hmmm, been so busy lately. not enough time to post much of anything. did i mention how much i like my job?
oh, ok.
did i mention how much i like nelly furtado's new song, maneater? this will be my new user sound and since i never change my user sounds it will be around for a while.
i can't believe the holidays are around the corner. are we going to do secret santa for estrip?
i'm finally getting LAID!!!
Imk2's Journal
My Podcast Link
11/14/2006 19:22 #23108
santa, i want.....11/05/2006 22:49 #23107
chinese buffet and a gig for half pricefirst of all I finally got my new phone, the super sweet sprint pocket pc 6700! and it only cost 199 with a mail in rebate. then I went to best buy and boght a 1 gig SD card that was originaly 64.99, but who's sticker said 44.99 and a 10 dollar mail in rebate. so I went to the register to pay and it rings up 64.
I tell the girl that's its supposed to be 44 and she has no clue what I'm talking about. iwalk back to the placke I picked it up from and ask the chick whether I'm crazy or they are. she looks at me kind weird abd starts peeling the sticker off of the haning thingy where the cards are hooked. and so I'm like these are 44, right? and she doesn't say anything. so I finally say, can you please come to the register with me? and she does and says to the manager, I forgot to take the tag off. so he now has toring it for me at the 44 dollar price. I tell him to make sure he prints the mail in rebate, and he says, of course! but it didn't. and so he had to re-ring it at the 34 price, cuz no mail in rebate was no longer available.
HA! I saved 30 bucks!!
we the went to the new chinese grand buffet that oppened at the boulevard mall. it wasn't super spectacular, but not bad. its good if you want all kinds of crabs and oysters and mussles.
somone please tell me if these pics are big enough, since this is my first mobile post.
they look reeeely tiny on my screen here.

I tell the girl that's its supposed to be 44 and she has no clue what I'm talking about. iwalk back to the placke I picked it up from and ask the chick whether I'm crazy or they are. she looks at me kind weird abd starts peeling the sticker off of the haning thingy where the cards are hooked. and so I'm like these are 44, right? and she doesn't say anything. so I finally say, can you please come to the register with me? and she does and says to the manager, I forgot to take the tag off. so he now has toring it for me at the 44 dollar price. I tell him to make sure he prints the mail in rebate, and he says, of course! but it didn't. and so he had to re-ring it at the 34 price, cuz no mail in rebate was no longer available.
HA! I saved 30 bucks!!
we the went to the new chinese grand buffet that oppened at the boulevard mall. it wasn't super spectacular, but not bad. its good if you want all kinds of crabs and oysters and mussles.
somone please tell me if these pics are big enough, since this is my first mobile post.
they look reeeely tiny on my screen here.

enknot - 11/06/06 19:24
order the 2 gig card for about the same price and return the old one and set your pics to max res. If you back up once a year you'll never run out of space. Even for the 1 giger prolly...
order the 2 gig card for about the same price and return the old one and set your pics to max res. If you back up once a year you'll never run out of space. Even for the 1 giger prolly...
imk2 - 11/06/06 19:17
so paul, should i set them to medium or large?
so paul, should i set them to medium or large?
imk2 - 11/06/06 19:16
ok, fine. at least i didnt waaaay overpay.
ok, fine. at least i didnt waaaay overpay.
paul - 11/06/06 18:55
You can set the pictures to be larger using the options in the camera app on your phone.
You can set the pictures to be larger using the options in the camera app on your phone.
enknot - 11/06/06 18:53
sorry to burst your shopping bubble, and I hate to say I told you so but
and if that wasn't enough
yeah... never buy memory from a store.
sorry to burst your shopping bubble, and I hate to say I told you so but
and if that wasn't enough
yeah... never buy memory from a store.
imk2 - 11/06/06 09:48
ok, next time i will make the pictures bigger and i will also make sure to check what the hell i wrote. i didnt save 39 dollars, i meant to say 30. i'm sure there is plenty more, but i got so excited using my special keyboard, that i didnt bother looking at whati'm witing.
ok, next time i will make the pictures bigger and i will also make sure to check what the hell i wrote. i didnt save 39 dollars, i meant to say 30. i'm sure there is plenty more, but i got so excited using my special keyboard, that i didnt bother looking at whati'm witing.
mrmike - 11/06/06 09:36
A little tiny (the pics)that is, but cool nonetheless. What's the phone look like?
A little tiny (the pics)that is, but cool nonetheless. What's the phone look like?
11/03/2006 14:04 #23106
where in the world?ok, where is (e:metalpeter) ? where has he gone? does anybody know?
leetee - 11/05/06 16:56
I think i saw that someone mentioned in chat that they saw Peter at a party and he mentioned that his internet was still down. Hope he is doing ok!!
I think i saw that someone mentioned in chat that they saw Peter at a party and he mentioned that his internet was still down. Hope he is doing ok!!
southernyankee - 11/04/06 07:23
jenks - 11/04/06 00:25
I know, I was wondering that myself...
I know, I was wondering that myself...
