Well here is a response to a comment posted on my latest blog. The bold is what he said. And its the whole comment...nothing deleted or added.
"wait you are trying to tell me that because they tore down a hotel on Forrest and Elmwood in 1901 because it wasn't financially viable, there's no way that one could be successful in 2006?"
1. it's Forest. One R.
2. No I am not saying that. What I am saying is that any hotel for the last 106 years that existed in the general area around Elmwood and Forest, has not been financially successful. Not one. In fact, tell me one hotel that is in the area here. If you had read it properly you would see that a hotel existed right on Forest and Lincoln parkway. Where is it?
"I applaud your research and dedication, but give me a break. This hotel is essentially a sign of Buffalo's turn around,"
1. Turnaround? You need to have something here people want to come to from out of state etc. Do you think someone is going to come stay at this hotel to go to Coles or India Gate?
"It will enrich your neighborhood by helping your local businesses to thrive. take India Gate for example, they have amazing service and fantastic food, but they can't afford to upgrade their dumpy blue awning."
1. What businesses? The ones I really like will be demolished. Businesses that I already shop at and use. Right...where will people shop at on this end of Elmwood when these are gone? We Never Close? The current shops are original and thats what Elmwood stands for. Mom and Pop stores. I know that a storefron in a 7 million dollar hotel is going to cost a pretty penny or a trillion. So how would I be able to afford going into these "shops"? Also note that there are only 2 storefronts and a resturant in the new design. Right...i see a lot of shopping going on. Furthermore, how will a hotel benefit me when it wil be less than 5 feet from my house? I am not going to stay in it.
"An influx of customers from the new hotel will help them thrive and expand, I’m sure all the businesses in the area will flourish, and that is a good thing."
1. Again. Where are the "influx of customers" going to come from? Do you think someone is sitting in California saying, "hey they just built that new hotel in Buffalo. Lets go and stay in it." No. You need to have something here they want to come to first.
Plus the homes they’re tearing down are dumpy, not architectural treasures. Let this project move forward.
So we are supposed to reward a landlord (Hans Mobius) for neglecting his properties INTENTIONALLY for 20 years? Tell me, whats right about that? Thats why they are a dump. You need to yell at him about that. He is a slum lord. If the city had forced him to keep them up to code like the city is supposed to, they would not be "dumpy". Also, any improvements done on the properties were done by the business owners and residents or non-profit groups (the grop I forget the name, did all the neon lights you see that are not working anymore mostly....look over coles, you will see them there too...all down the street) Dumpy? I can name a lot more worse looking places in Buffalo...
Dragonfire1024's Journal
My Podcast Link
03/05/2006 08:51 #21933
Journal Comment response03/04/2006 11:17 #21932
Hotel to be or not to be?Well I have done some real in depth reporting this time. And I think some of you might be suprised.
There was NO hotel on the same site they want to build the Elmwood Village Hotel. There was however; one right across the street where the Mobil gas station is.
My Latest article I wrote:
Rocco Termini writes a letter to the Buffalo news, and it was published 3 hours ago:
That TEMPORARY hotel was called the Statler Hotel, or Statler's. It was built in 1901 for the Pan-American Exposition and ONLY for the exposition. It was taken down with 90% of everything else for the exposition and that was that.
The hotel I might add, was a failure, financially. According to documents he took what little money he (Ellsworth Milton Statker) made and built the next temporary hotel in St. Loius for their exhibition in 1904....that one was successful.
It also shows that there were no hotels or rooming houses in the area prior to the exposition, and after. To this day, any hotel or rooming house that was documented in records at the Buffalo Historical Society, in this area, does not exist anymore, and no hotel since then has existed in this area and to this day there is not one.
So tell me, if a hotel has not been financially successful for 100 years, why would it be now?
Sign the petition to STOP the Elmwood Village Hotel and put and end to this madness: Petition:
There was NO hotel on the same site they want to build the Elmwood Village Hotel. There was however; one right across the street where the Mobil gas station is.
My Latest article I wrote:

