anything, no bad steps, didn't twist my knees/ankles that I know of- but all day today my right ankle keeps seizing up on me. Like I'll just take a step and practically fall b/c I can't put weight on it. Then I'll sort of shake it out and it's fine for a while. Totally weird.
But even weirder-
So I just went downstairs to do laundry. Now, my basement is huge. The size of my apartment. And it's very odd. Half is totally unfinished, cement floor, etc. But at the same time it has a full kitchen and full bath. And there's a pool table down there, and a full bar. TV, stereo, and couch. Would be awesome for parties, but it needs to be all set up, which hasn't happened yet, for the last two years.
But in any case, there are these other weird back rooms that I never go in. But today I was looking for a screwdriver so I went back there-
And I found rabbits!
A cage with two bunnies in it!
I have no idea whose they are, what they're doing there, how long they've been there, or how long they're staying.
But they are so cute and friendly! i opened the cage and they hopped right over. The brown one practically jumped in my arms, so I held him for a while and petted him.
Amazing how five minutes cuddling an animal can make my day.
What an awesome surprise. I am totally going to go play with them all the time.
But I must say I think it's kind of shitty that the poor things are locked away in this freaky back room of the basement.
But I think this rivals the solarium as a cool surprise that I randomly stumbled upon, and it's in my own house no less.
Ok, time to switch laundry, and pet the wabs again. :)
Hope you all had a good weekend. :)
Jenks's Journal
My Podcast Link
11/19/2006 19:31 #23984
wascally wab!!11/17/2006 22:53 #23982
no turkey for meSo when I finally left work last night, I walked out to my car... got to the parking lot... and then remembered I was on the ramp, like 4 blocks away. Dumbass. Oh and then got to my car, and got paged. Stupidly, I answered it. "hi, we need orders on the new patient" "ok, well, um, I'm not in the hospital anymore, and I'm not on call." "who is on call?" "Dr. N" "Yeah... well we called him, and he yelled at us and said to call you for you to do it." So I had to fucking go back in.
Then got home, and realized that even if do get thanksgiving off, I won't have time to go home to see my fam, and I imagined spending thanksgiving alone on my couch eating cereal. That was the last straw, and before I knew it I was crying. Just one of those days.
Maybe we need an (e:strip) loner thanksgiving dinner.
Today was not much better. Had to stay 5hr late. Guess I will NOT go out of town for my sacred whole-weekend-off.
But anyway the point of this random post is not [just] to bitch- but just to relay some of the shit that I hear at work.
I work with one guy, sort of my boss for the month, who is actually hysterical, but totally inappropriate. And I couldn't really care less.
But today I was feeling the the lung, and he asked if I could feel the tumor, and I said "yeah, it feels kind of hard"- and in reply got (of course ) "that's what she said".
Then at the end of the case I was putting in some injections, and did a few, then asked "can I get more?" and he said "I don't know... that's a pretty personal question... But, it IS fri, so I wish you luck."
There were also jokes about burying kittens just enough so their heads stick out, then running over their heads with the lawn mower.
I just thought later 'he's lucky none of the tight-ass nurses were in there, or he would be written up so fast.'
Duh- forgot the whole reason I wanted to post.
So I got an email today from my friend J- saying I won the Stranger than Fiction soundtrack from his blog (woohoo!). [I think I've posted it before, but he has a cool music blog, with a few free songs every couple days-
But anyway, he emailed to say I'd won. Then said sorry he's been out of touch, but that their friend T just died. And I replied "T? As in T that had sex with a random chick on the floor of my closet during mardi gras? DIED?!" And he said yup, that's the one.
The kid was 28.
Apparently he was epileptic, had a seizure in the shower, fell, hit his head, and drowned.
Holy fuck.
Then got home, and realized that even if do get thanksgiving off, I won't have time to go home to see my fam, and I imagined spending thanksgiving alone on my couch eating cereal. That was the last straw, and before I knew it I was crying. Just one of those days.
Maybe we need an (e:strip) loner thanksgiving dinner.
Today was not much better. Had to stay 5hr late. Guess I will NOT go out of town for my sacred whole-weekend-off.
But anyway the point of this random post is not [just] to bitch- but just to relay some of the shit that I hear at work.
I work with one guy, sort of my boss for the month, who is actually hysterical, but totally inappropriate. And I couldn't really care less.
But today I was feeling the the lung, and he asked if I could feel the tumor, and I said "yeah, it feels kind of hard"- and in reply got (of course ) "that's what she said".
Then at the end of the case I was putting in some injections, and did a few, then asked "can I get more?" and he said "I don't know... that's a pretty personal question... But, it IS fri, so I wish you luck."
There were also jokes about burying kittens just enough so their heads stick out, then running over their heads with the lawn mower.
I just thought later 'he's lucky none of the tight-ass nurses were in there, or he would be written up so fast.'
