(e:Dcoffee) said:
Stores like, Everything Elmwood, Urban, and etc have a real advantage over the businesses in these homes, one reason is that they have big windows right on the sidewalk. They're more inviting because when you walk by you can see what's in the store, and therefore you feel more comfortable walking in and hopefully purchasing something from them.
Have you even read anything I wrote? Have you seen Rocco Termini's design? Seven strofronts, all tenants stay and theres room for more. They will look just as you described.
How many more college students would be spending their beer money at these stores if they could easily see what the place is selling,and who is inside, right from the sidewalk?
Last time I checked, there are many many college students who go to these shops. I have seen them. How many college students will spend their "beer money" in this hotel?
furthermore, think of the parents coming to visit their sons and daughters at the college. Many of us went to college, I went to Fredonia, it was far away enough to be your own person, but close enough that mom can come down for lunch. How many students from Elma, Clarance, Hamburg, Rochester, batavia, and elsewhere have parents coming to visit them at Buff State?
Are you serious? You make it sound like those places are hours and hours away from Buffalo. And as far as I know most students go home on breaks and such anyway. But I could be wrong, you seem to have the answers for that one I guess.
and how many take their children out for lunch at some nearby restaurant, and wander down the street? With a big new commercial building on the corner, this shopping district will look a lot more attractive to visiting parents who may not have ventured down there to shop yet
So where will they shop again? the 2 or 3 possible shops in the hotel? Remember, there is no gurentee that any shops can afford to move in there and if they can afford it, then they will be overpriced as the rent will be outragous. So will these visitors shop at another resturant? We Never Close? Mobil? Give me a break. The shops that do exist on this end of elmwood will be demolished. So we are sending these people all the way to Auburn and Elmwood. Build the hotel there then.
and the businesses would really appreciate visiting parents because they are likely to spend money with their children while in town. A new 4 story building would create a grand commercial gateway, and make this part of the city seem as active as it really is.
So the students and their parents will go eat at a resturant then proceed to Coles and Mr. Goodbar to get drunk? Right...Active? You mean see the wandering puking drunks right? The bums asking for change 24/7?...the crazy people from the hospital?...yeah real attractive. And when they see a seven million dollar hotel there then they will flock to this corner like there is no tomorrow.
It is a commercial strip, that is it's purpose, and if the businesses there succeed and expand, then the area is doing well. If you don't like living on an active commercial strip, move to linwood, richmond, colvin, ashland, or any one of the million Buffalo streets that are residential. the greatest challenge for the city today is for it to reestablish itself as the commercial center of WNY, and take some of the money away from the big box chains, which are trampling our farms and forests as the suburbs sprawl ever outward. You know?
No. Elmwood is not a "active commercial strip." There are people that LIVE on Elmwood too. So your statement is wrong. Elmwood is not a strip mall. If we allow a hotel, we may as well call Walgreens back and offer them the site where We Never Close is. Ok...so Wyndham Hotels is not a big Chain? Correct me if I am wrong, but aren't they International? Tell me to move? I live in this neighborhood, and again who are you to tell me or anyone else whats good for
OUR neighborhood? If you love the hotel so much, let them tear your home down.
That corner deserves more, and this hotel is far better than anything I expected, someone is really willing to put some serious money into that corner. it never had a great corner building like some of those in my neighborhood and around the city. this is an awesome step in the right direction.
Don't get out much do ya. Pay attention. I wrote all about Rocco's plan. Whats wrong with it? So far no one has given any reason as to why his design is not worth it. Afterall Elmwood is a
VILLAGE not a damn mall. Let them say your house is next and you tell me you want a hotel.
Current is kaput? That was fast. And we didn't even _do_ anything to them.
That's really surprising, actually, considering we always kinda figured they had unlimited funding.
Kinda leaves some pretty slim pickins as far as press goes around here.
- Z