... that drinking my face off is NOT that fun? I get the worst hangovers EVER- yet somehow "conveniently" manage to forget that lil tidbit all the time.
It is almost 5pm. I am still not quite feeling human yet. Getting there, but not quite. Seriously. This is ridiculous.
So I thought I had a shitty night a while ago... (e:jenks,161) But this was even worse.
Since I had a shitty week, and since I didn't have to work today, I figured I'd go out and get drunk. Haven't done that in a long time. So I called a few friends, who didn't call back. Then I saw my lush friend online, and invited myself to hang out with him and his friends. But they weren't going out til late, so I figured I should start drinking a little on my own or it would be no fun to get there and be the only sober one. So I had a beer, and 2 vodka/red bulls over the course of 2 or 3 hours.
Finally go the kid's house around midnight. Immediately a bottle of wine is put in my hand and I'm told to take a swig. So I had some wine. Not a ton though...
So then we walked to cozumel, where I had "what they're having"- a sparks. Gross. And that was it for the night. Not a TON I didn't think... But, I didn't eat dinner so maybe that was it. I dunno.
But so after the one drink at cozumel we walked to frizzy's. At least I think it was frizzy's. I'd never been there before, but there was a photo booth. That's frizzy's, right? I ended up dancing with this one kid for a while (timika- "your" boy from st. pat's)... it was fun, he was spinning me all over the place. I was having a good time, and managed to get my mind off the boy for a while.
Then I went to the bathroom... and I don't know if it was just the change of pace from dancing or what- but all of the sudden I was trashed. Like retarded drunk. Had to go outside for air. I really wanted to go home, but didn't think I could stomach a cab ride at the moment, so I sat down on... I dunno what it was. some curb thing. And I just had to sit very still so things wouldn't spin. I felt disgusting. I kept thinking "i need to go home" but every time I moved my head I thought I would puke. So I figured I'd just sit there for a bit and let it pass. But it wasn't passing. I didn't think I would ever be able to get home. At one point I even contemplated finding some nice soft grass and going to sleep. WTF.
So I was just sitting there, alone, drunk, with my head on my knees, afraid to move. No idea where my "friends" were. People kept walking by and saying 'you ok sweetheart? need a cab?" and I would say no I was fine. At one point this chick came over and said "oh honey... let me put your hair up for you in case you puke..." and she put my hair in an elastic. (very strange, in retrospect, but it seemed kind at the time...)
I have no idea what time it was, but it was late. I really needed to go home. Just then a cab pulls up and the cabbie yells out the window that I should get in. So I did. And I just hoped that I wouldn't get sick the whole time, and kept my eyes closed.
So I don't really know what happened- but I guess he saw some girls run a light and run into a statue or something. B/c next thing I know these girls are getting in the cab with me... cabbie is yelling at them that they can't just flee the scene of an accident. The girl is crying and asking that he not tell... I'm just thinking "oh my god i want to be home". Finally the girls get out somewhere. Eventually we get to my house.
I go to pay my fare. And my wallet was gone. I think maybe the girl who put my hair up took it out of my purse. The cabbie is (understandably) pissed that I can't pay my fare, but what am I supposed to do? So I give him my number and he says he'll call tomorrow. Fortunately I still had my keys and my phone and everything.
Oh and the worst part of it all- i had almost $400 dollars in my wallet that I was meaning to put in the bank.
So I finally went to bed, I think it was 4 or 5 or so. Felt ok when I first woke up. That's the nasty thing about my hangovers. They sneak up on me. I feel ok at first, then it creeps in. I kept trying to get up and get out of bed- and within 10 min would have to climb back in bed.
Then my credit card company called to report "fraudulent activity". Apparently whoever it was tried to buy gas 3 times on my card. Then I checked online, they charged gas FIVE times on my other card. And didn't charge ANYTHING on my amex...
So, all my cards are cancelled now. And all charges are cancelled. So I'm "just" out the cash I was carrying. (what an idiot! I never carry that much money! Ugh I could shoot myself...) And now I need to work on getting a new license. what a pain in the ass. And I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do for cash until my new cards come in the mail... My bank is all by mail, so I don't know if any bank here will let me cash a check...
Cabbie just came over and argued with me about taking a check, but since that was the only option, he had to. He was nice and said he'd been worried about me. But when I asked why the fare from allen st to forest was $23, he said it was $13 with a $10 fee for not paying. He said he'd rather do that than "get the police involved". That shut me up.
So I still need to go to the police to file a report since the credit card company wants it.
Which means I need to get to my car.
