02/12/16 01:41 - ID#60417
Winter Thing
I started my February off right by a visit from ((e:paul)) ((e:terry)) and ((e:joe))! They came to support our squirrely friend Tom, who was djing at my other friend's bar. It was gaytastic and there was much dancing, mom jeans, little bebe boys, and drinks. I cannot stop dancing this month and i positively REFUSE to stop. All dancing all day. Im dancing right now. The weather was so warm that weekend that we walked around after brunch and it felt like a fine spring day. Cobb's Hill resevoir is pleasant place to view my neighborhood and enjoy a rare hill in this flat ass town. For hangover recovery we watched all the hours of The Great British Baking Show and i'm sorry for so much TV, but it is SO GOOD. you all must watch it at once!! The boys also were able to catch a rare glimpse of my elusive partner Jarrett, who they didn't believe existed.
As i sit in this afternoon sun, i must also pat myself on the back for taking a couple of hideous maroon tables discarded by a past roommate and painting them fucking GLITTER GOLD. i love. I made some paper cutouts to use as negative stencils and let the pink color come through. Then i glossed that shit with Minwax Polyacrylic and it made the glitter even glittery-er! I love that stuff so much, i want to drink it and make my insides shiny. I highly recommend it if you're decoupaging or painting some old furniture and want to gloss it. I am planning to do a Morroccan inspired table painting next. Wintercraft is in full effect here, i also finished a giant infinity scarf and assembled a bench and am now moving on to a giant bookshelf and a rug. What do Buffalonians do when it's freezing and you want to hide in your house?

Why does estrip upload four of pics and then exclude some

Permalink: Winter_Thing.html
Words: 435
Last Modified: 02/12/16 01:53
09/08/15 09:37 - 78.ºF - ID#60214
Brushwood Bittersweets
There was NO ONE at Brushwood, the bored girl at the registration desk looked annoyed that she had to stop smoking and check us in. Jarrett had never been camping before so this was a beautiful place to start! We gathered together to say goodbye as it was the anniversary of Chopstix leaving and so Marc and Holly bought luminaries to set off to remember all of the lost people from this year. It was a lovely send-off, Chopstix' lantern didn't follow the same trajectory as the others and it also hung mysteriously in the air longer than the others without moving. so that was sweet.
Jarrett set off his lantern for his friend Derrick
Holly bought us all bracelets
The weather was beautiful and it was perfect for sunning and swimming and sunning and swimming, the eternal cycle that i love best. i also love not wearing clothing EVER. There were no children in the pool, no people except a few stragglers (i.e. the old people who pay to visit for the day and be nude)
Somehow, Jarrett got into the sugar patch and it really coursed through his veins like pure cocaine. He flipped out and was jumping up and down, dancing on a stump, breaking logs and accidentally smashing a clown.
That place is magical, I thank Casey for inviting me there for the first time. I love it so very much.

Permalink: Brushwood_Bittersweets.html
Words: 328
Last Modified: 09/08/15 09:37
Category: butts, fronts
06/27/15 08:51 - 58.ºF - ID#60085
Things That Happened A Long Time ago

Permalink: Things_That_Happened_A_Long_Time_ago.html
Words: 152
Last Modified: 06/27/15 08:54
Category: surprises, red things, presents
05/20/15 07:15 - 51.ºF - ID#60007
Guns of Navarrone
I fell asleep that night, clicking the little trigger jn my hands happily. ...
The next day i was on the futon again, this time in daylight when i folded back the porch blanket to reveal TWO MORE IDENTICAL RED GUNS. i was in sheer delight!!! The mystery continued until my friend Arden asked me if i got my prize. He had found them at a yard sale and thrown them up two floors to perfectly land on the futon. Thanks arden!!

Permalink: Guns_of_Navarrone.html
Words: 180
Last Modified: 05/20/15 07:16
05/07/15 11:16 - 66.ºF - ID#59982
Anyway, last weekend i went to Allen St Consulting's party because i am a very wealthy client and they handle all of my most delicate taxation affairs with discretion and ingenuity. Or, i like parties. I can't remember. It was fun though. I always enjoy making everyone motorboat my boobs and laying around on the floor playing with Paul's stomach. on the way there, i ran into a flower selling guy on the road and i said hello and he said i was lookin fine, "wish someone would buy me flowers, baby!" I exclaimed. He then walked over and gave me a rose for free. So if you're on Best Ave. buy roses from that guy.

