So... I'm stuck at work on call, and things are blessedly quiet right now. (I almost hate to write that for fear of jinxing it.) So I am chilling in my call room. Where there is no tv. And god knows studying is a LAST resort. And I can only check my email/estrip so many times... But I did get a "new address" email from a friend from when I was in DC. And that combined with my missed connections with friends over the weekend got me thinking about all my old friends....
So I planted myself on the bed and started scrolling through my phone book, calling all my great old friends that I haven't talked to in months (or years!). I texted one guy "how are you?" only to get "who is this?" in reply. Hmm... guess I've been deleted from his phone. haha. (he was not a great old friend.) Then I called ten people. TEN. Not including my sister. One girl's number isn't even in service any more. And eight of the nine others didn't answer. We'll see if any of them call back, but I'm not holding my breath... But the one guy that actually did answer... well we chatted a little, and it was nice. But he was at work (forgot about the california time difference). Learned that one friend, who got married about 2 years ago (probably the last time I saw him), just almost got divorced, but then reconciled. But then we were talking about another friend's wedding... I knew they were engaged, but hadn't heard anything about a date yet. Andy said he'd just gotten back from the bachelor party... I asked when the wedding is... he said august... I asked "so... have invites gone out?"
Umm.... yeah......
Sorry Roet.... you're not invited.
I mean I know we've kind of lost touch, and I guess you have to draw a line somewhere... but Adam has always kind of held a special place in my heart... and I'm not even invited??
I started making all those calls to reconnect with friends... but now I feel even more isolated. Sad...
I wish somebody would answer the phone so I don't just have to sit here all night.
Oh look... there goes my pager. :/ That should keep me busy for a while....
later peeps.
Jenks's Journal
My Podcast Link
07/18/2006 19:10 #23903
ok... so THAT backfired...07/17/2006 23:28 #23902
out n' aboutWow... i just got a weird sad-sounding voicemail from a friend that he 'needs to talk to me' but now he's not answering. He sounded like shit. Hope everything's ok...
But anyway that's not why I am writing.
So I never saw my friends this weekend, and still no word from them. Bummer. I know they didn't do it on purpose, and I know how it is to be back home just for a few days and pulled in a thousand directions, but still it stings a little. But I could have been more aggressive about finding them, too, so I guess I'm to blame too.
But it also makes me feel like a jerk for letting it ruin my day. I should control how my day goes, not other people. I should be in charge of my happiness, not them.
So today I had a craving for thai, and invited the boy, but it was too short notice... So we'll do it later this week. Totally reasonable and acceptable. But then rather than mope about the fact that we couldn't have dinner, I just decided to do other things. So I washed my car, inside and out, for the first time in about a year I think. It took about 3 hours. So if it rains soon, I take responsibility, and I apologize. ;) And when I came back inside I had messages on my phone. People called! they want to see me! yay!
So then I decided to do good-for-me things. I wanted to 1: study and 2: see friends. I don't want to be one of these people that ditches her friends as soon as there's a boy in the picture. So I went to spot. But spot pissed me off. It was the first time I had been in AAAGES, and:
1- I got there at 8, and they were closing at 9 (instead of 11.)
2- The kitchen was already closed
3- No spotties working. Just weird girls I didn't recognize, and threesome girl.
4- People were sitting in "my" study seat.
So... I decided to walk across the street to check out the new sushi place, and meet Timika. There was a pretty long wait, and while I was waiting, I chatted with Jason. Then saw a girl walking a really pretty pit bull, which made me think of the boy. (awwww. Barf. i'm a sap.)
So we finally got a perfect table outside, and the weather was just right. What a beautiful night... So we chatted and laughed and caught up and had some yummy dinner...
And then...
I saw someone walking... he looked familiar... wasn't sure... I was practically kicking timika under the table and hissing "drchlorine! drchlorine!" So she looked, and confirmed that it was indeed him. She said "hi david" but maybe a little quietly... and he totally ignored us and walked on. I guess there's a CHANCE he didn't see/hear us- but I think he did.
It was hysterical.
So I had to share.
Ok... guess I will try to call Sad Friend again.