It's too far to walk.
I have no money for a cab.
I guess I will start calling around.
Seriously... could I have any more bullshit drama in my life?
At least, 12hr later, I am almost to the point that I can walk around the apt without feeling ill.
And all this from 4-5 drinks? I mean I know that's not NOTHING, but it's not THAT much that I should be so miserable today. I blame it on the Sparks. Yuck...
This was really not how I was hoping to spend my saturday... and I have to work tomorrow.
Jenks's Journal
My Podcast Link
07/29/2006 17:17 #23913
when will i learn...07/26/2006 14:28 #23910
better?Perhaps all is not lost...
Getting out of the house and seeing friends yesterday has helped me get things in perspective a little...
So my userpic is a little less sad today. Hopefully one of these days it will be back to normal. :)
Getting out of the house and seeing friends yesterday has helped me get things in perspective a little...
So my userpic is a little less sad today. Hopefully one of these days it will be back to normal. :)
mrmike - 07/26/06 19:20
Keep on pluggin!
Keep on pluggin!
07/25/2006 17:16 #23909
boo07/27/2006 21:03 #23912
second post of the day...Ok, so I really don't believe in astrology. And I usually don't bother to look up my horoscope- one b/c I couldn't be bothered, but two b/c if it's something I WANT to hear, it gives me false hope. If it's something I DON'T want to hear- I just write it off as "astrology is stupid". But, if it's sitting there, I'll read it. And I just found this one-
"Behind the scenes of your day-to-day life, some misplaced energy has clouded your judgment. Today that energy is finally starting to come together into a more focused idea or emotion. Don't be alarmed if it pops up at an inopportune time. Just be grateful that it's popping up at all! The situation with someone else may soon solidify. It looks like you're finally getting through. All your efforts and honesty are paying off. Be confident about the future. "
Ahhh... if only it were true... A girl can hope, eh?
"Behind the scenes of your day-to-day life, some misplaced energy has clouded your judgment. Today that energy is finally starting to come together into a more focused idea or emotion. Don't be alarmed if it pops up at an inopportune time. Just be grateful that it's popping up at all! The situation with someone else may soon solidify. It looks like you're finally getting through. All your efforts and honesty are paying off. Be confident about the future. "
Ahhh... if only it were true... A girl can hope, eh?
mrmike - 07/28/06 08:43
keep hope alive...
keep hope alive...
07/27/2006 16:41 #23911
speaking of hella cute shoes...(e:twisted,413)
So I'm not that much of a girly-girl and I really don't like shopping very much... but the other day when I was feeling down and crappy I decided to go to the galleria to get a haircut [sorry lilho... i'll catch you next time]. And I must say... the included tea/scalp massage/ hand massage/ makeup application at aveda is awesome. And not even as expensive as you'd think. And since I can't walk by the Apple store without going in, I went in to see if they have the new wireless mighty mouse yet, which I've been waiting for forever (they don't- maybe by today). but as I walked by old navy I stopped in b/c they were having a sale, and I figured I'd see if they had a denim skirt I like... Well they didn't, but I did buy one other cute skirt on super-sale, and a pair of shoes. They're very un-me with sequins and ribbons and rope wedgie heels... but I wore them today... I think I had ten compliments by the time I'd been here two hours. Random people in the hall stopping me and telling how cute my shoes are. Slightly less random people telling me "something's different... I can't put my finger on it... but you look great! Cute shoes!" (it's the one day of the week that I'm not in scrubs, and I (gasp) have my hair down. I think the non-ponytail is what strikes them as odd)
So even though it really doesn't resolve any of my underlying issues, I must say- these cheap little old navy shoes have made my day. I might not quite be smiling yet... but maybe I'm getting there.
Oh, and I got a random (but pleasant) email from the ex today, saying "we still have to get that coffee" that we talked about months ago and not since. An unexpected, but I guess not unwelcome, surprise.
(unfortunately I'm not sure it's possible to take a flattering picture of one's own feet, not to mention the lovely floor tile at the VA, but here you go).

ok- and a totally random and unrelated P.S.
First, let me say- I am not an especially outdoorsy person. Not that I don't LIKE the outside, but "let's go for a hike!" is not usually the first thing that comes to mind when I have free time. That said, all of the sudden I really want to go camping. I want to sleep in a tent. We used to set up a tent in my backyard- but it was within a few feet of the house (and bathroom) and sometimes we would even run an extension cord from the house. I don't think that really counts. And then I remembered this old military hammock-tent we used to have... It was so cool. has a roof to keep rain out and you're zipped in mosquito netting to keep bugs out... I loved that thing. And I found them online! only $40! I want one!
or the fancy lightweight camping versions- but they're like $100-$200.