Rocco Termini writes a letter to the Buffalo news, and it was published 3 hours ago:

That TEMPORARY hotel was called the Statler Hotel, or Statler's. It was built in 1901 for the Pan-American Exposition and ONLY for the exposition. It was taken down with 90% of everything else for the exposition and that was that.
The hotel I might add, was a failure, financially. According to documents he took what little money he (Ellsworth Milton Statker) made and built the next temporary hotel in St. Loius for their exhibition in 1904....that one was successful.
It also shows that there were no hotels or rooming houses in the area prior to the exposition, and after. To this day, any hotel or rooming house that was documented in records at the Buffalo Historical Society, in this area, does not exist anymore, and no hotel since then has existed in this area and to this day there is not one.
So tell me, if a hotel has not been financially successful for 100 years, why would it be now?
Sign the petition to STOP the Elmwood Village Hotel and put and end to this madness: Petition:

jason - 03/04/06 16:35
I understand the sentiment, that people want something positive for the community and the city to move forward.
The hotel will bring money to the neighborhood? In theory, yes, if people were attracted to the hotel for some reason it would yield results.
What is attracting people to this hotel year round? That's the question that nobody has adequately answered. A hotel, in and of itself, is absolutely worthless unless there is something that would bring people to it.
People are going to come to Elmwood and stay overnight so they can go to Cole's or India Gate? If that is the justification for this project, I fear it will be a disaster.
For this project to be a success, there has to be a viable economic justification. There has to be a reason for people to stay there. The chicken does not come before the egg. If someone can convince me otherwise, I am happy to listen.
I understand the sentiment, that people want something positive for the community and the city to move forward.
The hotel will bring money to the neighborhood? In theory, yes, if people were attracted to the hotel for some reason it would yield results.
What is attracting people to this hotel year round? That's the question that nobody has adequately answered. A hotel, in and of itself, is absolutely worthless unless there is something that would bring people to it.
People are going to come to Elmwood and stay overnight so they can go to Cole's or India Gate? If that is the justification for this project, I fear it will be a disaster.
For this project to be a success, there has to be a viable economic justification. There has to be a reason for people to stay there. The chicken does not come before the egg. If someone can convince me otherwise, I am happy to listen.
dcoffee - 03/04/06 12:49
wait you are trying to tell me that because they tore down a hotel on Forrest and Elmwood in 1901 because it wasn't financially viable, there's no way that one could be successful in 2006? I applaud your research and dedication, but give me a break. This hotel is essentially a sign of Buffalo's turn around, it will enrich your neighborhood by helping your local businesses to thrive. take India Gate for example, they have amazing service and fantastic food, but they can't afford to upgrade their dumpy blue awning. An influx of customers from the new hotel will help them thrive and expand, I’m sure all the businesses in the area will flourish, and that is a good thing. Plus the homes they’re tearing down are dumpy, not architectural treasures. Let this project move forward.
wait you are trying to tell me that because they tore down a hotel on Forrest and Elmwood in 1901 because it wasn't financially viable, there's no way that one could be successful in 2006? I applaud your research and dedication, but give me a break. This hotel is essentially a sign of Buffalo's turn around, it will enrich your neighborhood by helping your local businesses to thrive. take India Gate for example, they have amazing service and fantastic food, but they can't afford to upgrade their dumpy blue awning. An influx of customers from the new hotel will help them thrive and expand, I’m sure all the businesses in the area will flourish, and that is a good thing. Plus the homes they’re tearing down are dumpy, not architectural treasures. Let this project move forward.
02/27/2006 15:12 #21930
BREAKING Hotel News! Meeting tonight!!Sources that want to remain anonymous have said that a meeting for all OPPOSED to the Elmwood Village Hotel is to take place TONIGHT at 7:30pm at 55 Penhurst off Forest Ave. just west of Elmwood. Sources say that Joel Golombeck is also going to attend this meeting. Please spread the word
03/02/2006 19:32 #21931
Old friendsWell...I have heard stories about people who joined MySpace and then out of no where someone from their childhood of 10-15 years ago e-mails them. I never thought it would heppen to me.
I opened my mail on Myspace and saw two messages from two girls. I read them and they both said that they went to elementary school with me. I mailed them back and turns out that I was best friends with both of them through most if not all of my elementary school days. I was quite impressed and shocked. They were apparently bored and were looking through names of people they went to school with and such and I popped up. I think its so cool!!!
Anyways, one had to mail the other to believe it :) So now I am glad to have met up with old friends and hope to hear from more.
Now for the hotel. We managed to delay any decision on the proposal for a maximum of thirty days. The Common Council is expected to meet on rezoning issues and allow the public to voice support or opposition in a public hearing this Tuesday at 2pm in City Hall 13th floor, Council Chambers. I will be there.
Here is my latest news article on the hotel:
Also, there is LITTLE time left to sign the online petition to stop the hotel here:
If you are against it, please sign it if you have not already. And spread the link :)
I opened my mail on Myspace and saw two messages from two girls. I read them and they both said that they went to elementary school with me. I mailed them back and turns out that I was best friends with both of them through most if not all of my elementary school days. I was quite impressed and shocked. They were apparently bored and were looking through names of people they went to school with and such and I popped up. I think its so cool!!!
Anyways, one had to mail the other to believe it :) So now I am glad to have met up with old friends and hope to hear from more.
Now for the hotel. We managed to delay any decision on the proposal for a maximum of thirty days. The Common Council is expected to meet on rezoning issues and allow the public to voice support or opposition in a public hearing this Tuesday at 2pm in City Hall 13th floor, Council Chambers. I will be there.
Here is my latest news article on the hotel:

