Ok, can anybody tell me anything about the annoying detour on Richmond and W. Ferry that makes me late for work every morning since I forget about it? The road has been blocked for just that one block, for the entire week. And I see ZERO signs of construction, road work, anything. Does anyone know anything about this? Google was not helpful.
Jenks's Journal
My Podcast Link
11/30/2006 20:54 #23988
detour11/25/2006 15:40 #23987
Warm FuzziesOk, so the season of giving and getting and gluttony is officially upon us. I went to Target this morning (not as horrible as I was expecting) only to see bratty little kids out in full force. I saw one boy, 10 or so, yell at his mom- "Mom. MOM. MOM!! Skates! That's what I need. New skates. And not the crappy ones!" as he drags her down the aisle. Then he goes "and I want them NOW. I am SO not getting my speed up on the skates I have!" I wanted to slap him.
Anyway, so it made me realize that it's probably time to start thinking about christmas/holiday shopping.
And I remembered the perfect gift for the impossible-to-shop-for person that has everything.
Check out Heifer International
. I've been giving people gift-donations from there for a few years.. I always wonder how much it actually helps when I send $20 to the Red Cross or whatever- but this one makes me happy. You "buy" an animal (chicks, ducks, rabbits, llamas, goats, sheep, heifers, etc., they even have bees, and trees- from like $20 up to "an ark" for $5000), and they give the animal(s) to a family in a developing country, and teach them how to raise it, breed it, etc. And part of the deal is that the family has to give one of their animal's babies to another family in the village to keep the whole thing going. You can buy a pair of ducks, and they teach the family how to raise the eggs, or a goat and they teach them how to milk it and make cheese and stuff.

Anyway, so it made me realize that it's probably time to start thinking about christmas/holiday shopping.
And I remembered the perfect gift for the impossible-to-shop-for person that has everything.
Check out Heifer International

ajay - 11/27/06 01:29
Target is a great place .... for meeting women!
OK, maybe not this time of the year. ;-)
Target is a great place .... for meeting women!
OK, maybe not this time of the year. ;-)
twisted - 11/26/06 01:07
Dad & Jean got the grandkids a goat :::link::: last year. I wonder how ol' Billy is doing?
Dad & Jean got the grandkids a goat :::link::: last year. I wonder how ol' Billy is doing?
jenks - 11/25/06 19:57
oh boy that sounded wrong and snobby didn't it. I don't think target is horrible- I love target. I just thought going there TODAY would be horrible and crowded.
oh boy that sounded wrong and snobby didn't it. I don't think target is horrible- I love target. I just thought going there TODAY would be horrible and crowded.
metalpeter - 11/25/06 15:58
Just from what you say that sounds like an interesting charity I won't promise anything but I will think about giving them money. Onto Target I love that store I really do and not just because there are some hoties who work the registers. Maybe I'm just biased cause I have known a few people who work there. No that isn't it I used to shop there before I knew anyone who worked there. Or maybe it is just that it dosn't have that Stigma of K-Mart like "Hey What are you doing here" and DVDs and CDs locked behind glass and lay-a-ways. It seems to me like that kid dosn't understand the concept of Christmas. What would have been funny to do is go up to the kid and say "guess you gotta practice a little more seeing as all the kids are beating you, cause from what I hear you skates are fine." Or something along those lines.
Just from what you say that sounds like an interesting charity I won't promise anything but I will think about giving them money. Onto Target I love that store I really do and not just because there are some hoties who work the registers. Maybe I'm just biased cause I have known a few people who work there. No that isn't it I used to shop there before I knew anyone who worked there. Or maybe it is just that it dosn't have that Stigma of K-Mart like "Hey What are you doing here" and DVDs and CDs locked behind glass and lay-a-ways. It seems to me like that kid dosn't understand the concept of Christmas. What would have been funny to do is go up to the kid and say "guess you gotta practice a little more seeing as all the kids are beating you, cause from what I hear you skates are fine." Or something along those lines.
11/24/2006 13:46 #23986
rabbit reduxCategory: pix
First off, Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!
Hope you all had some quality time with family/friends (and, of course, stuffed your yaps). That fog last night was surreal! Felt like Silent Hill.
I had to work this morning, annoying. Was supposed to have sat/sun off, though, since I have no patients in the hospital, which would have been nice. But oh no, at the last second someone decided to schedule a (non-emergent) case for 9am today, and of course the guy needs to be admitted, so now I need to go in sat/sun to see him. Not for long, but just enough that I can't leave town. Bastards. There was a reason the OR schedule was wide open today- to let people have some time with their families. Ah well, no use complaining.
But so after work I came home and spent some quality time with my new little friends, Cinnamon and Sugar. (yes, those are their real names. My landlords got them from N's boss- she said "he had 2 rabbits, now he has 20, so everyone is getting christmas presents.") I just thought "yup, that's what rabbits do". Also, I don't think giving animals as presents is a good thing to do. And, I don't like that they have to be banished to the basement, but whatever.
But anyway, so I gave them each some play time and brought them upstairs for photo shoots. First they were a little shy, but then they warmed up and hippity-hopped all over. Eventually were so comfortable the just plopped down for little bunny-naps.
So Tony, I hope you are prepared for another cute attack.
(sorry if there are too many pix. I actually took 65, so this is edited.)

