Perhaps all is not lost...
Getting out of the house and seeing friends yesterday has helped me get things in perspective a little...
So my userpic is a little less sad today. Hopefully one of these days it will be back to normal. :)
Jenks's Journal
My Podcast Link
07/26/2006 14:28 #23910
better?07/25/2006 17:16 #23909
boo07/19/2006 21:15 #23905
for music people(but first if you haven't seen it- look at the pic in the post below.)
But for any music-lovers out there, I have recently been turned on to some cool websites.
First- Pandora. Based on the "music genome project". You tell it a few songs or artists that you like, and it claims to analyze your taste in music ("mellow vocals" "acoustic guitars" "minor key" etc) and it makes you a personalized internet radio station of stuff you should like. Then when it plays, you can give songs thumbs up/down and it gets better. And I guess you can see other peoples' stations etc etc. And they even have a cool-looking piece of hardware that lets you stream it (and i assume other radio) to your home stereo...
So I told my self-proclaimed 'music elitist' friend about it, thinking he'd love it... and he said "yeah... pandora is ok. Check out"
For that one you install a little plug-in type program, the "scrobbler" and it monitors what you listen to when you play itunes (and they claim to not be all big-brothery and keep records) and it makes all these charts and stuff and recommends other music based on what you've played... and then on top of that it's like a music myspace and you can have friends and stuff...
I'm sure I've only seen the tip of the iceberg... but it seems pretty cool.
check it out!
oh my god.
brain fart.
I totally forgot, until paul reminded me, that (e:kara,88) is where I heard about Pandora in the first place.
I take no credit. :)
But for any music-lovers out there, I have recently been turned on to some cool websites.
First- Pandora. Based on the "music genome project". You tell it a few songs or artists that you like, and it claims to analyze your taste in music ("mellow vocals" "acoustic guitars" "minor key" etc) and it makes you a personalized internet radio station of stuff you should like. Then when it plays, you can give songs thumbs up/down and it gets better. And I guess you can see other peoples' stations etc etc. And they even have a cool-looking piece of hardware that lets you stream it (and i assume other radio) to your home stereo...
So I told my self-proclaimed 'music elitist' friend about it, thinking he'd love it... and he said "yeah... pandora is ok. Check out"
For that one you install a little plug-in type program, the "scrobbler" and it monitors what you listen to when you play itunes (and they claim to not be all big-brothery and keep records) and it makes all these charts and stuff and recommends other music based on what you've played... and then on top of that it's like a music myspace and you can have friends and stuff...
I'm sure I've only seen the tip of the iceberg... but it seems pretty cool.
check it out!
oh my god.
brain fart.
I totally forgot, until paul reminded me, that (e:kara,88) is where I heard about Pandora in the first place.
I take no credit. :)
mrmike - 07/19/06 21:55
I've had it at work for sometime - very cool site. Napster is sorta working the same way now
I've had it at work for sometime - very cool site. Napster is sorta working the same way now
07/19/2006 20:15 #23904
And now for something totally different.Ok, enough whiny mopey stuff.
I just got this in an email... Nothing else to the message, just the title "what would you do?"
Too funny.

I just got this in an email... Nothing else to the message, just the title "what would you do?"
Too funny.

metalpeter - 07/20/06 19:52
I was basicly going to say exactly what ladycroft said but i not such a nice way. Where are the parents? Why Warn't they supervising there kids? Why was the paint somewhare they could get it? I know kids can be trouble sometimes but it is bad parenting. What if the kids would have decided to drink it like milk?
I was basicly going to say exactly what ladycroft said but i not such a nice way. Where are the parents? Why Warn't they supervising there kids? Why was the paint somewhare they could get it? I know kids can be trouble sometimes but it is bad parenting. What if the kids would have decided to drink it like milk?
ladycroft - 07/20/06 09:52
you have to laugh and take pictures. you can't really blame the kids. if they were able to access it, you didn't put it away well enough.
you have to laugh and take pictures. you can't really blame the kids. if they were able to access it, you didn't put it away well enough.
mrmike - 07/19/06 23:02
"well, the lid was stuck...."
"well, the lid was stuck...."
chicoschica - 07/19/06 22:52
hmmm....well, if it's not lead based paint, i guess they'll be alright. which means i can open up a can o' whoop ass on 'em.
hmmm....well, if it's not lead based paint, i guess they'll be alright. which means i can open up a can o' whoop ass on 'em.
jenks - 07/19/06 20:54
i'd want to wring their little necks for ruining the tv/leather couch/floor... but they look so damn cute, and probably had so much fun... I'd probably not be able to help but call them "you little knuckleheads" and put them in the tub. And then later probably burst into tears.
i'd want to wring their little necks for ruining the tv/leather couch/floor... but they look so damn cute, and probably had so much fun... I'd probably not be able to help but call them "you little knuckleheads" and put them in the tub. And then later probably burst into tears.
kara - 07/19/06 20:41
Is that paint?
More importantly, is that a super-expensive television in the background?
And an even better question, why is that child smiling!?
Is that paint?
More importantly, is that a super-expensive television in the background?
And an even better question, why is that child smiling!?
libertad - 07/19/06 20:38
Joan Crawford: Look at this floor. Do you call that clean? Do you?
Christina Crawford: Miss Jenkins said it was clean.
Joan Crawford: Miss Jenkins said it was clean? Do YOU think it's clean? Do YOU think it's clean? Look at that, DO you?
