So when I finally left work last night, I walked out to my car... got to the parking lot... and then remembered I was on the ramp, like 4 blocks away. Dumbass. Oh and then got to my car, and got paged. Stupidly, I answered it. "hi, we need orders on the new patient" "ok, well, um, I'm not in the hospital anymore, and I'm not on call." "who is on call?" "Dr. N" "Yeah... well we called him, and he yelled at us and said to call you for you to do it." So I had to fucking go back in.
Then got home, and realized that even if do get thanksgiving off, I won't have time to go home to see my fam, and I imagined spending thanksgiving alone on my couch eating cereal. That was the last straw, and before I knew it I was crying. Just one of those days.
Maybe we need an
(e:strip) loner thanksgiving dinner.
Today was not much better. Had to stay 5hr late. Guess I will NOT go out of town for my sacred whole-weekend-off.
But anyway the point of this random post is not [just] to bitch- but just to relay some of the shit that I hear at work.
I work with one guy, sort of my boss for the month, who is actually hysterical, but totally inappropriate. And I couldn't really care less.
But today I was feeling the the lung, and he asked if I could feel the tumor, and I said "yeah, it feels kind of hard"- and in reply got (of course ) "that's what she said".
Then at the end of the case I was putting in some injections, and did a few, then asked "can I get more?" and he said "I don't know... that's a pretty personal question... But, it IS fri, so I wish you luck."
There were also jokes about burying kittens just enough so their heads stick out, then running over their heads with the lawn mower.
I just thought later 'he's lucky none of the tight-ass nurses were in there, or he would be written up so fast.'
Duh- forgot the whole reason I wanted to post.
So I got an email today from my friend J- saying I won the Stranger than Fiction soundtrack from his blog (woohoo!). [I think I've posted it before, but he has a cool music blog, with a few free songs every couple days-

But anyway, he emailed to say I'd won. Then said sorry he's been out of touch, but that their friend T just died. And I replied "T? As in T that had sex with a random chick on the floor of my closet during mardi gras? DIED?!" And he said yup, that's the one.
The kid was 28.
Apparently he was epileptic, had a seizure in the shower, fell, hit his head, and drowned.
Holy fuck.
Target is a great place .... for meeting women!
OK, maybe not this time of the year. ;-)
Dad & Jean got the grandkids a goat :::link::: last year. I wonder how ol' Billy is doing?
oh boy that sounded wrong and snobby didn't it. I don't think target is horrible- I love target. I just thought going there TODAY would be horrible and crowded.
Just from what you say that sounds like an interesting charity I won't promise anything but I will think about giving them money. Onto Target I love that store I really do and not just because there are some hoties who work the registers. Maybe I'm just biased cause I have known a few people who work there. No that isn't it I used to shop there before I knew anyone who worked there. Or maybe it is just that it dosn't have that Stigma of K-Mart like "Hey What are you doing here" and DVDs and CDs locked behind glass and lay-a-ways. It seems to me like that kid dosn't understand the concept of Christmas. What would have been funny to do is go up to the kid and say "guess you gotta practice a little more seeing as all the kids are beating you, cause from what I hear you skates are fine." Or something along those lines.