10/22/2006 21:31 #23105
the departedoh man, i went to see "the departed" and can i just tell you how fucking awesome this movie was?
dicaprio was so badass and so hot and should get a oscar nomination for this. scorcese SHOULD win best director without a doubt .everyone, from jack nicholson to matt damon to marky mark, was superb. this was def was one of the best movies i've EVER seen. the character develpment was off the chain and the story was so complex and convoluted that you can't help but to hold your breath from start to finish. everyone, everyone must go out and see this film.
dicaprio was so badass and so hot and should get a oscar nomination for this. scorcese SHOULD win best director without a doubt .everyone, from jack nicholson to matt damon to marky mark, was superb. this was def was one of the best movies i've EVER seen. the character develpment was off the chain and the story was so complex and convoluted that you can't help but to hold your breath from start to finish. everyone, everyone must go out and see this film.
enknot - 11/01/06 08:13
First. IMK2 thank you for the recommendation this movie was fantastical, wait no... it was...
Just go see it before the hype (or non hype) makes it worse for you peoples.
Lilho,when I saw your comment at first I just identified with it cause my mom saw Fight Club and just didn't get it... she was bored for the whole thing. I don't know if it was cause she was tired or maybe bumped her head on something but, or maybe the truth...she's just no sooo sophisticated.
But this movie is just sooo extreemly good (wait, no.... perfect) that I just I, I'm baffled, but (e:peeps) and un-(e:peeps) GO SEE THIS EFFIN' MOVIE!
PS. IMK2 your daughter is an amzing artist! Make I know the aspect ratio of your pic is a lil off because of the auto formatting, but looks fantastic, she's got a gift. My brother was just that talented, but my really brilliant mom made him join the effin' marines (he was a bit of a bad ass too and she wanted to "save" him, you might like him). Speaking of baddasses you would like DiCaprio's dude woudln't ya!? Ha!
PPS. We must all have eXtreeem lunch again soon. That was fun, and my aghast-o-meter is back down to empty.
First. IMK2 thank you for the recommendation this movie was fantastical, wait no... it was...
Just go see it before the hype (or non hype) makes it worse for you peoples.
Lilho,when I saw your comment at first I just identified with it cause my mom saw Fight Club and just didn't get it... she was bored for the whole thing. I don't know if it was cause she was tired or maybe bumped her head on something but, or maybe the truth...she's just no sooo sophisticated.
But this movie is just sooo extreemly good (wait, no.... perfect) that I just I, I'm baffled, but (e:peeps) and un-(e:peeps) GO SEE THIS EFFIN' MOVIE!
PS. IMK2 your daughter is an amzing artist! Make I know the aspect ratio of your pic is a lil off because of the auto formatting, but looks fantastic, she's got a gift. My brother was just that talented, but my really brilliant mom made him join the effin' marines (he was a bit of a bad ass too and she wanted to "save" him, you might like him). Speaking of baddasses you would like DiCaprio's dude woudln't ya!? Ha!
PPS. We must all have eXtreeem lunch again soon. That was fun, and my aghast-o-meter is back down to empty.
des - 10/23/06 21:30
I agree one of the best ever. I loved the hell out of it. Even if my date could barely breathe the whole time. Everyone should check it out.
What about the envelope!!
I agree one of the best ever. I loved the hell out of it. Even if my date could barely breathe the whole time. Everyone should check it out.
What about the envelope!!
enknot - 10/23/06 16:10
I'm right there with you Lilho. I was so floored by Fight Club that I rented it for a family night and my mom just didn't get it... I was nonplused. ::sigh:: It makes me want to belive that I was adopted, but I look exactly like her (as a youth, my boobs aren't so flouncy now and days) ::shrug:: Otherwise, IMK don't go hypein' this movie up too much before we get to see it. I'm sure it's sweet, but it's no Snakes on a Plane...
I'm right there with you Lilho. I was so floored by Fight Club that I rented it for a family night and my mom just didn't get it... I was nonplused. ::sigh:: It makes me want to belive that I was adopted, but I look exactly like her (as a youth, my boobs aren't so flouncy now and days) ::shrug:: Otherwise, IMK don't go hypein' this movie up too much before we get to see it. I'm sure it's sweet, but it's no Snakes on a Plane...
lilho - 10/23/06 09:31
my mom saw that and said it was awful, but she didnt like life aquatic, so i dont really trust her opinion.
my mom saw that and said it was awful, but she didnt like life aquatic, so i dont really trust her opinion.
10/21/2006 19:49 #23104
finallyi finally got my mother fucking electricity back! FUCK YEAH!
jenks - 10/22/06 13:59
Now all you need is a phone. :/
Now all you need is a phone. :/
that last tidbit is great news, hopefully we all will for xmas. yep.
hopefully its everything you hoped for =)
so tell me little girl what do you want santa to bring you for christmas?
The secret santa idea is cool.
A Epeep holiday? How cool
yeah! secret santa secret santa!
secret santa? We ((e:paul), (e:terry), and I) are throwing a big holiday party in mid-december. That would be a good time to exchange!
I will agree with mike and say congrats on the last one, also glad you love your job. :) but how is santa or is that (in church lady voice) Satan going to know what to get you if you tease him (joking around of course). With how my job has been I get that not really having time to post thing.
Congrats on that last one. I like to think there is hope for us all....