Duh- forgot the whole reason I wanted to post.
So I got an email today from my friend J- saying I won the Stranger than Fiction soundtrack from his blog (woohoo!). [I think I've posted it before, but he has a cool music blog, with a few free songs every couple days-

But anyway, he emailed to say I'd won. Then said sorry he's been out of touch, but that their friend T just died. And I replied "T? As in T that had sex with a random chick on the floor of my closet during mardi gras? DIED?!" And he said yup, that's the one.
The kid was 28.
Apparently he was epileptic, had a seizure in the shower, fell, hit his head, and drowned.
Holy fuck.
mrmike - 11/18/06 18:19
So far, it's just a thursday I sleep in. I like that notion.
The on the job jokes. It's reassuring to know that you can blow off some steam with some humor. Hope the HR department shuts up and lets you all be.
Sorry about the epileptic guy. That's too young for most things, especially that sort of fate.
So far, it's just a thursday I sleep in. I like that notion.
The on the job jokes. It's reassuring to know that you can blow off some steam with some humor. Hope the HR department shuts up and lets you all be.
Sorry about the epileptic guy. That's too young for most things, especially that sort of fate.
metalpeter - 11/18/06 16:32
Granted I have family hear and assume we are all having it togather. But I know that there are people on (e:strip) that don't so I think your idea is really a good one. Not sure if you or someone else would organise it but you should look into it more.
Granted I have family hear and assume we are all having it togather. But I know that there are people on (e:strip) that don't so I think your idea is really a good one. Not sure if you or someone else would organise it but you should look into it more.
11/16/2006 18:37 #23981
&*^*&^Yvonne, tell us about your job!
What a fucking miserable day. :(
sucked sucked sucked.
had a long convo last night... a good one... but a few bits kind of left a bad taste in my mouth/filled me with doubt, so I slept badly and that started the day off on the wrong foot.
Then I got to work so late (since my power and thus alarm clock went out last night) I had to park on the ramp.
then realized in my rush out the door I forgot my wallet.
So I would have no money to get my car out of the garage at the end of the day.
Let alone eat (lunch is the highlight of my day, and it pisses me off to miss it).
But the money didn't matter since I couldn't get 5 seconds to myself for the whole damn day. Someone knocked on the door OF THE BATHROOM to ask me a (stupid) question even.
And I didn't get responses to emails that I was hoping for, which made me sad.
Then I guilt-tripped paul and tony into lending me money, but a friend came through at the last second. (thanks anyway guys).
Someone was being a royal bitch all day in clinic, and I tried to apply some of my new thoughts lately and tried to "have compassion" for her and imagine how unhappy she probably is, rather than just hate on her. I was not very successful.
I am starving and exhausted and have a killer headache and don't get to leave here til prob 730.
Ok, done whining.
Sorry for that little outburst.
phew, i feel better now.
What a fucking miserable day. :(
sucked sucked sucked.
had a long convo last night... a good one... but a few bits kind of left a bad taste in my mouth/filled me with doubt, so I slept badly and that started the day off on the wrong foot.
Then I got to work so late (since my power and thus alarm clock went out last night) I had to park on the ramp.
then realized in my rush out the door I forgot my wallet.
So I would have no money to get my car out of the garage at the end of the day.
Let alone eat (lunch is the highlight of my day, and it pisses me off to miss it).
But the money didn't matter since I couldn't get 5 seconds to myself for the whole damn day. Someone knocked on the door OF THE BATHROOM to ask me a (stupid) question even.
And I didn't get responses to emails that I was hoping for, which made me sad.
Then I guilt-tripped paul and tony into lending me money, but a friend came through at the last second. (thanks anyway guys).
Someone was being a royal bitch all day in clinic, and I tried to apply some of my new thoughts lately and tried to "have compassion" for her and imagine how unhappy she probably is, rather than just hate on her. I was not very successful.
I am starving and exhausted and have a killer headache and don't get to leave here til prob 730.
Ok, done whining.
Sorry for that little outburst.
phew, i feel better now.
mrmike - 11/16/06 23:40
Sorry about the suckitude, but at the very least it's over
Sorry about the suckitude, but at the very least it's over
imk2 - 11/16/06 21:13
were you trying to get a hold of me today?
you didnt call me or anything, did you? i have not heard from you all day, so i dont know what you mean when you say i've been avoiding you all day. and btw, if you dont have any money to pay the parking garage, they just have you fill out a form and send you the bill in the mail. no biggie. i've done it before
were you trying to get a hold of me today?
you didnt call me or anything, did you? i have not heard from you all day, so i dont know what you mean when you say i've been avoiding you all day. and btw, if you dont have any money to pay the parking garage, they just have you fill out a form and send you the bill in the mail. no biggie. i've done it before
11/14/2006 15:23 #23980
WTFDear "guest"-
Fuck off.
and learn to spell.