Sugar. She's albino. Supposedly have flemish-something, half angora.

Bath time.

Being tall.

Miss Cinnamon.

Despite their soft little feet, they have some claws under there!!

I just love the little cottontail.

A split second before this they were giving each other a little bunny kiss.
I'm thankful for little lovey furry creatures. :)
Hope you all had some quality time with family/friends (and, of course, stuffed your yaps). That fog last night was surreal! Felt like Silent Hill.
I had to work this morning, annoying. Was supposed to have sat/sun off, though, since I have no patients in the hospital, which would have been nice. But oh no, at the last second someone decided to schedule a (non-emergent) case for 9am today, and of course the guy needs to be admitted, so now I need to go in sat/sun to see him. Not for long, but just enough that I can't leave town. Bastards. There was a reason the OR schedule was wide open today- to let people have some time with their families. Ah well, no use complaining.
But so after work I came home and spent some quality time with my new little friends, Cinnamon and Sugar. (yes, those are their real names. My landlords got them from N's boss- she said "he had 2 rabbits, now he has 20, so everyone is getting christmas presents.") I just thought "yup, that's what rabbits do". Also, I don't think giving animals as presents is a good thing to do. And, I don't like that they have to be banished to the basement, but whatever.
But anyway, so I gave them each some play time and brought them upstairs for photo shoots. First they were a little shy, but then they warmed up and hippity-hopped all over. Eventually were so comfortable the just plopped down for little bunny-naps.
So Tony, I hope you are prepared for another cute attack.
(sorry if there are too many pix. I actually took 65, so this is edited.)

Sugar. She's albino. Supposedly have flemish-something, half angora.

Bath time.

Being tall.

Miss Cinnamon.

Despite their soft little feet, they have some claws under there!!

I just love the little cottontail.