Christina Crawford: Yes, I do.
Joan Crawford: Look at this floor. Do you call that clean? Do you?
Christina Crawford: Miss Jenkins said it was clean.
Joan Crawford: Miss Jenkins said it was clean? Do YOU think it's clean? Do YOU think it's clean? Look at that, DO you?
Christina Crawford: Yes, I do.
nejifer - 07/19/06 20:26
laugh and then kick their little snot-nosed asses!!
laugh and then kick their little snot-nosed asses!!
07/18/2006 19:10 #23903
ok... so THAT backfired...So... I'm stuck at work on call, and things are blessedly quiet right now. (I almost hate to write that for fear of jinxing it.) So I am chilling in my call room. Where there is no tv. And god knows studying is a LAST resort. And I can only check my email/estrip so many times... But I did get a "new address" email from a friend from when I was in DC. And that combined with my missed connections with friends over the weekend got me thinking about all my old friends....
So I planted myself on the bed and started scrolling through my phone book, calling all my great old friends that I haven't talked to in months (or years!). I texted one guy "how are you?" only to get "who is this?" in reply. Hmm... guess I've been deleted from his phone. haha. (he was not a great old friend.) Then I called ten people. TEN. Not including my sister. One girl's number isn't even in service any more. And eight of the nine others didn't answer. We'll see if any of them call back, but I'm not holding my breath... But the one guy that actually did answer... well we chatted a little, and it was nice. But he was at work (forgot about the california time difference). Learned that one friend, who got married about 2 years ago (probably the last time I saw him), just almost got divorced, but then reconciled. But then we were talking about another friend's wedding... I knew they were engaged, but hadn't heard anything about a date yet. Andy said he'd just gotten back from the bachelor party... I asked when the wedding is... he said august... I asked "so... have invites gone out?"
Umm.... yeah......
Sorry Roet.... you're not invited.
I mean I know we've kind of lost touch, and I guess you have to draw a line somewhere... but Adam has always kind of held a special place in my heart... and I'm not even invited??
I started making all those calls to reconnect with friends... but now I feel even more isolated. Sad...
I wish somebody would answer the phone so I don't just have to sit here all night.
Oh look... there goes my pager. :/ That should keep me busy for a while....
later peeps.
So I planted myself on the bed and started scrolling through my phone book, calling all my great old friends that I haven't talked to in months (or years!). I texted one guy "how are you?" only to get "who is this?" in reply. Hmm... guess I've been deleted from his phone. haha. (he was not a great old friend.) Then I called ten people. TEN. Not including my sister. One girl's number isn't even in service any more. And eight of the nine others didn't answer. We'll see if any of them call back, but I'm not holding my breath... But the one guy that actually did answer... well we chatted a little, and it was nice. But he was at work (forgot about the california time difference). Learned that one friend, who got married about 2 years ago (probably the last time I saw him), just almost got divorced, but then reconciled. But then we were talking about another friend's wedding... I knew they were engaged, but hadn't heard anything about a date yet. Andy said he'd just gotten back from the bachelor party... I asked when the wedding is... he said august... I asked "so... have invites gone out?"
Umm.... yeah......
Sorry Roet.... you're not invited.
I mean I know we've kind of lost touch, and I guess you have to draw a line somewhere... but Adam has always kind of held a special place in my heart... and I'm not even invited??
I started making all those calls to reconnect with friends... but now I feel even more isolated. Sad...
I wish somebody would answer the phone so I don't just have to sit here all night.
Oh look... there goes my pager. :/ That should keep me busy for a while....
later peeps.
jenks - 07/19/06 17:06
all of the above are true... i know it's not malicious... and we *have* lost touch... and it *is* a small wedding. And I know all this. It just stings a little. And sure, I'm trying, but when no one "tries" back, that sucks too.
all of the above are true... i know it's not malicious... and we *have* lost touch... and it *is* a small wedding. And I know all this. It just stings a little. And sure, I'm trying, but when no one "tries" back, that sucks too.
mrmike - 07/19/06 16:14
I had something deeply profound to contribute only to see that Peter said it already. You're trying and that does have rewards.
I had something deeply profound to contribute only to see that Peter said it already. You're trying and that does have rewards.
ladycroft - 07/19/06 09:57
well said peter
well said peter
metalpeter - 07/18/06 19:30
Don't worry that you wheren't invited. First of all it is possible that it is a small wedding. Secondly The fact that you arn't invited dosn't mean that he dosn't care. There is usaly some type of cut off it could be based on a set number of people or in length since people have hung out. One possible factor is whos family is paying for it. If it is her side maybe nun of his family friends are invited. I'm not taking his side on this. I'm just saying that there are a lot of factors deciding who to invite. It might not be that you are un welcome you just warn't invited. The thing to remember is that you are trying to reconect with people. Some people you will be able to catch up with and some you won't, but it is the process of trying that is important.
Don't worry that you wheren't invited. First of all it is possible that it is a small wedding. Secondly The fact that you arn't invited dosn't mean that he dosn't care. There is usaly some type of cut off it could be based on a set number of people or in length since people have hung out. One possible factor is whos family is paying for it. If it is her side maybe nun of his family friends are invited. I'm not taking his side on this. I'm just saying that there are a lot of factors deciding who to invite. It might not be that you are un welcome you just warn't invited. The thing to remember is that you are trying to reconect with people. Some people you will be able to catch up with and some you won't, but it is the process of trying that is important.
Keep on pluggin!