Permalink: Why.html
Words: 144
Last Modified: 05/07/15 11:16
05/07/15 11:03 - 66.ºF - ID#59981
Cherry showdown

Permalink: Cherry_showdown.html
Words: 93
Last Modified: 05/07/15 11:03
04/28/15 09:27 - 42.ºF - ID#59971
Olmstead is my springtime crush
It was the perfect way to end my sweaty work day that was interrupted by a quick fisting at the gyno office and blood work vampires

Permalink: Olmstead_is_my_springtime_crush.html
Words: 138
Last Modified: 04/28/15 09:27
04/27/15 11:50 - 40.ºF - ID#59967
Oh Primavera

My co-workers groom me every day because I can barely brush my hair or put on pants in the morning. The other day, one of them made my hair look like some kind of sea mollusk.

Took a walk with my friend to Cobb's Hill, which is a very charming spot with a view of Rochester and a lovely resevoir. The sun was setting and it made everything glow magically.

Saturday night Liz and I went to see Norm Talley at 45 Euclid. My friend Jim opened for him and he did a really great job. It was definitely a show for househeads, so it was like a family reunion and basically all friends dancing around with each other, which i LOVE and everyone was grinning from ear to ear and hugging each other and it wasn't just from the drugs, either. Buffalo people came down for it too! Norm was great and it was packed and sweaty, the way I like it. Until my friend Alicia started tripping out and got grabby and rapey with everyone, which I found amusing, but apparently other people did not. Even the security guards were in a good mood and were dancing around because there was nothing to be crabby about. Because when the music is good, you can't be too authoritative and douchey.

Permalink: Oh_Primavera.html
Words: 541
Last Modified: 04/27/15 11:50
04/27/15 11:33 - 40.ºF - ID#59966
Sorry E Strip
A couple of weeks ago I went home to visit my family, which was nice. We pretty much sit in the living room and my parents stare at their iPads while i do crafts and we listen to music. so, pretty much like hanging out with anyone these days. Unfortunately, I have to cap off these weekends by going to goddamn church with them on Sunday. It's the WORST. I learned my Instant Daydreaming skills from years of going to church. In any conference, conversation, or listening situation, I can instantly slip into a mind coma without even trying. so while they talk about jesus and behaving yourself at all times, I can be imagining that i'm getting fucked by a unicorn or whatever.
my sister and i do not look alike

I also attended the birthday party of my friend Lindsay, who is shorter than me, so I always like hugging her. Rare occasion for me to feel like the taller one. Arden also had his birthday on the same day.

After the churchy afternoon, I landed in Buffalo and went to a backyard time with Mike and Dave and played a glorious game of night bocce. i am a big fan of everyone throwing balls all at once. when i was in high school i remember making everyone throw dodgeballs and handballs and any kind of balls at the same time because i like the chaos of it and the aesthetic wildness of that one second in time when the air is filled with balls. i guess i just love balls.

you know, instead of beating licorice or bathing licorice, we have EATING licorice. only for special occasions

the farm supply store had little chicks in tubs that you could buy like they were potting soil or something. they were so cute i wanted to make a coat of them. hot chicks.

Permalink: Sorry_E_Strip.html
Words: 354
Last Modified: 04/27/15 11:33
Category: cooking, cheese
03/24/15 07:44 - 38.ºF - ID#59923
Cheesy with Dayna
I was going to film the whole process for him but clearly i have the attention span of a toddler and this is all i got. At least you can learn to make some ricotta!
And you can use our abundant snow drifts for cooking! Harold adored his cheesecake and it was gone in a day.

Permalink: Cheesy_with_Dayna.html
Words: 132
Last Modified: 03/24/15 07:44
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Also i loved coming to Rochester and watching British baking porn! Let's do that and climb hills more often.