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10/17/2005 23:19 #20961

yea. i'd still kick his ass
After a rather length discussion with a friend of mine that I haven't talked to in over three years, I decided that if I saw my ex-boyfriend walking down the street, I'd kick his ass.

He's in Chicago now, haha but (e:strip)pers may be privey to a street fight at somepoint. :-p

I feel bad sometimes for not keeping in touch with friends that have moved away. My friend Patrick has been out of Buffalo for over four years now and we talk maybe once a year on the phone. He's so freak crazy its awesome.

In other news... (e:matthew), lechworth looks amazing. I'd like to go see the colors in the southtowns at somepoint.

(e:leetee), do you know if its true that I'd have to give up my US citizenship to apply for Canadien citizenship? I heard you can get a Jamacain citizenship in like three hours?! p.s. sweet pictures of the Terminal! I wish they'd turn it into living and office space. I think that would be so neat.
leetee - 10/18/05 16:28
Oddly enough, i don't know that much about becoming a Canadian citizen, since i was born one. What i do know is more about the US, because i (we, actually, my husband goes through it all right by my side!!) have been going through the immigration stuffs for here. However, i do know that the US does not recognize dual citizenships. Canada used to, when i knew about such things.

But, you don't have to become a citizen of a country to live there, though. I am not a citizen of the US, i am merely a permanent resident... which means,i live here permanently, not temporarily like some student visas. If you are a resident of another country, i don't think you would have to give up your US passport. I think.
mike - 10/18/05 00:56
Is your ex-b/f the one that was at the 10,000 party?

10/11/2005 22:02 #20960

J crew
Is it true that JCrew has stopped making the roll-neck sweater?

I love the roll neck sweater! I know they stopped making them in black, so I boughta navy one last winter.

  • I wish I has something else to talk about besides discontinued clothing.

Anyone familiar with ipoding cars? My brother and I are getting my mom an ipod minifor christmas and we want to get her mini cooper ipoded too.

10/08/2005 20:29 #20959

Long Time No Post
Its been a really long time since I posted something.

Elmwood looks vibrant. I'm glad many of the vacant buildings are being redone.

The Co-Op is cool, but I never went there when it was on Lexington, and I keep forgetting about it when I have to go to the store, so I still shop at Wegmans out of habit.

I went on a shopping spree and bought a PowerBook G4, a case from Timbuk2 and a bag from them as well. They have such cool shit!

I got a lap stand for my laptop too.

I wish I could say something exciting has happened in my life, but nope. Its been really normal. No broken bones, noses, etc.

Work has even been really calm. Go figure.

08/12/2005 20:37 #20958

haha it just occured to me that i never posted anything about the 10k entry party. it was a lot of fun. it was nice to meet everyone. (e:ladycroft) maybe this fall we can go geocaching.

I made a friend at the gym this week. She's in her 60's, retired school teacher and can bench press 185lbs. Its quite fun to lift with her. sadly i think our relationship is short lived. she goes to the gym in the afternoon, I prefer to go in the am. :(

I'm glad this week is over. Work royally sucked, mostly because of a series of misunderstandings and the fact that the scheduling dept at buffalo general hospital is an evil department. Who puts their garbage can underneath the broken tray of the fax machine?! {im not kidding; for the longest time faxes were just falling into the garbage can and no one was pulling them out of the trash}

mike - 09/08/05 00:30
where the heck did you go? you dissapeared off of the face of the internet!
ladycroft - 08/14/05 12:00
You betcha!

08/07/2005 21:44 #20957

Did anyone else happen to catch the small blurb in the newspapers about how the Discovery crew saw huge stretches of land that we have destroyed? Complete forestes just disappeared since the last time the shuttle was up in space?

It was in the paper monday or tuesday I think, it was shortly after the shuttle got into space.

Funny how that isn't on the news at all and a story about our continuted hunt for osama bin laden is. I wonder how regulated the government keeps our news feeds.
paul - 08/07/05 21:44
aI reported on this last week :::link::: , (e:mike) says no one would know because I update to many times per day!
uncutsaniflush - 08/07/05 19:02
One reason for the lack of news coverage is that it is not exactly news. Satellite imagery is easily available and the deforestration of the Amazon basin and areas in Asia and Africa has been reported on fairly often - even in the mainstream press.

The only newsworthy thing about it is that some American Astronauts noticed it and mentioned it to the Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi over the radio.

I don't think that the U.S. government needs to regulate news about the environment, most people just don't care what happens to the planet unless it specifically impacts them or people they know.

Here's a link to the story for those interested: :::link:::