Happy monday, everyone. :)
But anyway that's not why I am writing.
So I never saw my friends this weekend, and still no word from them. Bummer. I know they didn't do it on purpose, and I know how it is to be back home just for a few days and pulled in a thousand directions, but still it stings a little. But I could have been more aggressive about finding them, too, so I guess I'm to blame too.
But it also makes me feel like a jerk for letting it ruin my day. I should control how my day goes, not other people. I should be in charge of my happiness, not them.
So today I had a craving for thai, and invited the boy, but it was too short notice... So we'll do it later this week. Totally reasonable and acceptable. But then rather than mope about the fact that we couldn't have dinner, I just decided to do other things. So I washed my car, inside and out, for the first time in about a year I think. It took about 3 hours. So if it rains soon, I take responsibility, and I apologize. ;) And when I came back inside I had messages on my phone. People called! they want to see me! yay!
So then I decided to do good-for-me things. I wanted to 1: study and 2: see friends. I don't want to be one of these people that ditches her friends as soon as there's a boy in the picture. So I went to spot. But spot pissed me off. It was the first time I had been in AAAGES, and:
1- I got there at 8, and they were closing at 9 (instead of 11.)
2- The kitchen was already closed
3- No spotties working. Just weird girls I didn't recognize, and threesome girl.
4- People were sitting in "my" study seat.
So... I decided to walk across the street to check out the new sushi place, and meet Timika. There was a pretty long wait, and while I was waiting, I chatted with Jason. Then saw a girl walking a really pretty pit bull, which made me think of the boy. (awwww. Barf. i'm a sap.)
So we finally got a perfect table outside, and the weather was just right. What a beautiful night... So we chatted and laughed and caught up and had some yummy dinner...
And then...
I saw someone walking... he looked familiar... wasn't sure... I was practically kicking timika under the table and hissing "drchlorine! drchlorine!" So she looked, and confirmed that it was indeed him. She said "hi david" but maybe a little quietly... and he totally ignored us and walked on. I guess there's a CHANCE he didn't see/hear us- but I think he did.
It was hysterical.
So I had to share.
Ok... guess I will try to call Sad Friend again.
Happy monday, everyone. :)
07/09/2006 01:03 #23897
sniff sniff :(If this doesn't make you cry (or at least tug your heartstrings a little) I don't know what will.
(it's a slideshow of what happens to dogs at a shelter that don't get picked up within 3 days.)

too horrible.
(it's a slideshow of what happens to dogs at a shelter that don't get picked up within 3 days.)

too horrible.
mrmike - 07/09/06 12:58
oh man, it's the matter of factness that hits me the harshest.
oh man, it's the matter of factness that hits me the harshest.
ajay - 07/09/06 12:00
There's more to it than what you saw (and I'll just leave it at that).
Most people don't know what happens at the shelter. It bothers me that organizations like PETA will go around talking about everything else _but_ the fate of our pets at the local shelter.
We need more Farm Sanctuaries :::link::: , but for pets.
There's more to it than what you saw (and I'll just leave it at that).
Most people don't know what happens at the shelter. It bothers me that organizations like PETA will go around talking about everything else _but_ the fate of our pets at the local shelter.
We need more Farm Sanctuaries :::link::: , but for pets.
jenks - 07/09/06 11:31
unfortunately there aren't many other options... if you can't take the dog in yourself, your choices are limited. :(
unfortunately there aren't many other options... if you can't take the dog in yourself, your choices are limited. :(
metalpeter - 07/09/06 11:14
I'm not going to watch the video. But that is why If i ever found a dog I wouldn't take it to a shelter. A lot of people think it is good to take a dog there but they are wrong. If a dog is pickedup in 3 days they murder it. Yeah I said Murder the dog didn't do anything wrong.
