LMAO my friend patrick sent my a link of a .wmv file of janet jackson sunbathing naked. hahaha.
She doesn't look that great
Boxerboi's Journal
My Podcast Link
10/29/2005 10:05 #20966
Janet Jackson is Mostly PlasticCategory: porn
10/29/2005 08:17 #20965
FoodieI cannot stop eating peanut butter. Everytime I'm hungary all I want is a peanut butter anything. I've had it on apples, celery, bread, potato chips, everything.
This is sort of like my Splenda addiction. Anyone have Splenda? I think its really cocaine. Splenda on green peppers is awesome.
This is sort of like my Splenda addiction. Anyone have Splenda? I think its really cocaine. Splenda on green peppers is awesome.
10/28/2005 17:13 #20964
Libby ResignsCategory: politics
Hahaha! I was leaving the law library and caught cnn blaring that Libby resigned. I bet Libby and Rove played rock, paper, scissor to see who was going to take the heat for this one.
I've been using my pto time to take the day off every pay day. We get paid bi-weekly. Its quite nice to do nothing all morning.
I went to Globe for lunch today. What a great place. It was busy and the food was really good. Hands down better than spot.
i need a nap.
I've been using my pto time to take the day off every pay day. We get paid bi-weekly. Its quite nice to do nothing all morning.
I went to Globe for lunch today. What a great place. It was busy and the food was really good. Hands down better than spot.
i need a nap.
10/23/2005 22:27 #20963
ZzzzToday was the first day I've slept in for about five months. It was so nice.
I watched Super Troopers toda; funny movie. I had never seen the entire thing at once.
I rented Big Trouble with Tim Allen and it wasn't that bad either.
I love candy corn. I want some right now. except... ever see the candy corn in the packages at the mobile station on the corner of lexington and elmwood? nasty. Everytime I get coffee, I play with the first bag. A couple of weekends, all the corn was stuck together in one big clump. Today it was mostly free, but still looked nasty.
I watched Super Troopers toda; funny movie. I had never seen the entire thing at once.
I rented Big Trouble with Tim Allen and it wasn't that bad either.
I love candy corn. I want some right now. except... ever see the candy corn in the packages at the mobile station on the corner of lexington and elmwood? nasty. Everytime I get coffee, I play with the first bag. A couple of weekends, all the corn was stuck together in one big clump. Today it was mostly free, but still looked nasty.
10/21/2005 16:11 #20962
Schussmeisters PainCategory: ub
I hate ub. Its so full of bureaucratic bullshit.
I skipped out of work an hour early to go to UB to get my ski pass. I got my dad's id card and my license. That's all the little twerp said I needed that worked there.
I get in line, get to the counter and <<twerp>> says, hey, I waited on your dad last night. So I give him my license and he looks up, verifies all my information, then goes "Oh do you have your birth certificate with you?"
RAR No I didn't bring it because you told my dad that all I needed was my license and when I called from my car on the way over I was told just a license.
So I had to go all the way back home to get my certificate then go back to ub and stand in line. Luckily everyone had to go to class so there wasn't anyone there.
Blah. They were sooo slow too. Everyone was stuffing their fat faces behind the counter and no one was helping the small line that was there. I hate to think about the people that headed there at 5pm.
I remember going to get the passes when I was like 8 and standing in line with my mom and all these alumni that had lugged their framed diplomas with them to prove they were alumni.
Who could we complain to that would even care? I was thinking about it. The stupid fucks behind the counter didn't care how long the line was, no one was going to fire them.
Ugh. at least I got it.
I skipped out of work an hour early to go to UB to get my ski pass. I got my dad's id card and my license. That's all the little twerp said I needed that worked there.
I get in line, get to the counter and <<twerp>> says, hey, I waited on your dad last night. So I give him my license and he looks up, verifies all my information, then goes "Oh do you have your birth certificate with you?"
RAR No I didn't bring it because you told my dad that all I needed was my license and when I called from my car on the way over I was told just a license.
So I had to go all the way back home to get my certificate then go back to ub and stand in line. Luckily everyone had to go to class so there wasn't anyone there.
Blah. They were sooo slow too. Everyone was stuffing their fat faces behind the counter and no one was helping the small line that was there. I hate to think about the people that headed there at 5pm.
I remember going to get the passes when I was like 8 and standing in line with my mom and all these alumni that had lugged their framed diplomas with them to prove they were alumni.
Who could we complain to that would even care? I was thinking about it. The stupid fucks behind the counter didn't care how long the line was, no one was going to fire them.
Ugh. at least I got it.
Dude, she is well over 50. Anything without breasts sagging to the knees is hot at that age.