07/14/04 07:29 - ID#35568
Fun e:games
And my Genuinely Divine Goddess Name is: Truly Empowered Realist who Reasons Youthfully (yes, like Holly I end youthfully, thank goddess). I think my favorite god to be would be Loki, the Norse god of change and mischief. Here's a quote from some random website about him:
"Loki... is the creature who transgresses all boundaries; even more significant, Loki represents the boundary itself... Loki may most properly be seen as representative of more than either the boundary or the boundary crosser; in the character and role of Loki, the boundary, difference itself, has collapsed. But to say that it 'has collapsed' implies its prior existence, and this does not adequately describe Loki. In Loki that opposition has never been created; what is elsewhere two is one in Loki." -- Karen Swenson
He's always switching sides and creating havoc. He births two monsters who play major roles in the destrucion of the world. Super-duper fun right?
As far as outing aides of congressmen, I don't think that is quite necessary. I mean, if you're black and you wanna work for the KKK that's your (albeit horridly fucked up) perogative. Mary Cheney

But! The amendment hasn't been passed anyway

Permalink: Fun_e_games.html
Words: 337
Location: Buffalo, NY
07/13/04 01:30 - ID#35567
Oh emotion
Is there something beyond?
Or just synapses gone haywire.
Which to trust,
which to deny?
Is there compromise?
I am distracted.
I turned onto a freeway offramp today.
You've got to try it at least once,
or so I told myself.
Can't you wait for more opportune moments
to instigate confusion?
My friend's mother died recently.
She had a dream about icy tunnels
and choices she had no control over.
It played into my frenzy;
coinciding irrationality.
It's hard ro concentrate.
I feel like a teenager again,
raging hormones inspired by traumatic whirls of unreasonable thought.
Does it stop?
Do I want it to?
What is life without chaotic foibles?
Is the pain worth feeling,
even for eventual release?
It must be, else I'd turn it off.
Let myself slide into apathy.
Unfeeling hate.
Yet I linger,
savoring my agony?
So oft I discourage my own emotions.
Turn it off.
Only the facts matter.
Put it in context!
There is no universal suffering.
But, again, why?
Why god(s) why?
I don't need to ask.
It's all here.
I feel the release already.
Thank you muses,
for restoring my equlibrium.
I had but to tell it to the pen.
sidenote: I'm feeling the blues in the night, just click on my userpic and hear.

Permalink: Oh_emotion.html
Words: 219
Location: Buffalo, NY
07/12/04 02:50 - ID#35566
US may delay election

sidenote: new video by Moveon

Permalink: US_may_delay_election.html
Words: 186
Location: Buffalo, NY
07/11/04 02:32 - ID#35565
10 days and counting

Permalink: 10_days_and_counting.html
Words: 35
Location: Buffalo, NY
07/02/04 12:34 - ID#35564
movies.com has the goods

Well, you [inlink]maidencateyes,52[/inlink] can see it at the Dipson which are a bit more localer, but they do have it at the Regal. I'm a bit surprised that the total corporate hack has it, but maybe it's not so bad to see it there. It's all about statement (for me at least, since it's total reeducation and nothing new to my left-ass) so it might be good if one of their highest grossing summer flicks is a left-political dissident film. Check it out!

Permalink: movies_com_has_the_goods.html
Words: 90
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/30/04 01:22 - ID#35563
my pants are falling down!!!
Sucks about the car ms. cateyes! [inlink]maidencateyes,47[/inlink] They're so much trouble. Let's all get trains instead. I want a caboose.

Permalink: my_pants_are_falling_down_.html
Words: 73
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/28/04 11:56 - ID#35562
America at night
-a quote from some random novel I'm reading. Good though, right? Who wouldn't let the angel slice them open to replace the stinking mass that is our flesh? To be replaced by some irrefutable holiness. Some truth? Of course you wonder, whether truth is what we really desire, or just some kind of truth to make us feel better about the stinking bag of flesh we are.
Look at this neat picture of our planet...

Oh America. Seeing you and being happy, but so not happy. Knowing your truth and seeing our truth. The truth of those with power and those without. Lights symbolising eternity, the gems we hope to find within our bodies, our souls. Does light really symbolize that which is desired, don't we all want a little darkness, a little fun? Give me back my rainforests. Take your fucking light. I don't need it anymore.

Oh, how the white world shines. Obviously, exhibting our divine glory. Oh the benefit of whiteness, so close to GOD!

Permalink: America_at_night.html
Words: 256
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/25/04 09:14 - ID#35561
Ridiculous as it is, I am an avid DDRer. I am using it as a kinda workout device. It really gets you sweatin. Like really, I'm dripping after an hour. I am getting pretty good now. I can do the Standard mode but not Heavy. I think you might need to be Asian to do the hardest ones. So Lisa you have to come over, or I need to go over there (you even have fancy nailed-down(?) pads). Left Right Right Up Up Up Down Left Right...

Permalink: DDR.html
Words: 92
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/24/04 01:54 - ID#35560
World through frames

Permalink: World_through_frames.html
Words: 180
Location: Buffalo, NY
06/23/04 01:33 - ID#35559
The game of life
Look. There are no answers. At least none that won't lead to many more questions. What are you looking for anyway. Happiness, love, contentment, adventure? The trick is that every moment is filled with all of these, and more! So maybe the goal isn't finding them, but letting them find their fruition in every possibility. Garbage, you say, you've got to have goals, everything isn't equal, there are such things as good and bad. And yes, opinions do matter. But they're so very fleeting, who can have an opinion for more than a while before it starts changing right beneath their meta-fingertips.
People call me capricious, as if that were a bad thing. As if it was a character flaw that my views are constantly in flux. I tarry on ideas and make them my own, and then before I know it they've morphed, as if with a life of their own, into other concepts. Sometimes I have stored in me completely conflicting ideas that I cling to, knowing that somehow they both make sense but that I haven't quite figured out how they coexist. But I abstain from letting them cancel each other out into some distorted average. The clue will come, that tidbit of knowledge or experience that will allow me to glue the tattered peices into the jigsaw puzzle of reality.
The tapestry is complex and writhes beneath my fingers. Sometimes I lose sight of most of it, intently staring at one singular wonder. Other times the pure vastness of it overwhelms me, I can't see the individual threads. I'm caught up in the overwhelming beauty of the whole. The shining wonder of existence, of being, of scale, pattern, and wholeness. What more is there? We live, we think, we make sense of our environment, that's life (with lots of eating/sleeping/fucking/working in between).
So just relax and break a little wind.
-sidenote: [inlink]robin,205[/inlink] biking is the best (and I really do know tons of cool trails), let's go for a ride.
-sidenote2: [inlink]jill,113[/inlink] Ayn Rand definately has a philosophy. Unfortunately it's kind of twisted and fucked up (yet somehow appealing). Go ahead and read her but make sure you've got lots of questions for her supposed answers.

Permalink: The_game_of_life.html
Words: 476
Location: Buffalo, NY
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