I'm not going to watch the video. But that is why If i ever found a dog I wouldn't take it to a shelter. A lot of people think it is good to take a dog there but they are wrong. If a dog is pickedup in 3 days they murder it. Yeah I said Murder the dog didn't do anything wrong.
jenks - 07/09/06 08:30
oh yeah... it's not sensationalized or anything... just matter of fact. I hate the shot of ALL the garbage bags in the freezer. From one day.
oh yeah... it's not sensationalized or anything... just matter of fact. I hate the shot of ALL the garbage bags in the freezer. From one day.
pyrcedgrrl - 07/09/06 01:46
Wow, that's quite sedate compared to PeTA's propaganda films. You should check some of those out. :\
Wow, that's quite sedate compared to PeTA's propaganda films. You should check some of those out. :\
07/16/2006 18:56 #23901
I hate crappy friends!Category: grr
A gentle request...
If you're "coming home this weekend only!!!!" and "really really want to see [me]!!!!" and I say "would love to see you too, but have to work xyz times" and so we talk about getting a drink thurs, please get in touch earlier than 1am thurs night saying "get your ass to the Pink!!!"
And then when I return your call the next day, and you say "come to a movie with us sunday after brunch!" and I say "ok! sounds like a plan!" and then I sit at home the whole freaking day afraid to go for a bike ride or hang out at spot, or make plans with Mr. Boy b/c you are in town 'just this weekend' and 'really want to see [me]" and I don't want to blow you off, and so finally call you at 4pm to ask "what's the plan?" and you take 2 hours to answer and then just say "erin had to work"- don't be mad when I write a bitchy post and call you crappy friends.
I'm so crabby right now.
I sat on my ass all day, turning down other invites, and missing my last chance to see the first shakespeare play, because I wanted to see my friends that were back in town just for a couple days. And then they totally fucking stand me up.
I bet I'll get a call tonight at 2am saying 'meet us at prespa!'
Not to be an old fart... but I don't usually START my night out at 2am when I have to be at work at 6am the next day.
I love finding out just how much I actually mean to some people. :(
Just makes me feel like an asshole.
On-call saturday plus being stood up and thus wasting sunday would equal "craptastic weekend" but a lovely friday will make me call it a draw.
Hope you peeps had a better weekend than that.
-Miss Crabby Pants
If you're "coming home this weekend only!!!!" and "really really want to see [me]!!!!" and I say "would love to see you too, but have to work xyz times" and so we talk about getting a drink thurs, please get in touch earlier than 1am thurs night saying "get your ass to the Pink!!!"
And then when I return your call the next day, and you say "come to a movie with us sunday after brunch!" and I say "ok! sounds like a plan!" and then I sit at home the whole freaking day afraid to go for a bike ride or hang out at spot, or make plans with Mr. Boy b/c you are in town 'just this weekend' and 'really want to see [me]" and I don't want to blow you off, and so finally call you at 4pm to ask "what's the plan?" and you take 2 hours to answer and then just say "erin had to work"- don't be mad when I write a bitchy post and call you crappy friends.
I'm so crabby right now.
I sat on my ass all day, turning down other invites, and missing my last chance to see the first shakespeare play, because I wanted to see my friends that were back in town just for a couple days. And then they totally fucking stand me up.
I bet I'll get a call tonight at 2am saying 'meet us at prespa!'
Not to be an old fart... but I don't usually START my night out at 2am when I have to be at work at 6am the next day.
I love finding out just how much I actually mean to some people. :(
Just makes me feel like an asshole.
On-call saturday plus being stood up and thus wasting sunday would equal "craptastic weekend" but a lovely friday will make me call it a draw.
Hope you peeps had a better weekend than that.
-Miss Crabby Pants
southernyankee - 07/17/06 18:09
Dear Miss Crabby Pants,
You are not alone in the crappy friends boat! Sorry you were blown over by people who mattered to you. Sometimes I think they do know how much you mean to them but from time to time, they forget. Hope the rest of your summer is more enjoyable with those who cherish your time and friendship!
Dear Miss Crabby Pants,
You are not alone in the crappy friends boat! Sorry you were blown over by people who mattered to you. Sometimes I think they do know how much you mean to them but from time to time, they forget. Hope the rest of your summer is more enjoyable with those who cherish your time and friendship!
mrmike - 07/16/06 20:30
I know saying "Sorry" doesn't make up the shitfulness of it all. It's about all I got left after my week that was. You matter greatly, perhaps it's they who shouldn't matter so much.
