Q: If Hans Mobius had kept his properties to code and wasn't such a slumlord, then perhaps all the tennants in those houses would have had way way way way higher rent, perhaps even not been able to afford to do business or live there?!?
A: Possibly, but he has owned these properties for twenty years. For twenty years, he has not made a single major repair to any of those properties. As a landlord, he is required BY LAW to keep them to code.
Q: So, the options are for him to sell the property to someone else and be rewarded or continue to be a scumbag slumlord? Neither are attractive. If he ends up in jail because he is a slumlord, what happens to the buildings and the tennants?
A: What would change if he was in jail? The business owners would not go anywhere. They pay rent. He broke the law, not them. The buildings could be better, but also keep in mind that any repairs done to the buildings were done by the tenants. Also keep in mind, that people live in these buildings too.
Q: Does the city take over? What the heck would they do with the buildings? Condemn them and boot out the tennants? Or sell them to the highest bidder and then the tennants would be out anyway?
A: The city could yes. Have you heard of Rocco Termini? read my previous enteries or see my article here:

Q: Instead of telling me what is wrong with Hans Mobis and him being a slumlord and wanting to sell to a developer that will do things you thing aren't good for you, your neighbourhood and the tennants of those buildings, how about what you are hoping will happen?
A: I hope that Rocco will do what he says he will do. His Idea is what Elmwood needs. What we do not NEED is a hotel. Plus with his Idea, it seems the tenants will get the option to buy.
Q: What is your suggestion in an ideal world? Really, i am not being sarcastic or arguing, i really want to know...
A: Please read my articles as there is too much to type :) But my suggestion: Progress is not demolishing homes and businesses. The Waterfront is progress. The Canal District is progress. The Burchfield Art Museum? is progress. Get the tourists here and then worry about a hotel.
Hans Mobius is a jerk and should be in jail, but what does that have to do with a successful commercial district increasing the vitality of its businesses by bringing in more density and more people?
Sure build it here in Allentown, good. But you need it more than we do, we already have the businesses we need to survive down here. Where's your grocery store, hair salon, diner, café, or place to get a coffeemaker or electric heater? Probably in the sprawl of north Elmwood and Kenmore Ave. where pedestrians are not welcome, or south toward Allentown and beyond walking distance.
And why screw Buff State and Albright Knox out of convenient access to a much needed hotel.
Sorry progress in Buffalo happens to be rubbing you the wrong way this time, but this hotel is a good thing. Don’t exaggerate your own preferences into dire neighborhood problems, or the end of life as we know it. Or at least save it for the downtown casino.
Serious questions that deserve answers:
How many times have Mobius's tenants complained to the appropriate City, State and Federal agencies?
What has the response of the City, State, and Federal governments been?
How many times have Mobius's tenants taken him to court?
What was the outcome of the Court cases?
Do you have any personal knowledge of any tenant, residential or business, calling or writing a complaint to the City Code Enforcement department?
What was the result of these calls?
Do you have any personal knowledge of anyone, you included, calling the media to bring attention to the terrible conditions experienced by the tenants of Mobius?
What was the result of these calls?
The recent hotel proposal would have been a wonderful opportunity to make the media aware of the horrible conditions in those houses.
Even if the local network affiliates and the Buffalo News and the Art Voice ignored the story, I would bet that the Beast would love to rake some muck and embarass the City of Buffalo.
For that matter, (e:dragonfire1024) you are a bright guy, you know how to use the internet.
Building Codes aren't all that complicated. And run-down buildings with problems are easy to document with photos. I'm certain that you, personally, could write a story on the horrible conditions while highlighting specific code violations in Mobius buildings and post it on the internet - on Wikinews, here, etc.
You could force the City to do something.
You have that power. You could get the City to condemn the buildings with your reporting skills if you are correct about all the code violations.
But then again, I suspect that his tenants don't complain because they know that the City might condemn the buildings if conditions are as bad as you claim.
I suspect that his tenants don't complain because they know their rents would go up if Mobius actually improved his properties.
What do you think would happen if Mobius was thrown in jail and his buildings condemned?
Would his properties be magically made better while he was in jail?
No one would be allowed to occupy the buildings until the code violations are cured.
So throwing him in jail for code violations might result in the very thing you say you want to avoid - all the residents and businesses are displaced.
On a related note: I've noticed that you have not answered my question about Rocco Termini whose proposal you support - Has Termini committed in writing to allowing current Mobius tenants to continue to rent from him at their current rents once he renovates the properties?
And another thing, wouldn't Mobius profit if Termini buys his properties?