A split second before this they were giving each other a little bunny kiss.
I'm thankful for little lovey furry creatures. :)
hodown - 11/27/06 16:12
so cute, i dont even know what to say...
so cute, i dont even know what to say...
libertad - 11/25/06 11:58
Great wab pics! I did notice their claws were supper sharp. It must be cause they are babies. Cutting rabbit nails can be a tough task and even twice as hard with two. Here are some basics about rabbit talk. :::link:::
Great wab pics! I did notice their claws were supper sharp. It must be cause they are babies. Cutting rabbit nails can be a tough task and even twice as hard with two. Here are some basics about rabbit talk. :::link:::
enknot - 11/24/06 21:08
I've fallen and I can't get up... (so cute, so so cute)
I've fallen and I can't get up... (so cute, so so cute)
mrmike - 11/24/06 18:39
Beauts... Love how the brown flops down and got comfortable.
Beauts... Love how the brown flops down and got comfortable.
vincent - 11/24/06 14:27
They are so cute and adorable.
Know the feeling of getting stuck. I am now working until 10:30 tonight, I've been here since 8 this morning =/
They are so cute and adorable.
Know the feeling of getting stuck. I am now working until 10:30 tonight, I've been here since 8 this morning =/
vycious - 11/24/06 14:19
i love silent hill. i wish i could move there.
i love silent hill. i wish i could move there.
11/20/2006 19:42 #23985
blogs and egoSo a recent chat has me thinking...
Why do we write these things?
Someone asked me that the other day, and before I could answer, he said "ego".
And at first I was annoyed that he would say that.
I thought "it is NOT about my ego! I write just to get things off my chest... just to put thoughts on paper... to vent... to get advice..."
But then I realized that I could do the first three of those things with a pen and a notebook, or with a non-public text file.
But somehow that's not as fun.
Because deep down- yes, I want people to read my journal. And I guess I assume that at least some people do. And, whether it's right or wrong, I often write as if I know people will read it. And to some level I tailor what I say to that effect. I try not to piss people off, or hurt them, etc. I also try not to write things that I will be (too) embarrassed about if someone reads them. And, yes, I try to be funny and interesting and maybe a little bit scandalous at times.
I like to think I don't care what they think- but of course I do. I don't want people to think I'm boring. Or fat. or stupid. or mean. etc etc.
I certainly wouldn't say I'm an exhibitionist- but part of me likes sharing my life here in a semi-anonymous way.
And that's just me.
I think people have all sorts of reasons, but I think my friend was actually right, I think ego comes into all of them to an extent.
And some people write just for attention. Which is fine. Who am I to judge. I just think that when you seek attention just for attention's sake, you should probably analyze your motives. And remember that not all attention is good attention. And, remember the boy that cried wolf. Eventually ridiculous stuff gets boring, and then you get NO attention.
ok, end of random introspection. Off to visit the bunnies!
Why do we write these things?
Someone asked me that the other day, and before I could answer, he said "ego".
And at first I was annoyed that he would say that.
I thought "it is NOT about my ego! I write just to get things off my chest... just to put thoughts on paper... to vent... to get advice..."
But then I realized that I could do the first three of those things with a pen and a notebook, or with a non-public text file.
But somehow that's not as fun.
Because deep down- yes, I want people to read my journal. And I guess I assume that at least some people do. And, whether it's right or wrong, I often write as if I know people will read it. And to some level I tailor what I say to that effect. I try not to piss people off, or hurt them, etc. I also try not to write things that I will be (too) embarrassed about if someone reads them. And, yes, I try to be funny and interesting and maybe a little bit scandalous at times.
I like to think I don't care what they think- but of course I do. I don't want people to think I'm boring. Or fat. or stupid. or mean. etc etc.
I certainly wouldn't say I'm an exhibitionist- but part of me likes sharing my life here in a semi-anonymous way.
And that's just me.
I think people have all sorts of reasons, but I think my friend was actually right, I think ego comes into all of them to an extent.
And some people write just for attention. Which is fine. Who am I to judge. I just think that when you seek attention just for attention's sake, you should probably analyze your motives. And remember that not all attention is good attention. And, remember the boy that cried wolf. Eventually ridiculous stuff gets boring, and then you get NO attention.
ok, end of random introspection. Off to visit the bunnies!
mrmike - 11/20/06 23:20
I think we write for all those reasons. I want to be read, I like the venting, I like the Dialogue we have through comments, etc, the parties, etc.
It's a community of sorts that feeds on the give and take and why the occasional posters never surface at the PMT parties.
I think we write for all those reasons. I want to be read, I like the venting, I like the Dialogue we have through comments, etc, the parties, etc.
It's a community of sorts that feeds on the give and take and why the occasional posters never surface at the PMT parties.
lilho - 11/20/06 21:51
who gives a fuck what anyone else thinks, it never get you further in life anyway. write you shit and be done with it.
who gives a fuck what anyone else thinks, it never get you further in life anyway. write you shit and be done with it.
metalpeter - 11/20/06 19:56
Nice post. It is good to look inward and see your motivies and why you do things. You make some good points and it kinda reminds me of the way write. I will admit I don't know you that well but you are not fat and preaty cute (not sure if that is the right word). Maybe I'm a little off here I thought you said you can't have pets, hence why you couldn't keep the puppies so then how can someone have rabits in the basement.