I know saying "Sorry" doesn't make up the shitfulness of it all. It's about all I got left after my week that was. You matter greatly, perhaps it's they who shouldn't matter so much.
kookcity2000 - 07/16/06 19:43
people gotta understand that Mid-July weekends are like superbowl ad minutes. They count like 10x more than normal.
people gotta understand that Mid-July weekends are like superbowl ad minutes. They count like 10x more than normal.
07/08/2006 23:17 #23896
ack!Paul what happend to auto-save??
This (my old laptop) doesn't have firefox on it, and safari is doing it's usual crashing trick... Which isn't that big a deal, I just click restore... But this time there is no restore button!
So my post is lost.
Oh well it was too long anyway.
A big treatise on Newport/"Society"/Snobbery and my comfort level (or lack thereof) with my place in the whole thing.
Inspired by the fact that we just had dinner at a snooty place and my parents' friends that we were meeting showed up in a Model T. Like an honest to god 1927 Ford Model T.
And did you know that the "winged lady" (or whatever it's called) hood ornament on a Rolls-Royce now automatically retracts into the grill when the car is turned off as a theft-prevention measure? Well neither did I, until tonight.
Oh yeah and I talked about yummy food.
We made pizza on the grill last night. A huge production, makes a giant mess... but boy is it good.
And I think my whole week will go by and once again I will not make it to the beach. I was planning on going tomorrow, but then Dad said that the "helicopter is available" tomorrow morning. So- screw the beach. Helicopter ride is way cooler!
I took a bunch of pix to share with you guys... though my "document the whole town" mission ran out of steam after a while... will post them when I get back (tomorrow).
that's about it. I love my dogs. I love home, and I love my house and I love seeing my parents. And the boy is pretty fantastic too, and I'm antsy to see him again. :)
See you soon...
This (my old laptop) doesn't have firefox on it, and safari is doing it's usual crashing trick... Which isn't that big a deal, I just click restore... But this time there is no restore button!
So my post is lost.
Oh well it was too long anyway.
A big treatise on Newport/"Society"/Snobbery and my comfort level (or lack thereof) with my place in the whole thing.
Inspired by the fact that we just had dinner at a snooty place and my parents' friends that we were meeting showed up in a Model T. Like an honest to god 1927 Ford Model T.
And did you know that the "winged lady" (or whatever it's called) hood ornament on a Rolls-Royce now automatically retracts into the grill when the car is turned off as a theft-prevention measure? Well neither did I, until tonight.
Oh yeah and I talked about yummy food.
We made pizza on the grill last night. A huge production, makes a giant mess... but boy is it good.
And I think my whole week will go by and once again I will not make it to the beach. I was planning on going tomorrow, but then Dad said that the "helicopter is available" tomorrow morning. So- screw the beach. Helicopter ride is way cooler!
I took a bunch of pix to share with you guys... though my "document the whole town" mission ran out of steam after a while... will post them when I get back (tomorrow).
that's about it. I love my dogs. I love home, and I love my house and I love seeing my parents. And the boy is pretty fantastic too, and I'm antsy to see him again. :)
See you soon...
all of the above are true... i know it's not malicious... and we *have* lost touch... and it *is* a small wedding. And I know all this. It just stings a little. And sure, I'm trying, but when no one "tries" back, that sucks too.
I had something deeply profound to contribute only to see that Peter said it already. You're trying and that does have rewards.
well said peter
Don't worry that you wheren't invited. First of all it is possible that it is a small wedding. Secondly The fact that you arn't invited dosn't mean that he dosn't care. There is usaly some type of cut off it could be based on a set number of people or in length since people have hung out. One possible factor is whos family is paying for it. If it is her side maybe nun of his family friends are invited. I'm not taking his side on this. I'm just saying that there are a lot of factors deciding who to invite. It might not be that you are un welcome you just warn't invited. The thing to remember is that you are trying to reconect with people. Some people you will be able to catch up with and some you won't, but it is the process of trying that is important.