A gentle request...
If you're "coming home this weekend only!!!!" and "really really want to see [me]!!!!" and I say "would love to see you too, but have to work xyz times" and so we talk about getting a drink thurs, please get in touch earlier than 1am thurs night saying "get your ass to the Pink!!!"
And then when I return your call the next day, and you say "come to a movie with us sunday after brunch!" and I say "ok! sounds like a plan!" and then I sit at home the whole freaking day afraid to go for a bike ride or hang out at spot, or make plans with Mr. Boy b/c you are in town 'just this weekend' and 'really want to see [me]" and I don't want to blow you off, and so finally call you at 4pm to ask "what's the plan?" and you take 2 hours to answer and then just say "erin had to work"- don't be mad when I write a bitchy post and call you crappy friends.
I'm so crabby right now.
I sat on my ass all day, turning down other invites, and missing my last chance to see the first shakespeare play, because I wanted to see my friends that were back in town just for a couple days. And then they totally fucking stand me up.
I bet I'll get a call tonight at 2am saying 'meet us at prespa!'
Not to be an old fart... but I don't usually START my night out at 2am when I have to be at work at 6am the next day.
I love finding out just how much I actually mean to some people. :(
Just makes me feel like an asshole.
On-call saturday plus being stood up and thus wasting sunday would equal "craptastic weekend" but a lovely friday will make me call it a draw.
Hope you peeps had a better weekend than that.
-Miss Crabby Pants
Jenks's Journal
My Podcast Link
07/16/2006 18:56 #23901
I hate crappy friends!Category: grr
07/09/2006 01:03 #23897
sniff sniff :(If this doesn't make you cry (or at least tug your heartstrings a little) I don't know what will.
(it's a slideshow of what happens to dogs at a shelter that don't get picked up within 3 days.)

too horrible.
(it's a slideshow of what happens to dogs at a shelter that don't get picked up within 3 days.)

too horrible.
mrmike - 07/09/06 12:58
oh man, it's the matter of factness that hits me the harshest.
oh man, it's the matter of factness that hits me the harshest.
ajay - 07/09/06 12:00
There's more to it than what you saw (and I'll just leave it at that).
Most people don't know what happens at the shelter. It bothers me that organizations like PETA will go around talking about everything else _but_ the fate of our pets at the local shelter.
We need more Farm Sanctuaries :::link::: , but for pets.
There's more to it than what you saw (and I'll just leave it at that).
Most people don't know what happens at the shelter. It bothers me that organizations like PETA will go around talking about everything else _but_ the fate of our pets at the local shelter.
We need more Farm Sanctuaries :::link::: , but for pets.
jenks - 07/09/06 11:31
unfortunately there aren't many other options... if you can't take the dog in yourself, your choices are limited. :(
unfortunately there aren't many other options... if you can't take the dog in yourself, your choices are limited. :(
metalpeter - 07/09/06 11:14
I'm not going to watch the video. But that is why If i ever found a dog I wouldn't take it to a shelter. A lot of people think it is good to take a dog there but they are wrong. If a dog is pickedup in 3 days they murder it. Yeah I said Murder the dog didn't do anything wrong.
I'm not going to watch the video. But that is why If i ever found a dog I wouldn't take it to a shelter. A lot of people think it is good to take a dog there but they are wrong. If a dog is pickedup in 3 days they murder it. Yeah I said Murder the dog didn't do anything wrong.
jenks - 07/09/06 08:30
oh yeah... it's not sensationalized or anything... just matter of fact. I hate the shot of ALL the garbage bags in the freezer. From one day.
oh yeah... it's not sensationalized or anything... just matter of fact. I hate the shot of ALL the garbage bags in the freezer. From one day.
pyrcedgrrl - 07/09/06 01:46
Wow, that's quite sedate compared to PeTA's propaganda films. You should check some of those out. :\
Wow, that's quite sedate compared to PeTA's propaganda films. You should check some of those out. :\
07/08/2006 23:17 #23896
ack!Paul what happend to auto-save??
This (my old laptop) doesn't have firefox on it, and safari is doing it's usual crashing trick... Which isn't that big a deal, I just click restore... But this time there is no restore button!
So my post is lost.
Oh well it was too long anyway.
A big treatise on Newport/"Society"/Snobbery and my comfort level (or lack thereof) with my place in the whole thing.
