Informational meeting: Tuesday February 21, 2006, 5:00pm, Burchfield Penney-Art Gallery, Buffalo State College, Rockwell Hall, 3rd floor...
I am a freelance journalist. I write for Wikinews and wrote an article on the issue. It has been on the front page of Wikinews for 2 days now. I wrote the article, interviewed the people and took the picture (both pictures on here too)

Ok everyone. Its time to stop the invasion of the Elmwood Strip again. It's time to come together as one and fight for what we know is right. We NEED to STOP the development of the Elmwood Village Hotel. We cannot let viable parts of Buffalo to be demolished. We need to preserve The Elmwood Strip.

The affected businesses are (that I know the names of): Don Apparel, HOD Tattoo, Skunk Tail Glass and Mondo Video (1109-1121 Elmwood). Residents live in the buildings as well. The business appeal to a large amount of the college students and young adult crowds. It is believed that this is a ploy to change the Strip (north end) to a more "upper-class" scene.
Forever Elmwood's goal for their orgainization is clear:" to preserve and protect the unique and historic nature of Elmwood Avenue and its surrounding neighborhoods and encourage neighborhood commercial revitalization."
This hotel is NOT preserving Elmwood. This hotel is NOT protecting Elmwood. And it does NOT benefit the surrounding neighborhood.
I live in Buffalo. Right around the corner from where this hotel is supposed to be. I live right on Elmwood andfForest and I do not need a hotel. I will never use this hotel. Will you?
They want to call this "progress". Even if it were, how is 80 rooms progress? How is closing seven businesses and forcing residents to move, to build one business progress? 80 rooms....is that really enough to say that "jobs" will be created due to this?

Could we not use "empty space" to build this...like across the street in the "field"?
So much right can be done in Buffalo, and this is NOT one of them. Please STOP this development.
Stop the Elmwood Village Hotel!

Welcome!! Looks like you have some great things to say.
I must admit, I like the idea of making that corner more dense and urban. It’s a city commercial district, and those retail spaces would be more attractive if they were built to the sidewalk with large storefront windows, instead of tucked away in non-descript two family homes. Those businesses are not being removed, the building will be a mixed use development with first floor retail space. I'm all for preservation but these houses are not unique, sure they have nice paint jobs but that's it. Also I'm sure the businesses of the area would benefit from the additional pedestrians a hotel would bring, local businesses need to be reinforced and I see this as a way to do that.
You do have a point about the empty lot on the opposite corner however, not sure what the problem is with building there. But again it think The strip will gain more from the deal than it will lose.
I remember reading this before in a local publication (paraphrasing) -
"Buffalo may be a dump, but its our dump."
Its obviously not a great idea, and the village is kind of going in this direction anyway, but I think the fact of the matter is that few people want it, but I guarantee nobody wants it more than the developer. Eyesore schmeyesore... putting in a pretty hotel that few people will stay in is like trying to turn chicken shit into chicken salad. And I know I ain't biting.
Here is another online journal talking about this :::link:::
It even has a rendering of what it will look like. Man is it huge.
welcome :) i read about this in the artvoice i think...but thanks for the extra info
I am not saying I am in favor of a megaplex hotel moving in next door. However, it would not be the end of my world if a local video store, tattoo parlor, and head shop had a little competition. I like a "college town" feel, but you have to admit those places are pretty dumpy. We don't need to strive to attract the lowest common denominator...
If I where going to build a hotel I would buy the building Subway is in and platoh and that lot and then I would rent space to all thesubway or maybe even buy india gate and rent them the space. I think the owner should give all the businesses space in the new place for the same amount of rent he is charging them now but he problably won't. That Hotel Chain is one of the most Prestious Chains in the world so I'm guessing there will be nothing local in there. I think some compromises could be reached but I know that won't happen.
So you have more infromation about this? Or are their links to drawing of the plans/ a list of what will be demolished to create the hotel?