04/06/04 11:56 - ID#35497
many important things

Permalink: many_important_things.html
Words: 222
Location: Buffalo, NY
04/05/04 11:19 - ID#35496
Corporations don't pay their dues

Permalink: Corporations_don_t_pay_their_dues.html
Words: 102
Location: Buffalo, NY
04/05/04 11:15 - ID#35495
Goodbye Lenin

We went to see it last night. It's in German with subtitle. I liked it a lot. Nice to see some good ole Deutschland again. And to hear it, it's such a fun language. The theme is also pretty good, and although it's a somewhat hokey comedy, it deals with the reality of the people who lived in East Germany as the wall came down and their lives were turned upside down. What a strange time to live in. Socialism fading behind you, and the wide world of capitalism beckoning. Trading your role as citizen and comrade for consumer and producer. Awwww. Wie Toll!. So I would reccomend it for anyone who knows German or doesn't mind subtitles. Have fun.

Permalink: Goodbye_Lenin.html
Words: 120
Location: Buffalo, NY
04/04/04 02:17 - ID#35494
Fun time at lilho's pizarty

Permalink: Fun_time_at_lilho_s_pizarty.html
Words: 124
Location: Buffalo, NY
04/02/04 01:43 - ID#35493
Where I want to be

Permalink: Where_I_want_to_be.html
Words: 1
Location: Buffalo, NY
04/02/04 10:54 - ID#35492
12 hours sleep anyone?
-sidenote: Don't trust the new free google email (gmail). They have a new-fangled adbot that delivers personal mail directly to your inbox.

Permalink: 12_hours_sleep_anyone_.html
Words: 410
Location: Buffalo, NY
03/30/04 11:47 - ID#35491
There is only one party!!!
My basic problem is I don't see an end to this teeter-totter of bad to worse and back again. I guess I have to accept the fistfight in the alley cause I honestly can't think of many policy changes that Kerry will enact that will be much different than Bush. Will he pull our troops from Iraq or give over power to the UN? no. Will he pass major corporate reform laws? no. Will he provide health care to all Americans or just make-up some bullshit Medicare 'reform' like Bush? Will he codify civil-unions for same-sex couples? no. Will he find jobs for the millions of unemployed Americans? WIll he honestly enact tax reforms that benefit you and I and not the corporations and the rich? He hasn't convinced me on any of these issues that he is a better choice than Bush.
I am also just annoyed that I am no longer supposed to vote for the candidate whose vision of America is like mine, but rather one who is slightly better than the other. It's so undemocratic. Why even pretend to have a democracy anymore? Since polls were brought up, the over-riding reason people give when asked why they are voting for Kerry is to get Bush out. That is just not right. It's disgusting. The fact that our democracy is in such a shambles that any old rich fucker with a Democrat pin is gonna get half of the country's vote just because he is wearing that pin and not because anyone gives a damn what he stands for is simply appalling. In my opinion a country whose vision of democracy is so off-kilter and so in the hands of big-money and corporations deserves to have Bush for another 4 years. Perhaps he is what we need for people to get their heads out of their asses and to start to think about actual issues and not so much what party they belong to (it had to get that bad before Spain was able to elect a true reform candidate). I also think the threat of Nazimerica is ill-conceived. The idea that we need to sacrifice democracy in order to fend off fascism is rather disinge
s. How are we rejecting fascism by restricing our democratic freedom? It seems more fascist to have elections with only pre-chosen candidates. It's along the same lines that we need to sacrifice our personal freedom and civil liberties in order to have security from our enemies. So, until the democratic party can offer a candidate that represents true change (which was offered in the forms of Kucinich and Mosley-Braun, but again rejected because of 'electability' issues) they aren't getting my vote (unless I suppose the field has been narrowed to its "proper" binary dimensions come election time).

Permalink: There_is_only_one_party_.html
Words: 815
Location: Buffalo, NY
03/30/04 12:51 - ID#35490
They came home rejoicing
-an excerpt from an autobiography published in 1884. It demonstrates one of the market's first excursions into rural America. Today we take for granted that we 'need' certain commercial objects. One of capitalism's first motives involved creating wants, which hopefully transcended to 'needs.' Consumerism is impossible when people are happy with what they have, and in the 1820s subsistence farming gave most families everything they needed, the basics of survival to the comforts of company and association. The market realized from early on that these needs had to be replaced with fabriacted ones. Even though many farm families were perfectly content before the market invasion, as soon as Mr. Smith down the road had bought fancy calico and crockery manly patriarchal pride made anything less for one's own family out of the question. It makes sense in that so much of communal farming was based on the relationships between neighbors, and anything that brought this tenuous balance out of line was a cause for concern. Thus families worked a little bit harder so they could have these new necessities. At first it was just an extra cash-crop of wheat or cotton, but as the availability of ever-more exotic merchandise increased, so to did the price of these items. Families that at one point could comfortably subsist were forced to work harder to gain these modern contrivances. Eventually it wasn't enough to have an extra crop or two, farmers were forced through the entrance of the market and its related concerns (including higher property taxation: after all the roads need to be built and protected to bring the merchandise) to find more ways to realize the goal of capital. Where once cultivation of one's land produced everything necessary, now there were new things to be had and higher prices to be paid. Many faced choices between buying slaves to increase production or mortgaging the farm to get money.
The concept of money was foreign, alien, and unnatural to many farmers. For years they had simply had no need for it. The idea that one's labor could be exchanged for a bit of gold or paper notes was inconceivable. You can't eat it, make clothes from it, and the heat you get from burning it is certainly not worth it. But the new merchants wouldn't except their extra foodstuffs. For decades it was natural that you would trade once a year or so an extra cow or abundant crop for a tool or bauble that was not otherwise obtainable. Now the merchants wouldn't take it, they wanted specie, money. This concept is at the core of how America was forcibly catapulted into the market revolution. The desires were built, the money was made available (if at extroadinary cost), and the roads were paved with the blood (taxes) of the farmers. And, I guess today is just a hop skip or leap from then. Of course we have a pretty perfected system now. Barely anyone has any relation to their own survival. But, the basic tenets are the same: create want, make commodities available, and make the money (still at pretty extroadinary cost), the rest, as they say, is cake.
So I'm getting most of this from a book. The Market Revolution by Charles Sellers. It's one of the first real history books I've read for pleasure and I am enjoying it more than I would have thought. You can't understand the present without a grasp of the past. Nothing makes sense in a void. And our current situation is hardly a void. It is a totally foreseeable consequence of choices made by generations of men (and yes they're almost all men) bent on changing the nature of how people lived their lives. So far their vision has been realized in extents I am sure they could never have dreamed of. I wonder if they could see it wha
ey would think and if they would have made the same choices. In any event I have to reccomend history. Yes, a pretty broad statement. But from one who never thought he was interested, it bears a second glance. I will probably post more pertinent tidbits as I traverse the rocky terrain of the market. Stay tuned...
...and please: try to get grannie off the snuff!

Permalink: They_came_home_rejoicing.html
Words: 752
Location: Buffalo, NY
03/29/04 11:00 - ID#35489

Permalink: disgusting.html
Words: 65
Location: Buffalo, NY
03/28/04 06:21 - ID#35488

Permalink: ARTBOMB_.html
Words: 9
Location: Buffalo, NY
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