Inspired by the fact that we just had dinner at a snooty place and my parents' friends that we were meeting showed up in a Model T. Like an honest to god 1927 Ford Model T.
And did you know that the "winged lady" (or whatever it's called) hood ornament on a Rolls-Royce now automatically retracts into the grill when the car is turned off as a theft-prevention measure? Well neither did I, until tonight.
Oh yeah and I talked about yummy food.
We made pizza on the grill last night. A huge production, makes a giant mess... but boy is it good.
And I think my whole week will go by and once again I will not make it to the beach. I was planning on going tomorrow, but then Dad said that the "helicopter is available" tomorrow morning. So- screw the beach. Helicopter ride is way cooler!
I took a bunch of pix to share with you guys... though my "document the whole town" mission ran out of steam after a while... will post them when I get back (tomorrow).
that's about it. I love my dogs. I love home, and I love my house and I love seeing my parents. And the boy is pretty fantastic too, and I'm antsy to see him again. :)
See you soon...
This (my old laptop) doesn't have firefox on it, and safari is doing it's usual crashing trick... Which isn't that big a deal, I just click restore... But this time there is no restore button!
So my post is lost.
Oh well it was too long anyway.
A big treatise on Newport/"Society"/Snobbery and my comfort level (or lack thereof) with my place in the whole thing.
Inspired by the fact that we just had dinner at a snooty place and my parents' friends that we were meeting showed up in a Model T. Like an honest to god 1927 Ford Model T.
And did you know that the "winged lady" (or whatever it's called) hood ornament on a Rolls-Royce now automatically retracts into the grill when the car is turned off as a theft-prevention measure? Well neither did I, until tonight.
Oh yeah and I talked about yummy food.
We made pizza on the grill last night. A huge production, makes a giant mess... but boy is it good.
And I think my whole week will go by and once again I will not make it to the beach. I was planning on going tomorrow, but then Dad said that the "helicopter is available" tomorrow morning. So- screw the beach. Helicopter ride is way cooler!
I took a bunch of pix to share with you guys... though my "document the whole town" mission ran out of steam after a while... will post them when I get back (tomorrow).
that's about it. I love my dogs. I love home, and I love my house and I love seeing my parents. And the boy is pretty fantastic too, and I'm antsy to see him again. :)
See you soon...
06/23/2006 17:18 #23889
back to reality...Jesus...
So I just talked to my mom...
But first you need some background. My sister, K, is married to C. C's sister, D, is married to T. T is a cop. They've been married about 14mo.
So my mom just said 'oh!! Did you hear about D and T??'
Apparently D just got a call from some girl, who claimed she'd been sleeping with T right up until that day. D confronted him- he confessed. Says he's a sex addict and apparently has been sleeping with a bunch of the hookers he busts. (he's in the prostitution division or something.)
How terrible.... I can't imagine how she feels right now. First thing she did was go to the doctor and get tested. Then to a therapist. Then to her parents'. Then to the divorce attorney.
And I've met the guy... he seemed great...
Scary. Just when you think you know someone...
(now back to my regularly scheduled daydreaming...)
So I just talked to my mom...
But first you need some background. My sister, K, is married to C. C's sister, D, is married to T. T is a cop. They've been married about 14mo.
So my mom just said 'oh!! Did you hear about D and T??'
Apparently D just got a call from some girl, who claimed she'd been sleeping with T right up until that day. D confronted him- he confessed. Says he's a sex addict and apparently has been sleeping with a bunch of the hookers he busts. (he's in the prostitution division or something.)
How terrible.... I can't imagine how she feels right now. First thing she did was go to the doctor and get tested. Then to a therapist. Then to her parents'. Then to the divorce attorney.
And I've met the guy... he seemed great...
Scary. Just when you think you know someone...
(now back to my regularly scheduled daydreaming...)
mrdt - 06/25/06 02:35
wait a minute, the comment I left hear was meant for your previous post... sorry 'bout dat.
wait a minute, the comment I left hear was meant for your previous post... sorry 'bout dat.
metalpeter - 06/24/06 18:46
If he was really a Sex Addict and not a guy who likes sex a lot then no matter how hurt she is she shuldn't act as if it is cheating. Then really think about what she wants. Then decide what to do, not go right to a divorce attorney. Was it cheating of course and is it a betrayl yes. But if it was a real addiction and not just a BS excuse then how do you tell someone that. Hey Hun you know I love you but I'm addicted to sex and I can't stop oh yeah and When I arrest hookers if they fuck me I let them go, but I don't enjoy it I'm addicted to it. In anyevent it is still a fucked up situation. I think that a Marriage really can't work when one person is legitamatly a sex addict.