[And since when is RELIGION about eating less and "excercising"?]
Fuck off.
and learn to spell.
[And since when is RELIGION about eating less and "excercising"?]
mrmike - 11/15/06 11:32
Making note to self to stay on Yvonne's good side ;)
Making note to self to stay on Yvonne's good side ;)
lilho - 11/15/06 09:34
matthew - 11/14/06 18:26
hello alex, did you know you can make it so "guests" cannot leave comments/posts? It's an option in your control panel. I had to do it a long time ago.
hello alex, did you know you can make it so "guests" cannot leave comments/posts? It's an option in your control panel. I had to do it a long time ago.
imk2 - 11/14/06 18:19
yo, guest, i bet you're one ugly, nasty, crusty pus filled cootchie bitch. i bet even your daddy didn't want to hit that shit; you dingy, trashy cum slurppin cunt. open wide, you scuz, if i had a dick, i'd piss in your filthy mouth and gag you with a lump of my own homemade dookie.
yo, guest, i bet you're one ugly, nasty, crusty pus filled cootchie bitch. i bet even your daddy didn't want to hit that shit; you dingy, trashy cum slurppin cunt. open wide, you scuz, if i had a dick, i'd piss in your filthy mouth and gag you with a lump of my own homemade dookie.
11/13/2006 22:08 #23979
free cdCategory: music
so my six-pack of magic hat had a coupon on it...
go to
to download a free cd.
you have to give them your email, etc, though in order for them to send you the link.
haven't listened to it yet, but it's what i would call hippie music- string cheese incident, umphrey's mcgee, etc.
not too much new here...
work work work, that's about it.
But I am now ATLS certified, so if you are ever in a mobile home and the propane tank explodes and sends you flying 15 feet into a wall, or you are ever a pregnant woman in a car crash, or if you get stabbed in the back and then fall through ice- just come to me. ;)
have been having a lot of conversations lately about... god who knows. sort of the meaning of life, religion, enlightenment... kind of wild stuff that I would usually sort of write off- but now it's got me thinking. Hmm. What IS it all about?? I think a big can of worms has been opened. I hope this is not a bad thing.
go to

to download a free cd.
you have to give them your email, etc, though in order for them to send you the link.
haven't listened to it yet, but it's what i would call hippie music- string cheese incident, umphrey's mcgee, etc.
not too much new here...
work work work, that's about it.
But I am now ATLS certified, so if you are ever in a mobile home and the propane tank explodes and sends you flying 15 feet into a wall, or you are ever a pregnant woman in a car crash, or if you get stabbed in the back and then fall through ice- just come to me. ;)
have been having a lot of conversations lately about... god who knows. sort of the meaning of life, religion, enlightenment... kind of wild stuff that I would usually sort of write off- but now it's got me thinking. Hmm. What IS it all about?? I think a big can of worms has been opened. I hope this is not a bad thing.
ajay - 11/14/06 11:21
If being pregnant _and_ in a car crash is the only way a guy can call you, I think you might have trouble meeting guys....
If being pregnant _and_ in a car crash is the only way a guy can call you, I think you might have trouble meeting guys....
jason - 11/14/06 08:22
Hell Jenks, I woulda never gotten myself out of my whole mess without trying to find answers.
Hell Jenks, I woulda never gotten myself out of my whole mess without trying to find answers.
mrmike - 11/14/06 07:25
Almost forgot, if I do get stabbed in the back and dropped through the ice, I'm having a bit of a day, but you'll be my first call ;)
Almost forgot, if I do get stabbed in the back and dropped through the ice, I'm having a bit of a day, but you'll be my first call ;)
mrmike - 11/14/06 07:24
I don't think so. You might not get the answers, but asking those types of questions usually can't help but broaden your horizons. Not always in the way you intend, but you usually can'thelp but learn stuff and that is never a bad thing
I don't think so. You might not get the answers, but asking those types of questions usually can't help but broaden your horizons. Not always in the way you intend, but you usually can'thelp but learn stuff and that is never a bad thing
hey jenks. Can I come over and look at the rabbits? Do they have food and water and is someone caring for them? I also got some fishies for ya. 2+frog. I'll send you a postit with my #.
How many others live in yer building? You think they'll be made if the wabs are giving up their secrect luv to someone else?
I heart the bunnies. Maybe will post pix of them one of these days. And yeah, I know, I need to have a party someday.
You find the coolest things!! I am delighted to read about it-- I cant imagine actually being thr one to find the cool stuff. For example- your post on finding a room at the hospital and now this. AND there are rabbits.. in the place you rent from that doesnt allow animals. Cool find. Go spend lots and lots of time with them. cute!
so, um, whens the party? ;)
Jenkins that is the coolest story I've heard about basements in over 8 years.
be vewy quiet.....hehehe