Nice post. It is good to look inward and see your motivies and why you do things. You make some good points and it kinda reminds me of the way write. I will admit I don't know you that well but you are not fat and preaty cute (not sure if that is the right word). Maybe I'm a little off here I thought you said you can't have pets, hence why you couldn't keep the puppies so then how can someone have rabits in the basement.
jasoninbuffalo - 11/20/06 19:48
Jenks, that is a really good post. I like it. Good work.
Jenks, that is a really good post. I like it. Good work.
11/19/2006 19:31 #23984
wascally wab!!Ok so yesterday I went for a walk/hike. Not too strenuous, except for all the stairs at the end. But I didn't slip or fall or anything, no bad steps, didn't twist my knees/ankles that I know of- but all day today my right ankle keeps seizing up on me. Like I'll just take a step and practically fall b/c I can't put weight on it. Then I'll sort of shake it out and it's fine for a while. Totally weird.
But even weirder-
So I just went downstairs to do laundry. Now, my basement is huge. The size of my apartment. And it's very odd. Half is totally unfinished, cement floor, etc. But at the same time it has a full kitchen and full bath. And there's a pool table down there, and a full bar. TV, stereo, and couch. Would be awesome for parties, but it needs to be all set up, which hasn't happened yet, for the last two years.
But in any case, there are these other weird back rooms that I never go in. But today I was looking for a screwdriver so I went back there-
And I found rabbits!
A cage with two bunnies in it!
I have no idea whose they are, what they're doing there, how long they've been there, or how long they're staying.
But they are so cute and friendly! i opened the cage and they hopped right over. The brown one practically jumped in my arms, so I held him for a while and petted him.
Amazing how five minutes cuddling an animal can make my day.
What an awesome surprise. I am totally going to go play with them all the time.
But I must say I think it's kind of shitty that the poor things are locked away in this freaky back room of the basement.
But I think this rivals the solarium as a cool surprise that I randomly stumbled upon, and it's in my own house no less.
Ok, time to switch laundry, and pet the wabs again. :)
Hope you all had a good weekend. :)
But even weirder-
So I just went downstairs to do laundry. Now, my basement is huge. The size of my apartment. And it's very odd. Half is totally unfinished, cement floor, etc. But at the same time it has a full kitchen and full bath. And there's a pool table down there, and a full bar. TV, stereo, and couch. Would be awesome for parties, but it needs to be all set up, which hasn't happened yet, for the last two years.
But in any case, there are these other weird back rooms that I never go in. But today I was looking for a screwdriver so I went back there-
And I found rabbits!
A cage with two bunnies in it!
I have no idea whose they are, what they're doing there, how long they've been there, or how long they're staying.
But they are so cute and friendly! i opened the cage and they hopped right over. The brown one practically jumped in my arms, so I held him for a while and petted him.
Amazing how five minutes cuddling an animal can make my day.
What an awesome surprise. I am totally going to go play with them all the time.
But I must say I think it's kind of shitty that the poor things are locked away in this freaky back room of the basement.
But I think this rivals the solarium as a cool surprise that I randomly stumbled upon, and it's in my own house no less.
Ok, time to switch laundry, and pet the wabs again. :)
Hope you all had a good weekend. :)
libertad - 11/20/06 16:00
hey jenks. Can I come over and look at the rabbits? Do they have food and water and is someone caring for them? I also got some fishies for ya. 2+frog. I'll send you a postit with my #.
hey jenks. Can I come over and look at the rabbits? Do they have food and water and is someone caring for them? I also got some fishies for ya. 2+frog. I'll send you a postit with my #.
enknot - 11/20/06 07:08
How many others live in yer building? You think they'll be made if the wabs are giving up their secrect luv to someone else?
How many others live in yer building? You think they'll be made if the wabs are giving up their secrect luv to someone else?
jenks - 11/19/06 22:48
I heart the bunnies. Maybe will post pix of them one of these days. And yeah, I know, I need to have a party someday.
I heart the bunnies. Maybe will post pix of them one of these days. And yeah, I know, I need to have a party someday.
theecarey - 11/19/06 22:32
You find the coolest things!! I am delighted to read about it-- I cant imagine actually being thr one to find the cool stuff. For example- your post on finding a room at the hospital and now this. AND there are rabbits.. in the place you rent from that doesnt allow animals. Cool find. Go spend lots and lots of time with them. cute!
so, um, whens the party? ;)
You find the coolest things!! I am delighted to read about it-- I cant imagine actually being thr one to find the cool stuff. For example- your post on finding a room at the hospital and now this. AND there are rabbits.. in the place you rent from that doesnt allow animals. Cool find. Go spend lots and lots of time with them. cute!
so, um, whens the party? ;)
kookcity2000 - 11/19/06 22:05
Jenkins that is the coolest story I've heard about basements in over 8 years.
Jenkins that is the coolest story I've heard about basements in over 8 years.
mrmike - 11/19/06 19:57
be vewy quiet.....hehehe
be vewy quiet.....hehehe
I did actually see a backhoe a bit down the street. Not that it makes it any less irritating when I've trying to get back home to my house on Richmond.
yeah, i noticed that doing a delivery for work today. almost made me late. no idea what its for, tho.