If he was really a Sex Addict and not a guy who likes sex a lot then no matter how hurt she is she shuldn't act as if it is cheating. Then really think about what she wants. Then decide what to do, not go right to a divorce attorney. Was it cheating of course and is it a betrayl yes. But if it was a real addiction and not just a BS excuse then how do you tell someone that. Hey Hun you know I love you but I'm addicted to sex and I can't stop oh yeah and When I arrest hookers if they fuck me I let them go, but I don't enjoy it I'm addicted to it. In anyevent it is still a fucked up situation. I think that a Marriage really can't work when one person is legitamatly a sex addict.
mrdt - 06/24/06 00:51
It's really great in the beginning when you can just say that kinda thing, isnt it?
good luck and don't second guess yourself, have high hopes.
and enjoy every minute for what it is.
It's really great in the beginning when you can just say that kinda thing, isnt it?
good luck and don't second guess yourself, have high hopes.
and enjoy every minute for what it is.
mrmike - 06/23/06 22:03
That's awful. My ex was upfront about her relationship but only know do I feel like my head is my own. I'm so sorry, nothing about that doesn't stink
That's awful. My ex was upfront about her relationship but only know do I feel like my head is my own. I'm so sorry, nothing about that doesn't stink
enknot - 06/23/06 21:59
Oh my penguin jesus lord...
Oh my penguin jesus lord...
leetee - 06/23/06 19:14
Geeze... do we really need another reason in this world to dislike yet another cop?!?
Geeze... do we really need another reason in this world to dislike yet another cop?!?
museumchick - 06/23/06 18:41
That is awful that he would hurt like that and put her at risk. It seems like one of the most selfish things you can do to someone.
That is awful that he would hurt like that and put her at risk. It seems like one of the most selfish things you can do to someone.
07/04/2006 08:44 #23895
good newsCategory: nancy
(sorry- this ended up much longer than I had planned...)
Well first, Happy 4th everyone! As Carey said- I hope SOMEwhere saved some fireworks for tonight! Mom has a pretty awesome feast planned, for just the three of us- I must admit I'm pretty psyched.
Feels good to be home. Get some quality time with the slobber-monster pups... God I love them. They're still always so happy to see me and eager to please. :) And this is stupid, but I still just love this house. My mom has such a good eye and nice taste... It looks like it came straight out of a magazine. I wish I could do half of what she does. Hope to get to the beach at some point, but it's foggy right now.
I don't think I've ever gone into this story, but about a year ago on a saturday night, my home phone rang around 11:30pm; which always makes me a little nervous, because no one calls that phone. Caller ID shows it's my parents... and it's my Mom. My Dad's sister Nancy had just been killed in a car accident. Some kid, NOT drunk, surprisingly enough, had been going something like 110 as she was turning left out of a housing development onto the main road in her little convertible Rabbit. From what we hear, she died more or less instantly. (although I immediately found myself in trauma-doc mode, asking about her blood pressure and her injuries etc- then realized that even though my dad is a doctor, maybe he doesn't want to talk about whether or not his big sister's aorta was ruptured, vs. her neck broken.)
So that's all very sad and tragic. And I couldn't get off work to go the funeral, which I think is kind of shitty. But the thing is, we just weren't that close to her. We never saw her, and only talked to her on holidays and stuff, when mom would have to remind dad to call all his sisters. Not that they don't get along, but they just all live far apart and have different lives.
Jenny, on the other hand, is my cousin in Chicago- Nancy's daughter. And during my year in Chicago, I got pretty close to her and her family- and I just adore them. And Jenny, obviously, was a little closer to her mother than I was. So she took on the task of managing the estate, dealing with the lawyers, insurance settlements, the trial, all that. So I'm sure it consumed her daily, but the rest of us managed to put it out of our minds and carry on our little lives.
When I saw Jenny in Chicago in May, we talked about it a little bit... it was sad, and touching, to hear her talk about her mom. And I heard a lot of the trial stuff that just astounded me. I hate our legal system sometimes... They tried to claim that he wasn't guilty. When OBVIOUSLY he was. I mean, he was driving a car, recklessly, and killed another person. (he and his passenger were fine, btw.) How can he not be guilty? Well first they tried to say she was depressed and it was suicide. When that didn't work, they said "well yes, we admit she died on the road that night... but you can't prove it was from the accident." Huh? They tried to say she had a fatal heart attack right at that second. Good one, huh?!