Also, there is LITTLE time left to sign the online petition to stop the hotel here:

If you are against it, please sign it if you have not already. And spread the link :)
02/27/2006 12:25 #21929
New Article..if anyone caresWell I interviewed Eva Hassett, VP of Savarino construction. My latest article is here: 
Also, time is running out to sign the Stop the Elmwood Village Hotel development petition:
One thing I like that she said:

Also, time is running out to sign the Stop the Elmwood Village Hotel development petition:

One thing I like that she said:
Also, time is running out to signWe would be happy to do one more big public meeting. We will be talking to Forever Elmwood about that on Monday (February 27, 2006). We would like to see if there is support for the new design and we also want to honor the public's request for another meeting. I am hopeful that meeting can take place the week of March 6th.
uncutsaniflush - 02/27/06 14:48
Well, it appears that Eva Hassett told you pretty much the same thing that Sam Savarino and Karl Frizlen, the project's architect, told the Buffalo News last week. Just in case anyone missed the print edition or the electronic edition article in the Buffalo News, I posted a copy of it in my journal last Friday 24 Feb 2006:
some excerpts from the article:
"The smaller hotel would be four stories, with 72 rooms and a traditional roof line that would be just one story taller than most of the neighboring structures.
Karl Frizlen, the project's architect, said the revised design will bring the total square footage of the building down from 45,000 square feet to just under 40,000 square feet.
"Just taking it down a floor will make it appear less massive, but it will still be a significant building, which fits with urban design principles for a major corner like Elmwood and Forest," Frizlen said.
The facade will remain a mix of brick, stone and glass, but the architect is reworking vertical and horizontal elements to mute its mass. "There are design elements we can tweak to make it seem less obtrusive while retaining the density we need for this mixed-use project," Frizlen said.
The building still will incorporate local retail on its first floor, in keeping with the existing mix of shops and restaurants along the Elmwood Strip."
Well, it appears that Eva Hassett told you pretty much the same thing that Sam Savarino and Karl Frizlen, the project's architect, told the Buffalo News last week. Just in case anyone missed the print edition or the electronic edition article in the Buffalo News, I posted a copy of it in my journal last Friday 24 Feb 2006:
some excerpts from the article:
"The smaller hotel would be four stories, with 72 rooms and a traditional roof line that would be just one story taller than most of the neighboring structures.
Karl Frizlen, the project's architect, said the revised design will bring the total square footage of the building down from 45,000 square feet to just under 40,000 square feet.
"Just taking it down a floor will make it appear less massive, but it will still be a significant building, which fits with urban design principles for a major corner like Elmwood and Forest," Frizlen said.
The facade will remain a mix of brick, stone and glass, but the architect is reworking vertical and horizontal elements to mute its mass. "There are design elements we can tweak to make it seem less obtrusive while retaining the density we need for this mixed-use project," Frizlen said.
The building still will incorporate local retail on its first floor, in keeping with the existing mix of shops and restaurants along the Elmwood Strip."
As I recall, there was a local paper that interviewed one of the tenants that would be displaced :::link::: :
- Z
Just one quick point-
The proposed location is near: albright knox, delaware park, buff state.
I.e. not just india gate and coles.