I have no idea where this camping bug came from, but all of the sudden I wanna!!
So I'm not that much of a girly-girl and I really don't like shopping very much... but the other day when I was feeling down and crappy I decided to go to the galleria to get a haircut [sorry lilho... i'll catch you next time]. And I must say... the included tea/scalp massage/ hand massage/ makeup application at aveda is awesome. And not even as expensive as you'd think. And since I can't walk by the Apple store without going in, I went in to see if they have the new wireless mighty mouse yet, which I've been waiting for forever (they don't- maybe by today). but as I walked by old navy I stopped in b/c they were having a sale, and I figured I'd see if they had a denim skirt I like... Well they didn't, but I did buy one other cute skirt on super-sale, and a pair of shoes. They're very un-me with sequins and ribbons and rope wedgie heels... but I wore them today... I think I had ten compliments by the time I'd been here two hours. Random people in the hall stopping me and telling how cute my shoes are. Slightly less random people telling me "something's different... I can't put my finger on it... but you look great! Cute shoes!" (it's the one day of the week that I'm not in scrubs, and I (gasp) have my hair down. I think the non-ponytail is what strikes them as odd)
So even though it really doesn't resolve any of my underlying issues, I must say- these cheap little old navy shoes have made my day. I might not quite be smiling yet... but maybe I'm getting there.
Oh, and I got a random (but pleasant) email from the ex today, saying "we still have to get that coffee" that we talked about months ago and not since. An unexpected, but I guess not unwelcome, surprise.
(unfortunately I'm not sure it's possible to take a flattering picture of one's own feet, not to mention the lovely floor tile at the VA, but here you go).

ok- and a totally random and unrelated P.S.
First, let me say- I am not an especially outdoorsy person. Not that I don't LIKE the outside, but "let's go for a hike!" is not usually the first thing that comes to mind when I have free time. That said, all of the sudden I really want to go camping. I want to sleep in a tent. We used to set up a tent in my backyard- but it was within a few feet of the house (and bathroom) and sometimes we would even run an extension cord from the house. I don't think that really counts. And then I remembered this old military hammock-tent we used to have... It was so cool. has a roof to keep rain out and you're zipped in mosquito netting to keep bugs out... I loved that thing. And I found them online! only $40! I want one!

or the fancy lightweight camping versions- but they're like $100-$200.

I have no idea where this camping bug came from, but all of the sudden I wanna!!
wtf!! why didn't those bastards take you home!!!??
OMG that is crazy! I was just down the street near Mother's walking around waiting to get ahold of JIll to see if eveyrone was still there for her b/f's bday. If only I knew you were only a block away I could have saved you!!!
I'm glad that you're OK.
I'd offer up my number too, but it's a 72-hour drive to get to Forest from here... ;)
eMetalPeter's right. The girls in the cab could have snagged your wallet too.
now you have three people you can call. let me know if you don't have my cell. I'll pick you up if I can, provided i'm not drunk myself! Bummer story.
Seconding Paul's notion, you ever need/want a hand, just ask
holy shit are you alright?
That would be an awesome story, less the wallet part
Sorry about your wallet and Id that really sucks. I'm glad that at least you learned not to carry that much money on ya at one time. I know it is an awful way to learn that. That was a fucked up crazzy night and from what I understand you where at Frizzies (it is across from gabriels gate, the place with the guy with the torches). I admit I like sparks. To be it tastes like an energy drink but has alcohol in it. If memory serves it is higher then beer. Don't know if Sparks alone can do it but Energy drinks like redbull and hard alcohol can sometimes have really bad effects on people. There used to be a mix up Red Bull and some hard liquar they called liquid cocaine that killed a couple people. I think from drink in excess not moderation. The girl who did back you hair or the girls who jumped in the cab could have gotton your wallet. In any event it sucks. It is to bad that no one stayed by you side when you went outside it could have prevented it. Not sure how you feal about this but some I know has a trick (only works with pants and not when you have a purse really) He has all his ID in one pocket and his wallet in another. That way if he gets pick pocketed the theif only gets one of them. I'm sorry your night really sucked and hope something like that never happens again. I doubt they will catch who took your stuff. It is possible to do but the cops usaly won't do it. If you know where the gas was bought and what time then see who used the card but no body ever tracks those people down. I wish you luck in recovering from last night.
You are an adventure maniac. If you ever get yourself in that much trouble again just text or call me.