I feel it was like a where's waldo book. Sitting in the front row looking back at what seemed to be 300 people crammed into a room about 50 long maybe. I looked and looked, and after confirmation from Savarino, Hans Mobius was NOT there.
They ran out of chairs, literally, there were none left for anyone to sit on.
I recorded most of the speech by Sam Savarino and Eva Hassett. I got interviews with both :) I also interviewed Frizlen and Rocco Termini.
So,,,Rocco Termini...He proposed a whole new thing. No hotel, but completely redoing the exisiting structures. Much like what they did on Auburn and Elmwood. He had a brilliant picture and I was totally amazed. Shocked. Perhaps the most suprising thing from him when I interviewed him:
I would be willing to take hold of it myself. Or I would be more than happy to partner with Sam, Sam Savarino.
So...if he wants to develop this himself...why not let him. He is sending me a digital image of his design...and its really nice. And I am glad he would want to do it himself.
So wheres Hans? No one knew. I am begining to wonder just how much he really cares about Elmwood, if at all. I mean wouldn't you show up to a meeting of one of the most talked about projects in Buffalo? I would.
But as soon as I get a picture from Rocco I will post it his way with an image of the hotel...then you can judge...Personally, I go for Rocco.
Hell yea, press pass. that would realy be cool, kick ass. I disagree with you about the hotel design, but more than anything I'm happy that someone else in Buffalo is as passionate about local issues as I am, I hope you get your press pass. You should try browsing some of the links on my page. for others who might be interested in seing hotel specifics, diagrams and etc check here :::link:::
I like that much better...