But so then apparently they'd had some bad luck with the legal side of things- there was a last-minute change of judge (or something like that)- and the new guy was reputed to be very lenient. The kid finally pleaded guilty. Which means no trial. Which I guess is good. So all that was left was the sentencing. And they told Jenny she didn't have to go. And she said "are you kidding me? That is the only time this kid is going to have to stand up and admit that he killed my mother. You bet your sweet ass I'm going to be there." But they were worried about the sentencing... I guess he could have gotten up to 10 or 20 years or something like that, but at the other end, the lowest possible sentence was ONE DAY in jail. And with the new judge... So Jenny and everyone was steeling for the worst. That he was going to do a day in jail, and walk. So she had decided that she needed to punish him with her words- get up in that courtroom and pull heartstrings and just make him feel like shit- something that will haunt him the rest of his life. I heard some of what she was planning to say- and it wasn't mean or nasty- just heartwrenching. "she was a good nurse and a great friend (etc etc etc) but she was my only mother, and you took that from me" etc.
Sorry, this is getting way too long...
But so the sentencing was last week, and I guess as it got closer they were more realistically thinking he'd get 6 mos in a county holding cell or whatever it's called. And dad told me last night that he got 10 years in a state pen. I guess 8 are eligible for parole, but he will serve at least two.
So... I guess that's good.
But at the same time, I have to say I feel a little bit bad for the guy. His life is never going to be the same. He didn't set out to kill anyone. He's just a stupid young white trash kid showboating around in his POS car....
Well anyway, the good news is, it's all over. I haven't talked to Jenny, but I think she's probably happy with the outcome. And now we can all just put it behind us and move on and let her rest in peace.
Now i'm going to go sit on the front deck, in my pajamas, with a cup of coffee and two dogs snoring at my feet... and get a little studying done, on the anniversary of the birth of our nation. :)
Cheers peeps!
Well first, Happy 4th everyone! As Carey said- I hope SOMEwhere saved some fireworks for tonight! Mom has a pretty awesome feast planned, for just the three of us- I must admit I'm pretty psyched.
Feels good to be home. Get some quality time with the slobber-monster pups... God I love them. They're still always so happy to see me and eager to please. :) And this is stupid, but I still just love this house. My mom has such a good eye and nice taste... It looks like it came straight out of a magazine. I wish I could do half of what she does. Hope to get to the beach at some point, but it's foggy right now.
I don't think I've ever gone into this story, but about a year ago on a saturday night, my home phone rang around 11:30pm; which always makes me a little nervous, because no one calls that phone. Caller ID shows it's my parents... and it's my Mom. My Dad's sister Nancy had just been killed in a car accident. Some kid, NOT drunk, surprisingly enough, had been going something like 110 as she was turning left out of a housing development onto the main road in her little convertible Rabbit. From what we hear, she died more or less instantly. (although I immediately found myself in trauma-doc mode, asking about her blood pressure and her injuries etc- then realized that even though my dad is a doctor, maybe he doesn't want to talk about whether or not his big sister's aorta was ruptured, vs. her neck broken.)
So that's all very sad and tragic. And I couldn't get off work to go the funeral, which I think is kind of shitty. But the thing is, we just weren't that close to her. We never saw her, and only talked to her on holidays and stuff, when mom would have to remind dad to call all his sisters. Not that they don't get along, but they just all live far apart and have different lives.
Jenny, on the other hand, is my cousin in Chicago- Nancy's daughter. And during my year in Chicago, I got pretty close to her and her family- and I just adore them. And Jenny, obviously, was a little closer to her mother than I was. So she took on the task of managing the estate, dealing with the lawyers, insurance settlements, the trial, all that. So I'm sure it consumed her daily, but the rest of us managed to put it out of our minds and carry on our little lives.
When I saw Jenny in Chicago in May, we talked about it a little bit... it was sad, and touching, to hear her talk about her mom. And I heard a lot of the trial stuff that just astounded me. I hate our legal system sometimes... They tried to claim that he wasn't guilty. When OBVIOUSLY he was. I mean, he was driving a car, recklessly, and killed another person. (he and his passenger were fine, btw.) How can he not be guilty? Well first they tried to say she was depressed and it was suicide. When that didn't work, they said "well yes, we admit she died on the road that night... but you can't prove it was from the accident." Huh? They tried to say she had a fatal heart attack right at that second. Good one, huh?!