One of the reasons these businesses on Mobius properties have been able to survive is that their rents are way below market value.
Does anyone honestly think that if Mobius was forced to renovate his properties, the rents he charges wouldn't go up at the first opportunity?
Does anyone honestly think that if Mobius sold the properties to, say, Rocco Termini 5 or 10 years ago and Termini renovated the properties that any of these businesses would still be there now?
I don't think so. When a landlord, no matter how naughty or nice, spends hundreds of thousands of dollars to renovate a property, he or she is going to want a return on their investment. And raising the rents is one of traditional ways to insure a higher return on investment.
It is have been reported, and anyone please correct if I am wrong about this, that the businesses in question can't afford to move elsewhere on Elmwood because they can't find new spaces at the same low rents.
This seems to prove my contention that the rents Mobius charges are low for the area.
If he was a better landlord and renovated the properties, these businesses wouldn't be there for the community to love because their rents would have been much higher than they are now.
So, ironically enough, the Elmwood Avenue community has benefitted from Mobius's refusal to upgrade his properties and impose higher rents on his tenants.
Of course, ultimately, that has very little to do with the desirability or lack thereof of a hotel on that corner.
It shouldn't matter if Mobius, Termini, or even Pano himself owns the properties.
It shouldn't matter if the landlord is the Devil incarnate or an avatar of Vishnu or even Michael the Arcangel.
Either it is a good idea to have a hotel at the corner of Elmwood and Forest or it isn't.
Everything is just window dressing.
But that is just me, as always, I could be wrong.
The most terrible part about this argument is that it is predicated on the assumption that Buffalo is a worthless shithole that nobody in their right mind would be caught dead in, unless they were born here and couldn't scrape together the bus fare out. It is insidious because once you believe this, any urban revitalization at all is pointless.
There are many reasons people come to Buffalo:
- Family and friends. The biggest reason people have for leaving Buffalo is that even though they like it here, they can't find a job. These people constitute a large and often overlooked proportion of Buffalo's tourism industry. When they come back to visit, they need a place to stay. Sometimes, this is a couch in the living room. Sometimes, this is a hotel [especially for, eg, weddings & reunions].
- Parents of college students, on Move In Day, Move Out Day, and Shit Hide the Reefer It's Parents' Weekend. Ever wonder why there's always a cluster of hotels around college campuses? Ever wonder why there isn't a single hotel near Buff. State?
- Conventions, seminars, and symposia. This is another large, overlooked piece of Buffalo's tourism industry. As cruddy and weird as our convention center is, they're booked solid, for everything from the Civic Empowerment Awards to the Myofacial Release Seminar. I ain't never heard of myofacial releases, but I bet the people who have make tons of money, and they'll all need a place to stay while they're here.
- Actual tourism. Weird. Aside from one of the seven natural wonders of the world, we also have: Several festivals, including the largest outdoor art festival in the country, drawing exhibitors from all over the United States [all of whom need a place to stay]; architecture that looks like Art Deco himself barfed all over our downtown; sports, including major-league football and hockey teams, fishing, and, oddly enough, surfing :::link::: ; and countless other reasons you might find yourself wondering where to spend the night.
- Z