First off, Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!
Hope you all had some quality time with family/friends (and, of course, stuffed your yaps). That fog last night was surreal! Felt like Silent Hill.
I had to work this morning, annoying. Was supposed to have sat/sun off, though, since I have no patients in the hospital, which would have been nice. But oh no, at the last second someone decided to schedule a (non-emergent) case for 9am today, and of course the guy needs to be admitted, so now I need to go in sat/sun to see him. Not for long, but just enough that I can't leave town. Bastards. There was a reason the OR schedule was wide open today- to let people have some time with their families. Ah well, no use complaining.
But so after work I came home and spent some quality time with my new little friends, Cinnamon and Sugar. (yes, those are their real names. My landlords got them from N's boss- she said "he had 2 rabbits, now he has 20, so everyone is getting christmas presents.") I just thought "yup, that's what rabbits do". Also, I don't think giving animals as presents is a good thing to do. And, I don't like that they have to be banished to the basement, but whatever.
But anyway, so I gave them each some play time and brought them upstairs for photo shoots. First they were a little shy, but then they warmed up and hippity-hopped all over. Eventually were so comfortable the just plopped down for little bunny-naps.
So Tony, I hope you are prepared for another cute attack.
(sorry if there are too many pix. I actually took 65, so this is edited.)

Sugar. She's albino. Supposedly have flemish-something, half angora.

Bath time.

Being tall.

Miss Cinnamon.

Despite their soft little feet, they have some claws under there!!

I just love the little cottontail.

A split second before this they were giving each other a little bunny kiss.
I'm thankful for little lovey furry creatures. :)
I did actually see a backhoe a bit down the street. Not that it makes it any less irritating when I've trying to get back home to my house on Richmond.
yeah, i noticed that doing a delivery for work today. almost made me late. no idea what its for, tho.