But so then apparently they'd had some bad luck with the legal side of things- there was a last-minute change of judge (or something like that)- and the new guy was reputed to be very lenient. The kid finally pleaded guilty. Which means no trial. Which I guess is good. So all that was left was the sentencing. And they told Jenny she didn't have to go. And she said "are you kidding me? That is the only time this kid is going to have to stand up and admit that he killed my mother. You bet your sweet ass I'm going to be there." But they were worried about the sentencing... I guess he could have gotten up to 10 or 20 years or something like that, but at the other end, the lowest possible sentence was ONE DAY in jail. And with the new judge... So Jenny and everyone was steeling for the worst. That he was going to do a day in jail, and walk. So she had decided that she needed to punish him with her words- get up in that courtroom and pull heartstrings and just make him feel like shit- something that will haunt him the rest of his life. I heard some of what she was planning to say- and it wasn't mean or nasty- just heartwrenching. "she was a good nurse and a great friend (etc etc etc) but she was my only mother, and you took that from me" etc.
Sorry, this is getting way too long...
But so the sentencing was last week, and I guess as it got closer they were more realistically thinking he'd get 6 mos in a county holding cell or whatever it's called. And dad told me last night that he got 10 years in a state pen. I guess 8 are eligible for parole, but he will serve at least two.
So... I guess that's good.
But at the same time, I have to say I feel a little bit bad for the guy. His life is never going to be the same. He didn't set out to kill anyone. He's just a stupid young white trash kid showboating around in his POS car....
Well anyway, the good news is, it's all over. I haven't talked to Jenny, but I think she's probably happy with the outcome. And now we can all just put it behind us and move on and let her rest in peace.
Now i'm going to go sit on the front deck, in my pajamas, with a cup of coffee and two dogs snoring at my feet... and get a little studying done, on the anniversary of the birth of our nation. :)
Cheers peeps!
vincent - 07/04/06 14:13
"I hate our legal system..."
Yea, i can totally relate to that story. It brings up memories of my sister when she was killed by one of her "friends" in a stupid braindead accident.
I swear more people are killed by morons, eating while driving, trying to be cool, playing with the sound system, cellphones, speeding home from work, ect... It's just if you kill someone with your car trying to impress someone of the opposite sex you walk or so the courts have treated people that way.
I.M.H.O if you kill someone with a car and it's a situation like you described above it should be the same as if the guy blew a .39 on the breathalizer and was high as a kite.
Sorry for the rant...it struck an emotional nerve. The anniversary of my sister's death was last week :-(
"I hate our legal system..."
Yea, i can totally relate to that story. It brings up memories of my sister when she was killed by one of her "friends" in a stupid braindead accident.
I swear more people are killed by morons, eating while driving, trying to be cool, playing with the sound system, cellphones, speeding home from work, ect... It's just if you kill someone with your car trying to impress someone of the opposite sex you walk or so the courts have treated people that way.
I.M.H.O if you kill someone with a car and it's a situation like you described above it should be the same as if the guy blew a .39 on the breathalizer and was high as a kite.
Sorry for the rant...it struck an emotional nerve. The anniversary of my sister's death was last week :-(
boxerboi - 07/04/06 13:17
It is good to be home! I hope you are having a good time. I love being home. Who doesn't love having two dogs jumping around all excited to see you?!
It is good to be home! I hope you are having a good time. I love being home. Who doesn't love having two dogs jumping around all excited to see you?!
theecarey - 07/04/06 12:36
"and get a little studying done"
and I will be at Spot working hard, studying my ass off as well, haha.
we know how well that goes..
"and get a little studying done"
and I will be at Spot working hard, studying my ass off as well, haha.
we know how well that goes..
Dear Miss Crabby Pants,
You are not alone in the crappy friends boat! Sorry you were blown over by people who mattered to you. Sometimes I think they do know how much you mean to them but from time to time, they forget. Hope the rest of your summer is more enjoyable with those who cherish your time and friendship!
I know saying "Sorry" doesn't make up the shitfulness of it all. It's about all I got left after my week that was. You matter greatly, perhaps it's they who shouldn't matter so much.
people gotta understand that Mid-July weekends are like superbowl ad minutes. They count like 10x more than normal.